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Department of Basic Education ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012/13 & BUDGET REVIEW Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education CAPE TOWN 20 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Basic Education ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012/13 & BUDGET REVIEW Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education CAPE TOWN 20 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Basic Education ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012/13 & BUDGET REVIEW Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education CAPE TOWN 20 March 2012

2 1.The Strategic and Annual Performance Plans reflects the commitment of the Department to undertake activities effectively and on time to produce the agreed-upon outputs that will in turn contribute to achieving the goals of the long-term sector plan called the Action Plan to 2014: towards the realisation of Schooling 2025. 2.The performance information as part of the Strategic and Annual Performance Plans togther with key sector plan milestones will enable the Porfolio Committee to track the performance of the DBE within the basic education sector and to hold it accountable. 3.The Strategic and Annual Performance Plans have been produced based on detailed Operational Plans and Budgets, linked to individual performance agreements and work plans to further strenghten accountability within the Department. 2 Presentation Context

3 PART A Overview of the Department’s 2012/13 Strategic Priorities and Interventions. PART B 2012/2013 Sector Milestones (Action Plan to 2014) PART C Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators and Targets PART D Overview of the Budget and MTEF 3 Presentation Outline

4 PART A Overview of the Department’s 2012/13 Strategic Priorities and Interventions 4

5 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2012/13 INITIATIVES TO IMPROVE THE BASIC EDUCATION SYSTEM Initiatives to improve the basic education system are premised on the long-term sector plan called the Action Plan to 2014: towards the realisation of Schooling 2025. The strategic focus of the current administration is to strengthen and consolidate the current initiatives and to stabilise the policy environment in the sector. The key interventions for 2012 include the following: o Deepening the focus on the 3Ts (Teachers, Texts and Time) o The implementation of a credible Literacy and Numeracy Strategy o The implementation of a Maths, Science and Technology Strategy o Strengthening our focus on the utilisation of the Annual National Assessments (ANA) and National Senior Certificate (NSC) results to define interventions at school and district levels. 5

6 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2012/13 The key interventions for 2012 include the following (continued): o Focus on the utilisation of workbooks and textbooks o Addressing resource challenges in the system, especially in regards to the provision of at least one textbook per child per subject; the eradication of physical infrastructure backlogs; and the provision of basic furniture to enable effective learning and teaching. o Strengthening initiatives to mitigate poverty and its impact in the basic education sector with a particular focus on the following: Infrastructure: Asidi and other interventions Health matters: Screening, HIV and Aids mitigation School Nutrition Scholar Transport Reducing the effect of poverty related disadvantage due to models of curriculum delivery 6

7 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2012/13 The key interventions for 2012 include the following (continued): o Strengthening integrated Early Childhood Development approaches and multi- grade interventions. o Attracting teachers through the Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme. The above interventions will be implemented within a broader context of promoting education as a societal matter. The department has built a social compact with all education stakeholders, and the teacher unions, in particular, to promote the non-negotiables in education. 7

8 Interventions in the sector to improve system performance focussing on improving learner performance. 8

9 INTERVENTIONS IN THE SECTOR TO IMPROVE LEARNER PERFORMANCE (1) Interventions to be based on accurate analysis of specific patterns of poor performance per district and school ( where possible) Sound Analysis of performance in Grade 12 and ANA per province, district and school (where possible). Basic functionality of schools to be reflected (leadership, resources, right number and utilisation of teachers, culture of teaching and learning etc) Basic functionality of districts ( leadership, resources, right number and utilisation of staff, culture of professionalism, support and service to schools) 9

10 Intervention implemented per district based on specific analysis of performance and contextual factors taken into account. Intervention implemented per school (or selected number of schools based on levels of performance) Intervention to indicate WHAT is to be done- MODEL (mentoring, itinerant teachers, substitute teachers, short, long courses, just in time courses etc), by WHOM ( trainers, facilitators, subject advisors, NGOs, HEIs etc), WHEN, Monitoring and evaluation systems etc. 10 INTERVENTIONS IN THE SECTOR TO IMPROVE LEARNER PERFORMANCE (2)

11 Explicit and compulsory focus on all districts in country that performed below 30% in Grade 12 or/and under a determined performance in ANA For other districts PEDs will implement specific improvement plans based on current performance Work with and through PEDs – use existing plans as basis 11 INTERVENTIONS IN THE SECTOR TO IMPROVE LEARNER PERFORMANCE (3)

