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1 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) October 18, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) October 18, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) October 18, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM

2 2 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Schedule Status STATIC, SWIA on critical path –12 weeks margin to delivery to LM –Improved over last month due to reprioritization of tasks and reassessment of assembly and test durations –Critical Path runs through electronics fab & test –Progress on getting boards into flight fab this month, but still taking longer than planned –Indications that board loading at subcontractors may take longer than planned Some high-priority boards can be done in-house Have brought on a fabrication manager to shepard boards through loading –Recent deliver issue with ACC/MCP multiplier from VMI Test Schedule work-arounds being considered (start early testing with EM ACC/MCP) as we cannot run 15KV supply in air we would not notice if it is there or not for early tests –Holding PFP package integration date for now April 2012 SWIA/STATIC calibration may not be complete at that time, get completed after package I&T

3 3 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Accomplishments EM progress: –All EM testing complete except: STATIC calibrations REG #2 testing Tracking some issues discovered in EM test –More information in instrument sections –Not holding up flight fab –LPW preamp qual model through thermal cycle tests FM Electronic Progress: –12 PFP flight PWB fabricated, 5 loaded and in test MAG MAD boards, SWEA IRAP boards in test –6 boards in PWB fabrication –6 boards out for quote –4 boards through review and in final adjustments before fab –3 boards still in layout REG, STATIC LVPS, STATIC ACC/MCP FM Mechanical –LPW, SEP, MAG, SWEA mechanical parts all out to fab Most parts in assembly –SWIA, STATIC, PFDPU getting out to fab now FSW Boot code tested Flight harness fabrication started NCAS audit completed More in instrument sections…

4 4 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SDT working groups Get FM PWBs all out to fab Get FM PWBs loaded Get all SWIA/STATIC FM mechanical into fab Get board level thermal and PSA complete

5 5 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 PFP RFA Status

6 6 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Trades, Issues Working on an analysis to decide if the PFDPU mechanical design needs to be augmented to support the PWBs to avoid excessive displacements in vibe –Reached agreement on solution (DFB stiffener characteristics) –Adds mass to PFDPU to enhance stiffness of chassis. –Held final TIM, waiting on comments from Seke SOTA resistor alert –Ordering replacements where delivery time allows –Have screening plan in place for existing parts –CLOSED PFDPU Thermal conduction to deck –Current design does not meet ICD –Modifying deck mounting to increase conductivity

7 7 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Thermal Status Working on board level thermal analyses –Board analysis model in place and providing results and feedback into layouts –Some thermal data from a few board leads still outstanding

8 8 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Top Risks Retired SOTA resistor risk – screening plan Mitigated PWB coupon risk – backup board fab

9 9 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Risks List

10 10 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 PFP Mass No change this month

11 11 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Mass Tracking Chart

12 12 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 PFP Power Measured STATIC EM power converter efficiency below expectations reduces operational power margins to near zero

13 13 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 PFP Power Trend

14 14 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 PFP Data Rate Latest allocations per TRAS –Including pending CCR364

15 15 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Life Testing SEP Attenuator life test complete SWEA door mechanism identical to STEREO LPW relay life test complete LPW deployment life test completed SWIA, STATIC attenuator life test completed SWIA, STATIC door mechanism functional, life test started –10 actuations completed so far between 2 units –life test is 16 actuations

16 16 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Requirements Verification Status Boot software Acceptance Test completed, but want to repeat it with the ’final’ version of the DCB FPGA before programming the flight PROM LPW Qual Model thermal vac completed successfully STATIC second round EM VTMT completed successfully Type# Requirements# Verified FRD1070 ERD1050 ICD1430 FSW – Op1919.5 FSW - Boot68

17 17 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status October 2011 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead

18 18 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SWEA Status IRAP –FM sensor final assembly: done –FM Calibrations (part B): 25% –Spare boards tests/calibrations: done SSL –FM Digital mods design & review: done –FM LVPC mods re-design & re-review: done –FM Digital PWB fab: in progress (expected 11/7) –FM LVPC magnetic wind & test (in progress) –Digital test procedure: done –LVPC test procedure: 90% FM Sensor and Front- end Electronics

