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Mr. Weiss Rules for Career Planning You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Weiss Rules for Career Planning You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Weiss Rules for Career Planning You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work. If you are not on time, you must sign the “late clipboard”. If you do not sign the late clipboard, that will result in a punishment. 1. You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work. If you are not on time, you must sign the “late clipboard”. If you do not sign the late clipboard, that will result in a punishment. 2. Not being in class, for ANY reason, is NEVER an excuse for not having homework in on time, being ready for a test, etc. It does not matter why you were absent… is expected that you will be prepared each day. Rules for Career Planning You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work. If you are not on time, you must sign the “late clipboard”. If you do not sign the late clipboard, that will result in a punishment. 1. You must be on time for class each day. That means, when the bell rings, you are in your seat and beginning to work. If you are not on time, you must sign the “late clipboard”. If you do not sign the late clipboard, that will result in a punishment. 2. Not being in class, for ANY reason, is NEVER an excuse for not having homework in on time, being ready for a test, etc. It does not matter why you were absent… is expected that you will be prepared each day.

3 Rules for Career Planning 3. There will be no bathroom break until after 5 minutes into the period. If you must go to the bathroom, after 5 minutes into the period, take either the “girls” or “boys” pass and just go. Do not ask..just go. If your pass is being “used”, then you must wait until that person comes back. When you go, go quickly and come right back and get back to work. You are responsible for anything that happens when you are gone. If anyone takes advantage of this privilege, they will lose the opportunity. If you have a problem with this policy, please talk to me in private, ASAP 3. There will be no bathroom break until after 5 minutes into the period. If you must go to the bathroom, after 5 minutes into the period, take either the “girls” or “boys” pass and just go. Do not ask..just go. If your pass is being “used”, then you must wait until that person comes back. When you go, go quickly and come right back and get back to work. You are responsible for anything that happens when you are gone. If anyone takes advantage of this privilege, they will lose the opportunity. If you have a problem with this policy, please talk to me in private, ASAP. Mr. Weiss

4 Rules for Career Planning 4. “Participation Grade” – Each week you will receive up to 25 points per your “participation grade”. A separate sheet will be passed out explaining this in more detail. Make sure you check at least once a week to check your Participation Grade”. If you have any questions/problems with this, talk to me in private on this. Mr. Weiss

5 Rules for Career Planning 5. Weekly Article: Each Friday you must turn in an article along with a summary. There will be a separate sheet explaining this. If there is no Friday in a week, no article is due. Late articles will get ½ credit. If you have an excused absence for a Friday, the article must be turned in on your first day back in school. An article will be late after your first day back. The article MUST be completed BEFORE you enter the room. No working on the article in class will be allowed. You MUST used the provided form or a reasonable copy you have produced on your computer. No points will be allowed without the proper form. Mr. Weiss

6 Rules for Career Planning 5. (Continued) – Be sure to have your name, class subject, period and date on each form. If you are missing any of this information, the work will be put in a “name missing” bin where you will have up to one week to claim, turn back in, for a possible half credit. Be prepared to discuss your article each Friday, even though it has been turned in. Not being able to present and discuss your article if called upon, will result in points lost on your article. Mr. Weiss

7 Rules for Career Planning 6. Bringing textbook to class is optional 7. All homework must be turned in on time. No late work will be accepted. If you are absent on a due date, it must be turned in on your first day back. Being absent when the assignment was given is NEVER an excuse. It is YOUR responsibility to know what you have missed! 8. If you are absent on a Test Day, you have one week from the day you return to make it up, or it will be a zero. You must make up the test during a period OTHER than your regular class period. Mr. Weiss

8 Rules for Career Planning 9. When it comes to tests, you are responsible for EVERYTHING covered in this class, including: a. Textbook Reading and Questions Assignments b. Lectures (take notes) c. Movies Packets d. News Articles e. Board Work f. Internet Work g. Hand-Outs h. Projects Mr. Weiss

9 Rules for Career Planning 10. No cell phones are allowed to be seen in the class. If your phone is in your purse, backpack, etc, it must be turned off. Any violation of this policy will result in your phone being given to the teacher. 11.NO FOOD is allowed in this class. You may have bottled water, pop, sport drink, etc. If you are not responsible with how you handle this privilege, you will not be allowed any drink in the room at any time. Mr. Weiss

10 Rules for Career Planning 12. You must sit in your assigned seat, and that seat only. That seat can only be changed by your teacher. 13. Be sure to check your grade at least once a week on If you find a mistake or think something is wrong, let me know immediately!! Mr. Weiss

11 Rules for Career Planning 14. Only one person at a time is allowed to talk, whether that is the teacher or one of the students. This rule is a must so this class can have real listening, discussions and intelligent exchanges of ideas taking place on a regular basis. Side conversations about anything are not allowed. This is a classroom and a place for learning. It is expected that each of you will honor and understand that! Mr. Weiss

12 Rules for Career Planning 15. Violations to any of these rules will result in any and all of the following: a. a lower participation grade b. after school/before school visits with the teacher c. one on one meetings with the teacher d. teacher conversations with your parents e. referral to the Dean’s Office…..Saturday School, etc. Mr. Weiss

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