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Promotions Case Study: Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe Marketing 1030 - Ahmad Kareh Collaborated on by: Brayden Jones, Brandon DeBoer, Hayley Broadhead,

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Presentation on theme: "Promotions Case Study: Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe Marketing 1030 - Ahmad Kareh Collaborated on by: Brayden Jones, Brandon DeBoer, Hayley Broadhead,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Promotions Case Study: Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe Marketing 1030 - Ahmad Kareh Collaborated on by: Brayden Jones, Brandon DeBoer, Hayley Broadhead, Casey Ewing, and Kristy Holt August, 6 th 2015

3 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Using a mix of TV and Radio ad's supplemented with aggressive social media advertising and co-branding sponsorship to inform the target consumer that Tabasco is the only sauce worth their money.

4 Target Audience: Millennial’s Hot sauce is currently one of the top 10 fastest growing industries in the United States. After looking into this, it can be attributed to younger Americans requesting spicier foods. Due to this recent rise in sales revenue, we have chosen to target the millennial age group as our target audience to market Tabasco’s new 7-spice chili recipe.

5 Radio Script "Hey Max?" "Yeah Tom" "My burrito is really plain tasting! any suggestions on how to make it taste better?" "Tom you should try just a sprinkle of Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe, it will give you the great taste your looking for." (Max hands Tom a bottle) "Its Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe! It is Brand New! its from deep in Louisiana Cajun country. Where they age it over oaken vats, and use chili's they buy from Mexico's Yucatán, Peninsula!" (Tom puts some on his burrito) "MMMMM.... Your right Max this stuff is the best! it gives my burrito just the right amount of kick!" "I told you so Tom! the best thing about Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Recipe but do not forget our original 7 recipes! Green Pepper sauce, Chipotle pepper, Buffalo, Habanero, Garlic, and Sweet and Spicy. So your taste buds will never get board of the great tasting Tabasco sauce!"

6 Scene: Camera opens to a desolate mountain top littered with bones, broken armor, and scorched battle standards. A Knight moves into frame as he walks towards a ominous looking cave in the background. Script: (no dialog) Sounds: TV Commercial

7 Scene: Knight is seen walking to the foreground. As he nears the silhouette of a dragon rises Script: (booming deep voice) Dragon: Who dares enter my domain!? Knight: Tis I, The famed dragon slayer from the MIDWEST! I have come to end you dragon!!! Sounds:

8 Scene: Dragon can now be seen full frame, Knight Hurls spear towards dragon Script: (no dialog other than exertion sound from knight) Sounds:

9 Scene: Close up of spear shattering on dragon’s scales, cut to close up of dragon laughing, says line than begins to suck in, smoke billows out of his flared nostrils and his horns begin to glow a fiery orange. Script: Dragon: (laughs) Is that your best dragon slayer? Now let me give you a taste of true power! Sounds:

10 Scene: Dragon lunges forth spewing a stream of fire (sound 1) knight is seen hiding behind his shield in foreground, barely protecting himself from the inferno…after the fire stops the knight quickly discards his shield as it begins to melt (sound 2) Script: (no dialog) Sounds:

11 Scene: Dragon Talks while frame shows knight reaching into knapsack and retrieving a jar of Tabasco 7-spice Chili Recipe Mix and then loading it into a sling Script: Dragon: (still laughing) Is this the best the Midwest has to offer!? Have you nothing stronger!? (laughs) Sounds:

12 Scene: Knight begins spinning sling around and around Script: (Dragon can still be heard laughing) Sounds:

13 Scene: Bottle is seen flying through the air (sound 1) and into the Dragons laughing mouth. It hits with a crash (sound 2) and the Dragon immediately stops laughing. Camera slowly zooms into the dragons face as his eyes begin to water and steam begins to exit his ears Script: (Dragon laughing than a gulping noise) Sounds:

14 Scene: Dragon says lines as he begins to stumble and whimper before ultimately passing out and hitting the ground with a thud Script: Dragon: The spices….I have never tasted something with such heat……and flavor…… Sounds:

15 Scene: Knight turns towards camera and raises visor revealing celebrity member of UFC promotion. They then hold up the jar and say the slogan which is also displayed in titles in the upper right of the screen. (This identity is to tie into the UFC sales promotion). Script: Knight: K.O. your taste buds with TABASCO!! Sounds:

16 Consumer Oriented Sales Promotion Co-Branding opportunity with the UFC to run a giveaway that would give the winner a VIP trip to UFC 194, and to meet the fighters. Your Taste Buds Purchase the new Tabasco 7-Spice Chili Mix for a chance to win the “KO Your Taste Buds” giveaway. Which will allow you and a friend to fly to Las Vegas for a VIP trip to UFC 194, and meet the fighters. K.O.

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