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Parent Meeting Monday, March 16, 2015 A parent-driven opportunity for NHMS SI students to travel abroad for an authentic cultural experience and a chance.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Meeting Monday, March 16, 2015 A parent-driven opportunity for NHMS SI students to travel abroad for an authentic cultural experience and a chance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Meeting Monday, March 16, 2015 A parent-driven opportunity for NHMS SI students to travel abroad for an authentic cultural experience and a chance to be immersed in Spanish

2 2015 Up-Date  We have 15 students (9 girls & 6 boys).  This is an exact match with Liceo’s numbers this year.  During the first two weeks of September, we need families to stand by in case a host change is needed (one girl and one boy backup). Also need host families for the two Liceo chaperones. Please ask around and if anyone would be interested, let me know or ask them to email

3 Logistical Contact in Grand Rapids Monique Kasmauskis Will remain in Grand Rapids to be available to communicate between parents, chaperones, and Liceo contacts. Group Leaders / Chaperones Mike Kasmauskis and Lisa Bauman Parents of current or past participants. Student Mentors Karina Kasmauskis and Brett Bauman Past participant / older Spanish Immersion students who will help prepare students based on their language skills and experiences, will encourage communication in Spanish at all times in Madrid, and will be able to sympathize with and help students cope with natural student acclimation.

4 Dates 2015 2015 Dates to Madrid Depart: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 (last day of exams) Return: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 2015 Date of U.S. Visit (tentative) Arrival: August 30, 2015 Depart: September 15, 2015 Includes Labor Day Weekend. Only one week during school. School Starts Tuesday, Sep 8.

5 Air Schedule on United Airlines Wednesday, June 10 Meet at Grand Rapids Airport at12:45 pm Depart Grand Rapids at 2:30 pm Arrive Washington D.C. at 4:10 pm Depart Washington D.C. at 5:45 pm Arrive Madrid on June 11 at 7:40 am Wednesday, June 24 Depart Madrid at 11:35 am Arrive Washington D.C. at 2:30 pm Depart Washington D.C. at 5:10 pm Arrive Grand Rapids at 6:56 pm Air schedules are tentative and subject to change at any time.

6 2015 Madrid Itinerary Wed, June 10 – Departure Thu, June 11 – Arrival and Overnight at Madrid Center Hotel Acclimation with Chaperones and group Fri, June 12 – Meet Host Families Sat, June 13 & Sun, June 14 – Host Family Activities Phone Call from Chaperone on Saturday Mon, June 15 to Fri, June 19 – Group Excursions Sat, June 20 to Tue, June 23 – Host Family Activities Wed, June 24 – Return home. Host families will transfer students to the airport at 8:30 am.

7 Financial Details Estimated Costs -- $2,985 plus incidentals Note: These numbers are based on 14 students with 2 group leaders.

8 Payment Schedule Deposit / Already Paid - $745 By Monday, March 16 - $2000 By Monday, May 18 – Balance (less than $250)  $145 insurance premium is non-refundable in all circumstances  All other payments are non-refundable as of payment due date.  Covered claims with the travel insurance will not provide reimbursement of the $145 insurance premium, $200 proportional cost of chaperones’ air, or $500 U.S. reciprocal exchange costs. All payments must be by check made payable to Image Tours Inc.

9 Next Meetings Both student and parent must attend all meetings, with students working on preparing for the Madrid trip and parents working on preparing for U.S. visit. Monday, April 20 at 7 pm at Image Building Monday, April 27 at 7 pm - Location to be announced Bring Spanish dish to pass Host family matching day Monday, May 18 at 7 pm at Image Building Monday, August 10 (tentative - by meeting or email) Touch Base on final preparations for U.S. visit (reservation confirmations, payment requests, final time schedules, etc.) Monday, August 24 at 7 pm at Image Building Final communication for U.S. visit

