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Tracking Project Concepts in PMIS GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop April 5 – 7, 2011 Da Lat, Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Project Concepts in PMIS GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop April 5 – 7, 2011 Da Lat, Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Project Concepts in PMIS GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop April 5 – 7, 2011 Da Lat, Vietnam


3 PMIS Interfaces

4 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT LIST SCREEN for an OFP Soon, the first screen for an Operational Focal Point after login to PMIS will be The Concepts screen. Here, OFPs can enter, modify or print project concepts and monitor those they have submitted to Agencies. Workflow for Project Concepts

5 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN The section Project Concepts contains its core information as entered by the OFP. Workflow for Project Concepts

6 OFPs have the option to add an additional point of contact – such as a desk officer or technical team member to be copied on emails generated through PMIS

7 After the initial concept is saved a Concept ID will be created. Once a Concept ID is created then documents can be attached.

8 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN Once a Project Concept is created additional fields will become available for editing and OFPs will be able to submit the Project Concept to Agencies or drop the concept. Workflow for Project Concepts Once a Project Concept is accepted by an Agency an OFP no longer has the option to drop the concept!

9 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN The section Action Dates displays the sequence of Project Concept status changes according to the actions by the OFP or Ageny. Workflow for Project Concepts

10 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT PRINTOUT Both OFPs and Agencies can print a Project Concept directly from their Project Concept List screens by clicking on the respective icon: Workflow for Project Concepts

11 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT EMAIL Both OFPs and Agencies can e-mail a Project Concept directly from their Project Concept List screens by clicking on the respective icon: Workflow for Project Concepts Documents attached to the Project Concept record will also be attached to the e-mail

12 PROJECT CONCEPT SUMMARY REPORT for an OFP This OFP summary report can be filtered by Agency or status of Concept: Workflow for Project Concepts

13 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT LIST SCREEN for an Agency Soon, the first screen for an Agency user after login to PMIS will be the „Concepts“ screen. Here, you can print, view, accept or reject received project concepts. Workflow for Project Concepts

14 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN The section Project Concepts contains its core information as entered by the OFP. Workflow for Project Concepts

15 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN Agencies have 30 days to take action on a concept by either accepting or rejecting. Workflow for Project Concepts

16 PMIS PROJECT CONCEPT ENTRY SCREEN Agencies have the ability to drop a concept after they accpet it. Workflow for Project Concepts

17 PROJECT CONCEPT SUMMARY REPORT for an Agency This Agency summary report can be filtered by Country or status of Concept: Workflow for Project Concepts

18 Questions?

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