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Break Gender Stereotypes, Give Talent a Chance Brussels, 27 November 2008 Helen Hoffmann, UEAPME Social Policy Adviser “The benefits of overcoming gender.

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Presentation on theme: "Break Gender Stereotypes, Give Talent a Chance Brussels, 27 November 2008 Helen Hoffmann, UEAPME Social Policy Adviser “The benefits of overcoming gender."— Presentation transcript:

1 Break Gender Stereotypes, Give Talent a Chance Brussels, 27 November 2008 Helen Hoffmann, UEAPME Social Policy Adviser “The benefits of overcoming gender stereotypes in SMEs: Giving talent a chance as a sound business strategy ”

2 Outline  Role of the European Social Partners & Framework of Actions on Gender Equality  SME perspective: The business case for overcoming gender stereotypes – why does it matter?  Integrating gender equality in a business strategy

3 UEAPME  European Association of Crafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises  99% of all companies in the EU are SMEs and 92% are micro enterprises with fewer than 10 employees  UEAPME is European Social Partner  UEAPME negotiates and signs agreements and various types of tools, e.g. Framework of Actions 

4 EU Social Partner tool – part I Framework of actions on gender equality  Adopted in March 2005  Contribution to the Lisbon Strategy  A practice-oriented instrument, based on case studies  A tool by social partners for social partners  Assessment of the current situation + integrated strategies for gender equality on the labour market  Provisions on the follow-up:  Supported by 3 annual follow-up reports  One final evaluation report in 2009.

5 EU Social Partner tool – part II Framework of actions on gender equality  4 Priorities for action at national level according to national situation  Addressing gender roles on the labour market  Promoting women in decision-making  Supporting work-life balance  Tackling the gender pay gap

6 SME perspective: The business case for overcoming gender stereotypes - Part I  From an SME perspective gender equality needs to be taken seriously for a number of reasons: - Legislation: > Gender equality legislation Article 13 of EC Treaty - Lisbon strategy & key business and competitive issues: > Need to increase participation of women in the labour market > SMEs are central to the strategy as biggest net job creator > Lack of skilled workers (due to demographic change, rapid technological changes, high growth of certain sectors etc) > Battle for companies to access and retain the best qualified workers, particularly difficult for SMEs, as limited financial & human resources.

7 SME perspective: The business case for overcoming gender stereotypes - Part II  Gender mix in workforce, both women and men across the hierarchy, important for productivity in male or female dominated sectors and professions: > Equal opportunities employer, makes an employer more attractive for employees > Enhances staff motivation and reduces absenteeism > Positive image of employer in local community – CSR reasons > More customers and increased customer satisfaction > Innovation and creativity! Real competitive edge

8 Integrating gender equality in a business strategy Integrate gender equality in business management and performance as part of a formalised HR strategy: >Equal recruitment job titles and descriptions >Training and development >Job evaluation and classification >Supportive measures to reconcile work and family life >Essential: Support and information through professional networks, e.g. education and guidance bodies and SME employers’ federations.

9 Conclusions 1.Need to tackle gender stereotypes as early as possible with the support of families and schools, as strongly influenced already before entering the labour market. 2.Multitude of factors: Requires a shared responsibility by all and sustained information & awareness raising. 3.From a business perspective: Undeniable and a growing business case for identifying & overcoming gender stereotypes in companies and integrating gender equality in a business strategy 4.Social partners and companies play an important role in furthering & guaranteeing equal opportunities for women and men across the board: in recruitment, work, vocational training, promotion and reconciliation policies.

10 Thank you for your attention! Helen Hoffmann Social Policy Adviser E-mail: Tel: +32-(0)2 230 75 99 Fax:+32 (0)22307861

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