12 Deploy IQMS staff and explore using WSE people in PEDs to conduct detailed evaluation of all schools in the affected districts Detailed School Improvement Plans to be ready by end March – with necessary intersection with IDPs at local level Gear and capacitate Districts to implement turnaround strategy Ensuring efficacy of this value chain to be facilitated by the Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit working through districts to focus on underperforming schools Focus NEDLAC Accord mobilisation of stakeholders on these districts – with explicit guidance from Education Sector 12 INTERVENTIONS IN THE SECTOR TO IMPROVE LEARNER PERFORMANCE (4)

13 Improve inputs such as teachers, labs, LTSM. Intensive use of digital resources to compensate and supplement teacher capabilities Mobilise NGOs, corporate & other stakeholders to participate in a focused turnaround programme DBE will host all relevant stakeholders in pursuance of this objective Rapidly address serious backlogs in provision of infrastructure as well as furniture and specialist rooms Review and address shortcomings in teacher provision and utilisation in these districts Urgently address principal accountability and capacity development 13 INTERVENTIONS IN THE SECTOR TO IMPROVE LEARNER PERFORMANCE (5)

14 PART B 2012/2013 Sector Milestones (Action Plan to 2014) 14

15 Nationally standardised district-wide ANA reports for all 81 districts and covering the 2011 school year are published on the national department website. All Grade 9 learners begin participating in universal ANA. The ANA item bank of test items is placed on the national department website. All school principals have access to a computer and the internet at school. A revised Grade R funding strategy is released to deal with existing policy and implementation discrepancies, including unacceptable inequities in per learner spending and in Grade R teacher pay. New in-service teacher training materials directed at teachers themselves and those who train teachers are published following an extensive process of research and piloting. 15 ACTION PLAN MILESTONES FOR 2012 /13

16 A new campaign, with a dedicated web presence, to encourage youths to take up teaching as a career is launched. A strategy to improve teacher recruitment and reduce teacher shortages in schools is finalised. Criteria to combat over-sized classes are incorporated into the national post provisioning norms that distribute teaching posts across schools, following a review of the problem of large classes. The Minimum Schoolbag specifications are finalised for all grades. The national workbooks initiative is extended to include Grades 7 to 9. A detailed proposal on enhancing education leadership, management and governance capacity within the schooling system is released A new set of management guidelines for school principals, with a special focus on using the key ‘building blocks’ of effective school management, are made widely available through the national department’s website and other means. 16 ACTION PLAN MILESTONES FOR 2012 /13

17 New conditions of services for principals and deputy principals that would place these managers within the new Education Management Services (EMS) tier are finalised. A new set of online school management training modules aimed at those who train school principals and principals themselves are made available following an evaluation of existing and new training practices and tools. A media campaign is launched emphasising that by law recipients of child support grants should not be charged school fees in any public school. The physical infrastructure development plans, with details down to the school level, of the national and provincial departments are published on the internet in order to provide schools with a clearer picture of improvements they can expect. National norms for the presence of moveable assets in schools, in particular school furniture, are promulgated. 17 ACTION PLAN MILESTONES FOR 2012 /13

18 The piloting of screening guidelines which indicate the types of support different learners need is completed and the guidelines become official policy. A national functions and processes blueprint for district offices, explaining how various national policy imperatives can be realised within districts experiencing different levels of capacity is released. New tools and specifications to guide districts in monitoring and supporting schools in a more holistic fashion, with a partial focus on completing the required programmes within the year, are developed and tested in selected districts and schools. Provincial reports on the findings from and effectiveness of the new district- based system for evaluating and supporting schools are produced. Verification ANA is used to produce a comprehensive set of nationally representative figures on the quality of district support, as seen from the perspective of the school. 18 ACTION PLAN MILESTONES FOR 2012 /13

19 PART C Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators and Targets 19

20 PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Education and the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: o PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION o PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING o PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT o PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT o PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES 20

21 PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Ministry, Department Management Corporate Services, Office of the CFO, Internal Audit and Risk Management, Office Accommodation. 21

