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1 WELCOME! Get papers & an index card from the front table. 1 st Only: Copy your schedule into your notebook. Write the following on the index card: Name.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WELCOME! Get papers & an index card from the front table. 1 st Only: Copy your schedule into your notebook. Write the following on the index card: Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WELCOME! Get papers & an index card from the front table. 1 st Only: Copy your schedule into your notebook. Write the following on the index card: Name Address Name of parent or guardian. Home and cell phones for you and your parents. Fill out Student Information sheet.

2 2 You will have a TEST on the Class Information, Procedures and Policies tomorrow. Yes, this is for points. NEED TO KNOW: Class supplies: A scientific calculator at home! Paper, pencils, pens, 3 X 5 index cards. $5 fee (not now.) Do not talk while I am talking. Cell phones = DETENTION; Unless otherwise told. Print your name at the bottom of the Parent Letter Return next time for a grade! 12/10 or 10/10 or 0/10

3 How to sign up for Mrs. Sermons’ Remind101 service: You will get a text back requesting your name-this is so that I will know who has signed up. Advanced Math 81010 @adma1516

4 4 WEEBLY: Access by typing into the web address bar. No http, no www. Go to it tonight and complete the survey. 12/10 points. This is one of the few assignments that you can turn in late, however, it will be worth 10/10. If it is not done by Friday, it will be 0/10. Take advantage of all extra points that you can! The PowerPoint will be posted on WEEBLY. I expect you to access it and read it tonight. PASS UP YOUR CARD AND INFO SHEET.

5 5 First Day Info: Know Class Expectations. Do your assignments—I cannot learn you, learning happens when you do it. Start with a new page for notes and homework, each. Label with date and objective or assignment. Write problems, show work: NWNC! (See CODES) I will call on students randomly, give you time to work on it and ask others for help. “I don’t know” is not acceptable! Explain problem solution, not just answer.

6 6 All lessons are PowerPoints, on Weebly (Run it!). Absences should check the calendar by the door. Ask about sports/other after school activities makeups. Tutoring, Make-ups: Sign Make-up Log. Check supply requirements Seating arrangements are assigned. Fire drills: Find me as I will call roll outside. Cell phones NO!-keep the purses off the desk. The thermostat doesn’t work, but I keep it cool.

7 7 NO Food, NO Drinks, NO Phones. Place backpacks and purses on the floor or under your desk. Tissues and Lost & Found are in the small cabinet by the door. Announcements are on the bulletin board. Don’t go behind projector, desk, etc. Don’t put up early or line up at the door. I love to get pictures of students. Please give me one, if you have spares!

8 8 There is a procedure to go to the restroom, get water, or leave the room for any reason. Please, go and come right back! You may recycle paper into the tub by the door. Please do not put drink bottles, candy and chip wrappers, etc. in there. Behave honorably. Do not violate testing procedures, copy homework, etc. Your personal honor is the only thing that no one else can take from you. Please make a polite request of any teacher for references and recommendations. This is a gift. Be courteous and say “Thank you.”

9 9 Important: “Mathematics is a discipline that develops intellectual power to solve problems; make decisions; and describe significant visual, quantitative, and symbolic patterns.” When are we ever going to use this? “It is a fundamental tool in the persistent human effort to make sense of the world—its order, chaos, stability, and change. It has applications, for example, in scientific, technical, economic, and political work; in art and music; and in our personal lives and social interactions.” Problem solving exercises our brain!

10 10 My goal? To teach you to think. (And we will learn math along the way.) Your goal? Besides learning to think—is to keep me happy! My favorite quote? “Choices create circumstances”. Welcome to Advanced Math and your Senior Year!

11 11 Active Learning Assignment: I. Writing on a separate piece of paper (graded—no late grade): 1.What was your last math (specifically, Alg II, Pre-Calc)? 2. Write a small narrative about your best math experience. Reference an incident (one paragraph.) II. Bring back signature on the Parent Letter (graded). III. Take the Weebly Survey (graded). IV. Sign up for REMIND (graded) V. Study for your test on Class Rules, Policies, and Procedures (graded.)

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