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National Green Corps Eco – Friendly Colors Lonkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Mundhawa, Pune, Maharashtra.

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Presentation on theme: "National Green Corps Eco – Friendly Colors Lonkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Mundhawa, Pune, Maharashtra."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Green Corps Eco – Friendly Colors Lonkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Mundhawa, Pune, Maharashtra



4 Project Area: Mundhawa, Pune 36 The Lonkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Mundhawa, Pune is one of the leading Marathi medium school in neighborhood of Pune city. The school works in two shifts. Total Number of students: 1400 Surrounding community: Middle class and Lower middle class School achievement: Five Star School Award by NGC for the year 2008-2009, 2009-2010 State level Master Trainer for environment education and awareness, Many environmental programmes being initiated in school during last ten years.

5 NGC “FIVE STAR GREEN SCHOOL” Award in presence of Director and Deputy Director, Social Forestry, Pune

6 Aim This project aims to understand the importance natural colour Objective To study the health hazards of chemical colour To study the ways of preparation of natural colour To study the impact of action programme

7 Total number of students involved – members of NGC activity 50 students + 100 self motivated students, Total 150 Teacher Co-ordinator – Mr. Kailas Gawade Reporting Mechanism – Weekly Time given for this activity – VALUE education period

8 Preparation of Lord Ganesh Idol and colouring them in the school A message to celebrate festival in eco-friendly way

9 Since inception of NGC programme in the school Eco- Ganesh festival was being observed This activity helps to create awareness regarding the unscientific nature of celebrating different festivals The use of shadu mati (soil) and eco-water colors helps to reduce the entry of chemicals into water. In last 5 years approximately 950 Eco-Ganesh Idols were prepared by the students in the school and sold in the community with a concessional rates

10 During last 5 years 15 training workshops for making eco-colours were organized by school in which 1000 students were trained to prepare and use. The colors prepared in the training workshop were used in celebrating holy within the school and community.

11 National Green Corps Save Environment – Save Pune – Save Yourself Lonkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya Mundhawa, Pune 36 Life is natural, color it naturally Use home ingredients for making color They are safe and without health hazards Easy to wash Available at Lonkar school Or visit to learn procedure

12 Handouts (approximately 2000) for creating awareness about the use of eco-colour were distributed in the school and nearby community The handouts were distributed before Dahihandi, Ganesh fesival, Holi, Rang Panchami to divert attention of the people from chemical colour.

13 Preparation of natural colour in the school

14 Natural ingredients like bit root, Palak, Methi, various flowers, termaric, dal, mehandi, onion shells etc, were used for making colour The students were trained by Master trainer Mr. Kailas Gawade The colours were made both in powder(solid) and liquid form. For a festival 1kg of powder colour and 10 lits of liquid being prepared in the school. The raw material for the colour being collected by the students and stored in the school.

15 Students celebrating holi with natural color in the school

16 Thank You

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