22 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development. 22

23 PROGRAMME ONE OUTPUTS 23 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of internships implemented for unemployed graduates in the Department. 55 Annual Target Percentage employment outcomes of interns who have completed the internship programme. 30% Annual Target Number of officials participating in staff development activities. 280 Annual Target

24 PROGRAMME ONE OUTPUTS 24 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP A report highlighting South Africa’s role and participation in multilateral bodies and international affairs in educational activities is compiled bi-annually. Two Reports Bi-annual Target Report Bi-annual Target Report A report on the legal cases instituted against the basic education sector by type and province is compiled on a quarterly basis. Four Reports Report A report on legal cases concluded in the education sector by type and province is compiled annually. Report Annual Target

25 PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring; Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring; Curriculum and Quality Enhancement Programmes; and, the Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project. 25

26 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To increase the availability of e-Education of learning and teaching resources amongst teachers. To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects. To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks To establish national norms for school libraries To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners 26

27 PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS 27 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of schools with access to electronic content. 1650 400650400200 Number of digitised workbook aligned resources available for use in underperforming schools. 2 Annual Target A new e-Education strategy that updates the 2004 White Paper and includes future targets for ICT access in schools is released. E- Education Strategy released Annual Target Number of subject advisors and other teaching professionals orientated in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements. 3000 Annual Target

28 PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS 28 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of personnel trained in multi-grade teaching per province. 140 Annual Target Percentage of Grade 3 learners performing at the required literacy level. 55% Annual Target Percentage of Grade 3 learners performing at the required numeracy level. 55% Annual Target Percentage of Grade 6 learners performing at the required language level. 51% Annual Target Percentage of Grade 6 learners performing at the required mathematics level. 44% Annual Target

29 PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS 29 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Percentage of Grade 9 learners performing at the required language level. To be determined Annual Target Percentage of Grade 9 learners performing at the required mathematics level. To be determined Annual Target Number of Grade 12 learners passing mathematics. 169 000 Annual Target Number of Grade 12 learners passing physical science. 160 000 Annual Target

30 PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS 30 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of Grade 12 learners who become eligible for a Bachelors programme at university. 149 000 Annual Target Percentage of learners who obtain a National Senior Certificate. 70% Annual Target Percentage of schools having access to library information services 60% Annual Target Percentage of learners with a textbook for each subject. 85% Annual Target Number of learners who have received workbooks. 10 300 000 Annual Target

31 PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS 31 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of learners enrolled in the Kha Ri Gude programme 630 990 Annual Target Percentage of learners completing the Kha Ri Gude programme. 83% Annual Target Number of district offices that have trained officials on the Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support strategy 50 Annual Target Number of schools that have teachers trained in the Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support strategy 100 Annual Target

32 PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development ; Education Human Resources Management and Education Human Resources Development; and Curriculum and Professional Development Unit. 32

33 To ensure the new teacher development plan is translated into a wide range of teacher training materials, collaborative professional development activities within the schooling system and agreements with the relevant service providers To establish the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD) in order to promote best practices in classroom teaching and teacher development To establish an ongoing national campaign for choosing teaching as a career, based on research into who becomes a good teacher and focusing on giving the necessary information and bursaries to interested youths To bring about a set of planning, management and accountability tools at the school level that cater for South African needs and make quality education more realisable To develop training strategies and materials aimed at parents that can bring parents more integrally into the new accountability mechanisms being established for schools To establish better and evidence-based practices and procedures for the country’s 82 education district offices, including models for school interventions designed to tackle specific school shortcomings 33 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES

34 PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS 34 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP A comprehensive guide to available professional development programmes is established on the national department Website A guide to professional development programmes is available on the website Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Teacher development courses in key subject areas are available at the NICPD. Courses in EFAL across the system, FP literacy and numeracy, IP and SP Maths and Science and FET Maths, Science and Accounting are developed Foundation Phase courses are available FET courses are available Senior Phase Math and Science courses are available Diagnostic assessments available in Foundation Phase Literacy and Numeracy

35 PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS 35 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of qualified Teachers aged 30 and below entering the Public service as teachers for the first time during the past year. 6 8002000 1400 Number of bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education during the past year. 115007 50020001000 Percentage of ordinary public schools where the School Governing Body meets minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness. 60%

36 PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS 36 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Percentage of schools principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. 50% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target