19 19 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SWEA Issues Short in inner toroidal grid of SSL EM Short located and repaired Electrical connections for all sensor surfaces tested and found to be correct: V0: top cap, inner toroidal grid, outer hemisphere, exit grid Ground: outer hemisphere, case Deflector voltages: upper and lower deflectors Analyzer voltage: inner hemisphere Further investigation of charging anomaly Both SSL and IRAP EM’s exhibit the charging anomaly. For the SSL EM, Nuflon removed from the top cap and then the entire part was plated with gold. Tests were repeated, and the same charging anomaly was observed. Testing at IRAP shows that MAVEN FM does not exhibit this behavior. Further testing of SSL EM will planned for week of 10/24 (repeat vacuum chamber tests on EM with the top cap assembly, outer hemisphere, and deflectors removed  isolate location of the issue)

20 20 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status October 2011 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead

21 21 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SWIA Progress Electrical Progress –All EM boards built, tested, and integrated –FM layouts in progress All FM layouts fully reviewed Anode and Digital in fabrication, other three out for quote Mechanical Progress –EM fully assembled and tested functionally with ion source in calibration chamber to verify optics design and data acquisition –Successfully passed re-vibration after staking fasteners –Attenuator testing complete –Most FM drawings complete, some FM parts out for fabrication, others in review Calibration –All optics and detector performance nominal, with good agreement with expectations from simulation –All EM testing complete –New manipulator now installed in new cal chamber for FM testing

22 22 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SWIA Issues EM electronics noise –Higher than desired levels of electronics noise in EM system, apparent only when full sensor assembled Almost certainly a grounding issue Provisions in place to tie grounds together better for FM –Still finishing some testing to determine root cause, but we believe a solution has been found, and no delay in FM fabrication is expected Board fabrication process –Confusion over details of IPCC requirements delayed process –Delays in settling on readme file and fab document formats delayed process still further –Delays in PCB material procurement delayed process a little bit more –All these issues seem to be resolved now, but the whole process took far too long

23 23 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 EM Calibrations Complete SWIA energy/angle response within expected range of simulations, and meets all requirements with room to spare

24 24 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status October 2011 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead

25 25 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 STATIC Accomplishments EM foils mounted for full up STATIC EM testing Filters added to EM MCP/Grid HVPS were modified/tested in vacuum Prototype MCPs in EM anode were tested with 16.5 kV on TOF for field emission and arcing – background acceptable after MCP scrubbing and vacuum pumping for a few days VTMT test completed for EM2 Preamp Digital board EM2 tested, layout errors corrected, flight PCBs ready for fabrication after PCB material selection TDC ADC latchup protect subsystem in FPGA specified, designed and simulated Mechanical attenuator relaxation time testing and drawings complete Mechanical parts database for flight fabrication created New cal chamber ready to sensor testing w/o ion gun

26 26 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 STATIC Digital EM2

27 27 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 STATIC Ongoing Work Carbon foil mounting equipment moved to 320 clean room for flight foil mounting – waiting on minor test equipment (cables) TDC EM2 PCB fabricated, loading in process, (for parallel testing) Anode/Preamp/TDC flight fab is waiting on Hatch/Dalen to finalize mounting hole changes to accommodate thermal dissipation, and PCB material selection. Sweep HVPS layout complete and RFQ submitted, awaiting thermal approval and PCB material selection. High level data products generated by FPGA being tested/validated by Abiad and with independent software developed by Kortmann TDC ADC latchup protection needs testing in next version of FPGA Ion Gun integration with new cal chamber in process. Completed A/E testing on a sample of black nickel – awaiting report

28 28 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 STATIC Open Issues LVPS efficiency problems – modifications in process –Awaiting LVPS modifications so the entire analyzer and EM electronics can be tested as a unit in vacuum – subsystem testing complete. EM LVPS ~200 kHz noise needs testing with SWP HVPS

29 29 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP SEP Status October, 2011 Davin Larson, SEP Lead David Glaser, SEP ME Miles Robinson, SEP EE

30 30 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SEP Accomplishments DFE –Board in production (delivery expected next week). –Board will be stuffed in house. –Kitting in progress. –Assembly directions in progress DAP –Layout completed. –BOM being checked over Detectors –0 and 300 VDA applied to 2 wafers. –Diced. – testing has begun at LBL –Delivery promised for next week. Mechanical –All parts except outer shells delivered –Painting tests started.

31 31 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SEP Open issues Observed cross talk issue. –Reasonably certain it is only due to test pulse – cross talk should not be encounter with real signals. Notice 3 occurrences in which DAP Actel does not wakeup properly after turn on. –Always successful after power cycle. –This issue has not been observed again. – not reproducible. –Will keep open.

