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Islam in Africa and Asia Chapter 8. Islamic Achievements  Muslims during the Islamic Empire developed innovations that are still used today because:

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Presentation on theme: "Islam in Africa and Asia Chapter 8. Islamic Achievements  Muslims during the Islamic Empire developed innovations that are still used today because:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam in Africa and Asia Chapter 8

2 Islamic Achievements  Muslims during the Islamic Empire developed innovations that are still used today because: – The Islamic world was rich, diverse and creative. Greeks, Chinese, Hindus, Arabs, Persians, Turks and others all contributed. –Muslims helped spread ideas as well as goods along their trade routes that connected Asia, Europe and Africa. –Scholars read about and preserved Greek and Roman ideas.

3 The Islamic Empire at its height:

4 Prior to the Arrival of Islam North of the Sahara had been part of classical civilizations (Phoenician, Greek outpost, Carthage Roman province) Lack of political unity Secret societies handle disputes No need to tax b/c don’t have to support a bureaucracy Social—organized by lineage and age Unifying force – Religion—animism and ancestors – Language--Bantu

5 Arrival of Islam 640-700 CE Attraction Abbasids provided some political stability Equality within a community of believers made it easier to accept new conquerors and rulers  egalitarian Unite state & religion under 1 helped reinforce the authority of African kings — caliph BUT locally divided by social, ethnic and gender

6 Kingdoms and Trade Camel caravans couldn’t survive in the forests so the Sahel became a point of exchange Mali Mansa Musa 1312-1337 *pilgrimage *brought back scholars *trade protection *cosmopolitan court life *tolerant *gold, salt, dates—

7 7 Introduction of Islam to Northern India Arabs conquer Sind (north- west India), 711 Mixed population, but held by Abbasid dynasty to 1258. Mahmud of Ghazni raids into India, 1001-1027 Plunders, destroys Hindu and Buddhist temples –Often builds mosques atop ruins

8 8 Conversion to Islam 25 million converts by 1500 (1/4 of total population) Possibilities of social advancement for lower-caste Hindus –Rarely achieved: whole castes or jatis convert, social status remains consistent

9 9 Sufis Personal, emotional, devotional approaches to Islam Important missionaries of Islam to India Some flexibility regarding local customs

10 10 Merchants and Islam Arabic trade with India predates Islam Dominated trade between India and the west to 15 th century Established local communities in India –E.g. Cambay

11 What role did trade play in the Islamic Empire? Trade played an important role in the Islamic Empire: –The Muslim world was connected to a series of important trade networks in Africa, Asia, & the Indian Ocean –Trade routes increased cultural diffusion –In addition to spreading Islam, Muslims borrowed & spread Indian, Greco-Roman, Persian, & Chinese achievements

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