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This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE programme co-financed by the ERDF NIP-National Info Points Maria Grazia Zucchini,

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Presentation on theme: "This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE programme co-financed by the ERDF NIP-National Info Points Maria Grazia Zucchini,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE programme co-financed by the ERDF NIP-National Info Points Maria Grazia Zucchini, ASTER

2 The Plastice NIPs National Info Points are interfaces, implemented in each country taking part to the Plastice project, creating a common information platform, enabling conditions for stimulating interaction between demand and supply along the value chains in the market od biodegradable plastics in Central Europe

3 Working Group on NIP National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia) SLOPAK (Slovenia) ASTER (Italy) Slovak University of Tecnology Bratislava (Slovakia) CUBRO (Poland) 3 Specific meeting held in Ljubljana on March, 9th 2012

4 NIP target SVS - Specilised and Very Specialized organisations – SMEs, big industries – Academia, research institution – Certification bodies, consultants NS - Non Specialized organisations – Citizens, general public – Consumer associations – Schools, etc Each NIP section will be addressed to specific NIP targets 4

5 Access to NIP (Plastice website) NIP Slovenia (Slopak) NIP Italy (Aster) NIP Poland (COBRO) NIP Slovakia (Stuba)

6 Domain registered by Aster, layout developed by COBRO, Possibility to add further NIPs in the future

7 NIP Structure Each NIP website will be hosted by the respective NIP partners local servers, with links to both Plastice and to sustainalbleplastics websites The NIP layout will be similar in colors and characters to those used for the Plastice website A template of the NIP homepage layout has been prepared by Aster to be used as a general reference by the others NIP providers. Possible local customisations will be made, if necessary 7

8 NIP homepage layout 8 TOP BAR Link bar to and pages in EN - Green colored TOP BAR Link bar to and pages in EN - Green colored LEFT NIP contents bar (about NIP, Joint R&D Scheme, Certification system) Pages in native languages (contents and report in native language or EN) SVS target Colored in? LEFT NIP contents bar (about NIP, Joint R&D Scheme, Certification system) Pages in native languages (contents and report in native language or EN) SVS target Colored in? RIGHT Outreach – in evidence session NS target Colored in? RIGHT Outreach – in evidence session NS target Colored in? CENTRAL News, newsletter, events, promotion session SVS and NS target White colored CENTRAL News, newsletter, events, promotion session SVS and NS target White colored TOP TITLE-LOGOs ITALIAN NATIONAL INFO POINT TOP TITLE-LOGOs ITALIAN NATIONAL INFO POINT EVOCATIVE IMAGE

9 NIP Management Each partner hosting a NIP website will be responsible for the NIP management, including content upload and updates The NIP pages will be in native (i.e. local) language. Contents and documents can be both in local language or EN, according to the availability of Plastice partners in translating the EN one. (In most cases only summary will be translated) 9

10 NIP dynamics A preference was agreed to Non dynamic implementations: – Mainly graphics, software open source (like GOOGLE SITE) – In house expert requested to modify contents from time to time – Less expensive – No forum, chat, etc … New content upload and/or updated will be made when necessary, but frequency of these tasks is expected to be low

11 NIP Main contents structure Introduction to NIP Terminology and Certification Sustainability and assessment tools – including sustainability at environmental, economic and social levels Next generation of biopolymers – biodegradable + renewable, – biodegradable + non-renewable, – non-biodegradable + renewable Differences Joint R&D scheme 11 TO BE AGREED BY ALL PARTNERS

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