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Approvals & Workflow changes resulting from the upgrade Sherrie Kutzler, director of Accounting Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Approvals & Workflow changes resulting from the upgrade Sherrie Kutzler, director of Accounting Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approvals & Workflow changes resulting from the upgrade Sherrie Kutzler, director of Accounting Services

2 Approach Recommendations from approvers –Multiple alternate approvers (pool) –Consistency in look and function New delivered functionality –Approval WorkCenter

3 Alternate Approvers Today: –One primary, one alternate –Escalation period on some transactions (five day wait before alternate may act) –Escalated transactions no longer accessible to primary approver

4 Alternate Approvers After upgrade: –One primary, multiple alternates (a pool of alternates) –Primary and alternates can all access transaction immediately –Transaction stays on primary approver’s work list until acted upon

5 Consistency Actions available to approvers –Approve –Send back –Hold Approvers with multiple roles only need to approve once See which other approvers associated Inquiry access to data entry screens

6 Consistency

7 WorkCenter Can be used instead of or in addition to: –Worklist (for primary approvers only) –Direct navigation to PS approval pages Key navigation and resources available Lists transactions by role and type

8 WorkCenter

9 Questions? Email Web site Watch the full sneak peek on approvals

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