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2004-05-141 Educational Area Crete, May 13th, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "2004-05-141 Educational Area Crete, May 13th, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004-05-141 Educational Area Crete, May 13th, 2004

2 2004-05-142 VISWE Scenarios Discussion showed that different learning context have very different requirements Four different scenarios with specific target groups Education for Professionals Shared Master Degree Programme Communities of Practice Repository Usage (Main contributions by FUB, FUBerlin, INRIA, L 3 S, OU)

3 2004-05-143 Education for Professionals Goal: Information dissemination to professionals Target group: professionals Possible offers Low entry level information Detailed technical courses High-cost individual training and consulting

4 2004-05-144 Shared Master Programme Goals Fostering exchange of M.Sc. students between universities development of a shared M.Sc. programme Target group: primarily M.Sc, prob. Ph.D students Possible Offers Recognition of studentship Recognition of exams Curriculum agreement, student can get ‘diploma supplement’ Several Cooperation Levels possible

5 2004-05-145 Community of Practice (1) Innovative Learning means to move from peripheral to full membership Core Group, Experts: NoE Knowldege Web Innovative Learning ‘Full members’: Semantic Web Community ‘Peripheral members’

6 2004-05-146 Community of Practice (2) Goal Fostering collaboration and self-study of PhD students and researchers Target group Ph.D. students, Researchers (self-studies) Possible offers Support for community-centered learning, access to research material opportunities to participate in group projects

7 2004-05-147 Repository Usage Goal  give users optimal access to Semantic Web teaching/learning materials regardless of their learning context. Target group unspecified, but possible usages:  Teaching: search for and include high-quality material developed by others into courses.  Learning: search for and use material for self-study. Possible Offers  Advanced search facilities (search for courses, and topics/parts of courses)  Relatively small learning units for self-study  editable version of learning units in widespread formats (to ease integration into other contexts)

8 2004-05-148 Questionnaire responses 26 Learning Units / Courses from 12 partners Education for Professionals: 5 Shared Master Programme: 11 Community of Practice: 12 Nearly all units already available, 1/3 have to be adapted Most offers face-to-face or self-study, very few distance learning (Offers from CERTH, FUB, FUBerlin, INRIA, L 3 S, OU, L3S, UniTn, UPM, USFD, VUA, VUM)

9 2004-05-149 Questionnaire responses: Main Areas Foundations Logic (4) Web Technologies (3) Semantic Web Core Knowledge Representation (3) Ontologies (4) Semantic Web (5) Semantic Web Special Topics (4) Other Related Topics (3)

10 2004-05-1410 Conventional Infrastructure Several systems have been evaluated: Clix, ILIAS, Ariadne, EducaNext Favorite: EducaNext No need to convert material to special LMS format Metadata available as RDF Cooperation with ProLearn network (L 3 S)

11 2004-05-1411 Summer School 2004 Cercedilla, July, 18-24th ( ) 80 Applications, 55 students selected 3 Main topics Ontologies: Theory, methods and tools Human Language Technologies and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Semantic Web Services (OU, UPM)

12 2004-05-1412 Cooperation with REWERSE REWERSE: Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics Cooperation in the context of educational work packages Agreed Cooperation REWERSE usage of our learning unit repository Learning Units will be available for both networks (and to all other interested users, of course) Possible Further Cooperations Summer school Master Programme (FUB, L 3 S)

13 2004-05-1413 Status by Deliverable (WP 3.1) D 3.1.1 Specification of VISWE tasks and goals Scenarios with goals, tasks and requirements documented First focus of VISWE:  Shared Master Programme: bilateral recognition agreements  Community of Practice: support with advanced infrastructure  Repository: customized server (EducaNext)

14 2004-05-1414 Status by Deliverable (WP3.2) D 3.2.1 v1 Initial learning unit collection available Learning units collected, have to be put into repository D 3.2.3 Report on core curricula in Ontology and Semantic Web Based on questionnaire results 6-Month version will be status report D 3.2.6 Summer school on semantic web technologies Will take place in Madrid (July 2004)

15 2004-05-1415 Status by Deliverable (WP3.3) D 3.3.1 Report on the agreed metadata standard for learning units Selected DC and LOM elements, based on EducaNext metadata D 3.3.2 v1 Basic infrastructure available Negotiations with EducaNext consortium finished Server will be set up in the next weeks

16 2004-05-1416 Next Steps VISWE (organizational MoU(s)) Ontologies (pre-requisite for semantic support and indexing) Summer School 2005 Master – start working within core groups CoP infrastructure largely based on OU toolset Preparation of JPA educational parts for second 18 months Next meeting: 2nd week of September, Hannover or possibly joint with other WP meetings

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