32 32 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP DCB, Power Converter & GSE Status October 2011 Dorothy Gordon Timothy Quinn Peter Berg Chris Tiu

33 33 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 DCB Status DCB and FLIGHT FPGA Daughter Boards  Flight PCB Layout  Fabrication Quotes received for both DCB and FPGA Flight Daughter Board, boards to go out shortly.  Parts Stress Analysis has been approved. o DCB FPGA  Rev 11 is in test  Generates “Instrument Active” Indicator for the REG board.  DCB Diagnostics  Development continues on the DCB Diagnostic Test Suite  Cause of Telemetry Message subsystem SYNCH/LENGTH errors has been identified (just an artifact of power-cycling the instrument when using the MISG). A change is being made to the MISG to increase system robustness.

34 34 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 GSE Status (1) MISG Hardware/Firmware Six new MISG Boards have been built and delivered Awaiting board level checkout GSEOS Additional GSE instruments were integrated into GSEOS to allow for monitor and control. These include: - Agilent Digital Multimeter - Keithley Picoammeter - Bertan Series 225 High Voltage Supply - Stanford Research Systems DS345 Signal Generator - DAQPad - Relay Control DAQ Device

35 35 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 GSE Status (2) High Fidelity Simulator (PFP-HFS) Parts have been ordered in readiness for build/test Delivery planned for February 2012

36 36 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Power Converter Status (1) REG board –Efficiency optimization continues –Subsystems checked out on the second REG board –Actuator switching –Housekeeping –Output preload circuit (pending instrument enables) built and installed –Magnetics development is near completion –Improved instrument current monitor circuitry designed and built –Housed on daughter board –Ready for testing/characterization

37 37 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Power Converter Status (2) IIB Board Magnetic component optimization is ongoing 35 of 38 magnetic components have been optimized Their drawings are ready to for release Parts Stress Analysis has been approved by GSFC FM layout is process, undergoing final review

38 38 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status October 4 2011 Peter Harvey

39 39 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Boot Status Interface Documents, Meetings Updated Software Test Plan, MAVEN_PF_FSW_006_STP.doc Wrote Software Users Manual, MAVEN_PF_FSW_007_SUM_BOOT.doc Wrote Software Maintenance Plan, MAVEN_PF_FSW_008_SMP.doc Prepared SwATR Presentation  IV&V  None  FSW Development Comments/other minor changes to Boot FSW during period Completed Action Items from Boot SwATRR  Test Status (FPGA revision 10) Incorporated CDI Readback electronics Incorporated CDI Readback into scripts Long Duration Stress Test, MAVEN_PF_FSW_025_LDS_110917.doc Comprehensive Performance Test, MAVEN_PF_FSW_023_CPT_110921.doc Boot Inspection Report, MAVEN_PF_FSW_024_Inspection.doc Wrote Version Descriptor, MAVEN_PF_FSW_027_VDD_V102.doc Dates coming up  TBD – Boot FSW ATR  TBD – Boot Test with Actuators  TBD - PROM Burn

40 40 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Operational Status Interface Documents, Meetings Reviewed new DFB ICD  DCB HSK going from 32 to 24 qty -> Mod needed to Ap, CTM, Code Arranged Larger PROM (32 KB) in flight case, 16KB in Diag Case = better margins  New Requirements  Monitor Actuator status (2-bit version) being added to Level 5  IV&V None  FSW Development Inspected Differences between Boot & Op  Updated Op as needed  Developing Solid State Recording Module (SSR) to verify DCB Flash Hardware  Test Status/Tools Using DVF ETU#002 Wrote MVNSLOC to help make SLOC metrics for all sources Issues –FLASH memory is not the same as in RBSP! –Does not implement the same status flags!

41 41 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Test Environment  GSEOS Status:  Parity Configuration (Cancelled) CDI recording Completed Error in Checksum Calculation Found and Corrected (SPR002)  Instrument simulation (in progress)  Limit checking error messages (uses raw values, not converted) GSEOS Python Test Scripts, Displays Complete for now FSW Development Platform: Configured for Boot Testing Instrument CDI Recording Added Testing Personnel: No changes

42 42 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SPRs and SCRs

43 43 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Metrics Chart

44 44 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Defect Chart

45 45 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Fever Chart 1.Boot testing is falling behind based upon all sorts of sideline interrupts.

