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2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 2 Energy Security What does it really mean ? January 16, 2013.

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2 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 2 Energy Security What does it really mean ? January 16, 2013

3 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 3 3 Energy Security Renewables/Diversified Generation Energy Surety National Security

4 4 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 4 UCSD to Military Citation: UCSD Byron Washom - 2012 From Labs and Universities …. … To Reality

5 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 5 5 Regional Energy Security Citation: NAVFAC SW Bernie Lindsey - 2012

6 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 6 6 Net Zero Achieved Power Analytics Citation: Virtual Smart Grid Net-Zero Decision tool - SPAWAR 2012

7 2013 ADC INSTALLATION INNOVATION FORUM | PAGE 7 7 Questions or Follow-up Raj Chudgar Power Analytics VP of Business Development, SmartGrid/Microgrid 832-722-6388

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