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Writers ALL! What I believe about writers by Josh Thompson adapted from Tommy Tomason (1993) & Brenda Ueland (1938/1987)

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Presentation on theme: "Writers ALL! What I believe about writers by Josh Thompson adapted from Tommy Tomason (1993) & Brenda Ueland (1938/1987)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writers ALL! What I believe about writers by Josh Thompson adapted from Tommy Tomason (1993) & Brenda Ueland (1938/1987)

2 Everybody is talented

3 Everybody is original

4 Everybody has something important to say

5  Teachers should respond first to ideas,  and then, as they teach editing, to scaffolding (the format, the paragraph structure, the grammar, spelling, and punctuation, etc).

6  Perhaps people (teachers) never listened to what you had to say.  Perhaps people (teachers) spent too much time correcting your spelling, verb use, paragraph development, etc.

7  Perhaps you will give people (teachers) (ME!) a second chance to hear what you have to say.

8 Prayer for a non-writer Help! I am trapped in here. I know many ways to reach out, many ways to touch people, to communicate, and I enjoy sharing, caring, and reaching others.

9 Prayer for a non-writer But my writing has suffered a crippling loss. Can you help me? Can you hear me? Can you take my broken words, my feeble works, and use them to reach others, to teach them to become writers, too? Amen.


11 Writers ALL! What I believe about writers by Josh Thompson adapted from Tommy Tomason (1993) & Brenda Ueland (1938/1987)


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