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Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 1 (modified by the Nice Treaty) Social Policy The Community will support and will complete the activities of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 1 (modified by the Nice Treaty) Social Policy The Community will support and will complete the activities of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 1 (modified by the Nice Treaty) Social Policy The Community will support and will complete the activities of the Member States in: a) the improvement of the work environment to protect the workers’ health and safety b) improving of working conditions Art. 137.1 (before 118)

2 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 2 Art. 137 To such an end, the Council will: – adopt directives as minimum dispositions that will apply progressively, taking into account the conditions and existent technical regulations in each one of the States members... article 95 (ex. 100A) ECONOMIC POLICY The Commission, in its propossals to armonize the legislations on health and safety will be based on a high protection level, taking into account any progress in the state of arts.

3 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 3 FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE 89/391 EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC RISKS WORK PLACES AGENTS Work Equipment 89/655 95/63 2001/45 P P E 89/656 Display screens 90/270 Manual handling 90/269 Pregnant workers 92/85 Explosives atmospheres 1999/92 Workplaces 89/654 Signs 92/58 Drilling 92/104 Minin g 92/104 Fishing vessels 93/103 Construction 92/57 Biological 2000/54 Carcinogens 90/394 97/42 1999/38 Chemical 98/24 Noise 2003/10 Vibrations 2002/44 Asbestos 83/477 91/382 2003/18 Limit Values 91/322 96/94

4 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 4 ART.137 (Ex Art. 118A) Working Time 93/104 2000/34 2003/88 Temporary employment 91/383 Medical Treatment on board vessels 92/29 Self-employed 2003/134 Working time Road transport 2002/15 Working time for Civil pilots 2000/79 Working time for Fishing People 1999/63 Young Workers 94/33

5 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 5 OHS PREVENTION Council Directive 89/391/EEC (12 June 1989) introduction of measures to encourage improvements in occupational safety and health PRINCIPLES & PHASES OF PREVENTIVE ACTION

6 PREVENTING LABOUR RISK Definition : all required steps/measures planned or adopted at all stages of work in the undertaking to prevent or reduce occupational risks. This is achieved by INTEGRATING OHS in all activities and decissions of the Company DISTRIBUTING RESPONSIBILITIES at all levels

7 Prevention: PHASES 1. Evaluating the risks. 2. Planning the preventive activities. 3. Organization of resources. 4. Qualified staff in charge of the prevention.

8  General Preventive Principles To avoid the risk To evaluate the unavoidable ones To combat them at source To adapt the work to the person To adapt to technical progress (state of arts) Replace the dangerous substances for harmless ones Overall preventive policy Collective protection prior to individual ones Provide instructions and training to workers

9 RISK EVALUATION DEFINITION: process addressed to estimate the magnitude of risks that have not been able to avoid obtaining the necessary information so that the manager can take appropriate decissions to adopt preventive measures and, in such a case, the type of measures to be adopted fixing priorities (planning)

10 R.E. TYPES INITIAL with occasion of: New legislation introduced ( İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetmeliği 09.12.2003 / 25311 ) New work center Substantial modification of work places To UP GRADE working conditions - with occasion Health Surveillance/ accidents at works REGULAR FOLLOW-UP (up to national legislation)

11 R. E. PROCEDURE (I) From the information obtained about the -characteristic and complexity of work process -work equipment -evaluation of workers' health the RE will proceed to: Determinate if there are dangerous elements Identify the exposed workers and their sensitivity to risk Evaluate the existing risk according to objective indicators

12 E.R. PROCEDURE (II) The RESULTS have to be TRUSTED & VERIFICABLE Applied MEASUREMENTS, ANALYSIS and TEST: - national standarts or regulations - orientative guidelines (ISGUM?) - international guidelines or standarts

13 Competent Technicians for Risk Evaluation Functions for basic level. Functions for intermediate level. Functions of High level technicians on the different preventive disciplines medicine at work safety at work industrial hygiene ergonomics & psicosociology

14 PREVENTIVE PLANNING The annual program for preventive activities will integrate: - the human & material resources available; - the assignment of budgeted resources; - the emergency measures & health surveillance; - the information and training for workers; - the coordination of all these aspects

15 ORGANIZATION of RESOURCES (art. 7 Framework Dir) The organization of necessary resources will be arranged by the employer. There are the following modalities: a)National legislation will foresee the nature of the activities and size of the undertakings in which the employer, provided he is competent, may himself take responsibility for OHS b)Designating one or several workers to carry it out c)Set up internal preventive service d)External preventive service

16 a) Employer in charge of prevention. Spanish case. Micro enterprises: companies less than 6 workers. The activities of the company are not included in an Annex including dangerous activities Personally present in the work center Has the required capacity NO included health surveillance

17 b) Designated workers The manager can designate one or several workers to be in charge of OHS activities in the company. The designated workers should be enough in number & possess appropriate capacity, resources and time to fulfill their functions.

18 c) INTERNAL PREVENTIVE SERVICE human and materials resources needed in the company to carry out prevention The companies that develop activities simultaneously in one work centre, building, commercial or industrial area can set up joint preventive services (SMEs)

19 d) External Occupational Preventive Services Specialized entity contracted by the enterprise to: provide occasional advice and support according to the type of risks (risk evaluation or accident investigation) Implement preventive activities; both jointly. The contract is normally in writing

20 d) External Preventive Services: when? When the appointment of one or several workers is not sufficient for the realization of the activity of prevention. When the company is not legally obliged to set up an internal service When internal service assumes only partly the preventive activities

21 Workers representatives for preventivon Not the employer OHS appointed person Workers' representatives with a specific role will receive appropriate training not be placed at a disadvantage / adequate time off work / without loss of pay / provide them with necessary means / take part in discussions on all OHS balanced participation in accordance with national laws and/or practices Measures related to OHS in no circumstances involve the workers in financial cost

22 WORKERS REPRESENTATIVES OHS from 1 to 49 workers: 1 Delegate From 50 workers  50 to 100 workers, 2 Delegates  101 to 500 workers, 3 Delegates  501 to 1000 workers, 4 Delegates  1001 to 2000 workers, 5 Delegates  2001 to 3000 workers, 6 Delegates  3001 to 4000 workers, 7 Delegates  4001 onwards, 8 Delegates

23 Europeid 114648/D/SV/TR A. Cerdá Micó 23 Turkish New Regulations: Chalenge Up-grade institutions Up-date staff and train Coordinate and interact to implement effective OHS policies (Ministries/Interdepartamental/Social Partners) Regulate new institutions (R.E, preventive services, technicians levels, etc.)


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