46 46 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Safety and Mission Assurance Quarterly Status Report (QSR) OCTOBER 2011 Jorg Fischer, PFP SMA

47 47 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 OCTOBER SMA SUMMARY QA organized and prepared for the NASA A3 (formerly known as NCAS) audit during the month of September. We gave a presentation for this follow-up assessment, presenting the progress made and items closed. The audit was performed Sept 14 th through Sept 16 th by four assessors and three observers. No critical findings were reported. We received FM parts from GSFC and started on FM parts kits, prepared and supported SOW and PWA fabrication and assembly preparation efforts. Supported ESD and calibration checks. Alert checks were postponed until beginning of next month.

48 48 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 OCTOBER SUMMARY QA hosted and attended a SSL Safety Committee meeting with UCB EH&S inspectors. Support of FSW reviews and inspections was provided (see FSW detail slide). A schedule for FSW software reviews and inspections was set. Operators attended NASA workmanship training classes. The QA team produced pre-tabbed MAVEN Travel Book Documentation Binders and distributed them to the EEE and Mechanical teams. Part of the package are Power and Mate-Demate forms, Boiler Plate Assembly Control Instructions, and Rework-Repair Forms.

49 49 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 SMA Backup

50 50 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 NASA A3 audit QA organized and prepared for the NASA A3 (formerly known as NCAS) audit during the month of September. We gave a presentation for this follow-up assessment, presenting the progress made and items closed. The audit was performed Sept 14 th through Sept 16 th by four assessors and three observers. No critical findings were reported.

51 51 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 FSW - Software Software review and inspections Please refer to Peter Harvey’s monthly report –MAVEN Critical Command Handling –MAVEN PF Boot SwATRR Scripts Review 8/26/2011 MAVEN Boot FSW Walkthrough Boot FSW Fault protection SCR 001 - MAG-SEP Message Collision 002 - UDP Checksum Errors Reported SPR N/A Please refer to Peter Harvey’s monthly report A schedule for software reviews and inspections was set.

52 52 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MATERIAL PARTS CONTROL Weekly PCB meeting – refer to minutes. Incoming inspections for active flight parts: - Item was shipped with pick poly material -No shipping documents were provided. -Resolution: Documented and contacted vendor. Vendor promised to sent the appropriate and required documents.

53 53 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MATERIAL PARTS CONTROL UCB SSL QA consulted on layout and PC board fabrication specifications and standards, PCB connector and wire modifications, and supported Read Me file, SOW, and PO specifications. Layouts package review and submittal to PWB vendor RFQ processing and reviews QA supported flight fastener order. QA cleared one cabinet for flight fasteners in the bonded storage room 220. QA received active flight parts from GSFC. Parts are stored in the bonded storage room 220.

54 54 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 MATERIAL PARTS CONTROL Kitted the FM Harness - completed Kitted the EM DCB Daughter board - completed Kitted the FM LPW Preamp - completed Kit for SWIA LVPS – started, in progress Kit for SWEA LVPS – started, in progress

55 55 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 ESD & CALIBRATION CONTROL ESD Control Plan –Revision A was released –Revised ESD Protected Areas List –Class 0 workstation location and procedure research in progress. –Received ESD S6.1 GND test data, for the annual verification ESD Checks and Surveys –Performed ESD checks – no issues –Internal ESD MAVEN surveys for GSFC ESD Damage Prevention –Small ESD part cabinets were ordered Calibration Database –Revised and updated database

56 56 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 ALERTS Alert Responses The alert response was delayed, because the MAM was on travel. Alerts will be responded to on or before the deadline of Oct. 15 th 2011. Results will be reported in the October 2011 report.

57 57 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Documentation and Records Documents produced, updated, or reviewed: SOW – for all PWBs produced READ ME FILE for all PWBs revised and updated Cal Data base – revised and updated ESD check data base – revised and updated Tech Note: Handling and Usage of Arlon 85NT prior to and during PCB Fabrication - produced, reviewed PWB fab specifications – updated Incoming Inspection Report sheet – revised. Pre-tabbed Travel Book Binders were produced and given to the MAVEN EEE and Mechanical teams

58 58 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Industrial Safety / Training QA hosted and attended a SSL Safety Committee meeting with UCB EH&S inspectors Training database updated Classes scheduled for operators to attended NASA workmanship classes

59 59 PFP QSR, 10/18/2011 Ongoing Work Support of Project planning, procurement, fabrication, and assembly processes. Other activities included the normal, ongoing participation in team and instrument meetings, parts and test discussions, documentation reviews and comments for procurements. QA provided stockroom, shipping, and parts services to MAVEN.

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