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StuartNet: A location-aware multimedia tour system.

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Presentation on theme: "StuartNet: A location-aware multimedia tour system."— Presentation transcript:

1 StuartNet: A location-aware multimedia tour system.

2 Outline  Introduction & Process  Frank Uyeda  Presentation by Workflows Requirements  Erez Perelman & Matt Ferlo Architecture  Rares Saftoiu Implementation  Barry Demchak & Lucas Lee

3 The Stuart Art Collection  Founded in 1982 under an agreement between the University and the Stuart Foundation  15 sponsored art pieces located across the UCSD campus  Numerous visitors and tours each year.

4 Overview  Goal: Mobile location-aware multimedia tour system  Objectives Design Artifacts (process documents, architecture & design, software) Working prototype system Customer Satisfaction (Stuart Collection)  Challenges Several unknowns (requirements, platform, team abilities) Very short time scale.

5 An Agile Process  Customized the Rational Unified Process  Four Workflows Requirements Architecture Implementation Testing  Four Phases Inception (1 week) Elaboration (1 week) Implementation (2.5 weeks) Transition (0.5 weeks)

6 Agile Process Cont.  Six roles Process Manager Business Manager Requirements Manager Architect Developer Tester

7 Team Results  Focused and frequent customer interaction  Several iterations on each workflow  Team meetings twice per week  Weekly progress reports and feedback from Prof. Krueger  Archived all artifacts on the web

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