10 2015 Tentative U.S. Itinerary Sunday, August 30 – Arrival (late) and Meet Host Families Monday, August 31 & Tuesday, September 1 – Host Family Activities and Acclimation Wednesday, September 2 – Group Excursion Give Liceo students a chance to meet with their chaperones Evening get together of all host families (cook-out or pizza dinner) Thursday, September 3 – Host Family Activity or Group Activity? In Grand Rapids, in case contact is needed with chaperones. Possible Football game opportunity (optional) Friday, September 4 to Monday, September 7 – Host family activities Tuesday, September 8 to Friday, September 11 – Group Excursions Excursions: three full day and two half day excursions Thursday Evening - Craig’s Cruisers Party Friday Evening – possible football game opportunity (optional) Saturday, September 12 & Sunday, September 13 – Host Family Activities Monday, September 14 – School visits full day (Ada Vista, NT and Middle School) May need to move half day of school visits to previous week Group good-bye – meet for group photos and dessert? Tuesday, September 15 – Liceo students depart for Chicago in the morning

11 Student Participation & Car Pooling List I would like to email a list of participants, including main email address, main phone, and address. I would also like to note close addresses for suggested car pooling communication. If anyone prefers I do not include certain information, please email me in the next few days. I will send that information out by email on March 20.

12 2015 Tentative U.S. Visit Activities Wednesday, September 2 – Group Excursion Give Liceo students a chance to meet with their chaperones Option: Downtown Grand Rapids 9 am drop off at Ford or Grand Rapids Public Museum Sack lunch in park along Grand River Evening get together of all host families Picnic at Cascade Township Park (or other park) Cookout at someone’s home Pizza at Village Pizza or similar Pizza and Bowling Thursday, September 3 – Host Family Activity or Group Activity? In Grand Rapids, in case contact is needed with chaperones. Do we need a planned excursion for today? Optional? / Liceo Only? / Liceo and student (add’l at cost)? Possible Football game opportunity (optional)

13 2015 Tentative U.S. Visit Activities Tuesday, September 8 – Liceo Only Excursion Option: Suggest Canoe Trip in Rockford Wednesday, September 9 – Liceo Only Excursion Option: Suggest Silver Lake Mac Wood’s Dune Buggies, Little Sable Point Light House, Country Dairy in New Era for lunch and tour Thursday, September 10 – Liceo Only Excursion Full Day Excursion to be determined. May need to swap with half day Friday excursions if school visits need to be moved to this day. Craig’s Cruisers Party from 6 pm to 9 pm Friday, September 11 – Liceo Only Half day visit to a business (Amway?) Half day visit to Meijer Gardens or similar May need to swap a half day with school visits on Monday. Possible football game opportunity (optional)

14 2015 Tentative U.S. Visit Activities Monday, September 14 – School Visits Visit two or three classes at NHMS in AM Visit NT and Ada Vista in PM possibly. May need to move one school visit to half day Friday. Is there is a need for a group good-bye? If so, how about meeting at 8 pm for a group photo and dessert? Example: Ada Covered Bridge for a group photo with the possibility to walk into Ada for ice cream? Rain Day – Rivertown Crossings

15 2015 Tentative U.S. Visit Activities Ideas for other Full Day Excursions: Grand Haven Camp Rogers Hastings Charlton Historic Village/Museum Possibly with Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park on Return Open to New Ideas

16 1. T-shirts: Need by May 8 for Madrid Trip. Print, Design, Sponsors. 2. Coordinator USA Visit: Budget, Time Schedule, Assignments. 3. Transportation Coordinator: Coordinate 20 passenger seats per excursion. 4. Activity Coordinator - Wed, Sep 2 - Full Day Excursion (Possibly GR Museums) 5. Activity Coordinator - Wed, Sep 2 – Evening: Gathering for all host families 6. Activity Coordinator - Thu, Sep 3 - Full Day: Is this needed/optional? 7 & 8. Activity Coordinators - Tue, Sep 8 Full Day - Full Day (Canoe Rockford?) 9 & 10. Activity Coordinators - Wed, Sep 9 - Full Day (Country Dairy/Dune Rides?) 11. Activity Coordinator - Thu, Sep 10 - Full Day Excursion 12. Activity Coordinator - Thu, Sep 10 Evening: Craig's Cruisers 13. Activity Coordinator - Fri, Sep 11 AM Half day: Visit a Business 14. Activity Coordinator - Fri, Sep 11 PM Half day: (possibly Meijer Gardens) 15. Activity Coordinator - Mon, Sep 14 Full Day – School Visits U.S. Visit Sign Up List

17 Group Contact Information Monique or Mike Kasmauskis Image Tours Inc. 2828 Kraft Ave SE Grand Rapids MI 49512 Phone: 957-1000 x290 Email:

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