37 PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Planning, Information and Assessment; Information Management Systems; Financial and Physical Planning; National Assessments and Public Examinations; and, the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit; and Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit. 37

38 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To establish a quality system of standardised and benchmarked learner assessments To ensure that all children complete a quality readiness programme in Grade R before they enter formal education in Grade 1 To put into place support systems for provinces and schools to improve the physical environs of the school and create enabling conditions for successful teaching and learning To ensure that districts can use quality information and data about the level and quality of learning in schools to plan and implement school-based improvement programmes 38

39 PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS 39 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP A National Report on learner performance in the Annual National Assessments is released. Annual Report on ANA Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of schools targeted for the provision of exemplars and other tools to support ANA preparation. 40% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of schools targeted for the provision of exemplars and other tools to support National Senior Certificate preparation. 40% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target A National Technical Report on learner performance in Grade 12 is released. A National Technical Report Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target

40 PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS 40 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Percentage of schools complying with a very basic level of school infrastructure. 92% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at the minimum level. 85% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of schools that have acquired the full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of an assessment of their financial capacity. 77% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target

41 PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS 41 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Percentage of 7- to 15- year-olds attending education institutions. 98.4 Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). 63% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade). 50% Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target

42 PROGRAMME FIVE : EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES The purpose of Programme Five is to develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools. SUB-PROGRAMME : Programme Management : Educational Enrichment Services; Care and Support in Schools; Partnerships in Education; and Grant Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting. 42

43 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To enhance the current basket of education support services to learners from poor communities To ensure the involvement of stakeholders in exercising involvement in schools in a manner that adds value to the attainment of the core outcomes 43 Branch R

44 PROGRAMME FIVE OUTPUTS 44 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of learners undergoing health screening. 500 000Bi-annual Target250 000 Bi-annual Target 250 000 Number of learners that are provided with meals in the National Schools Nutrition Programme. 8 892 088 Number of public ordinary schools linked to their local police station. 18 0002000120002000 Number of public ordinary schools participating in school sport leagues. 5 00030001000

45 PROGRAMME FIVE OUTPUTS 45 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2012/13 as per APP 1 st Quarter Target as per APP 2 nd Quarter Target as per APP 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP 4 th Quarter Target as per APP Number of schools benefiting from the Adopt-a-school programme linked to the NEDLAC Accord on Basic Education (under the auspices of the QLTC). 357 Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Number of public ordinary schools participating in the South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod. 9758 Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target


47 Additional allocations/Savings over the MTEF period Expenditure increased from R6.4 billion in 2008/09 to R14.1 billion in 2011/12 and is expected to continue growing over the medium term to reach R21.4 billion in 2014/15. The budget provides additional allocations over the MTEF period of R149.6 million in 2012/13, R322.1 million in 2013/14 and R257.5 million in 2014/15 for the following priority areas:  Improved conditions of service for department personnel (R7.2 million, R11.8 million and R12.9 million)  Transfers to Umalusi for increases to compensation of employees due to improvements in conditions of service (R859 000, R1.4 million and R1.6 million)  Transfers to Umalusi to cover its expanded mandate (R22 million, R75 million and R83 million)  Annual national assessments to strengthen the existing programme and expand assessments to include Grade 9 (R75 million in 2013/14 and R160 million in 2014/15)  Education infrastructure grant for disaster relief (R119.5 million in 2012/13 and R158.9 million in 2013/14) 47

48 Additional allocations/Savings over the MTEF period (cont.) Efficiency savings realised and Cabinet approved baseline cuts of R160.5 million in 2012/13, R168.5 million in 2013/14 and R175 million in 2014/15 for the following:  Workbooks project (R156.8 million, R162.2 million and R167.5 million)  Efficiency savings on goods and services (R1.9 million, R2.4 million and R2.8 million)  Kha Ri Gude incentive grant (R1.5 million, R3.5 million and R4.3 million)  Umalusi transfer (R326 000, R350 000 and R442 000) The following conditional grant allocations were reduced by R743 million in total over the MTEF period (R203.4 million in 2012/13, R189.7 million in 2013/14 and R349.8 million in 2014/15):  Dinaledi Schools grant (R300 000, R332 000 and R648 000)  Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation grant (R631 000, R698 000 and R1.4 million)  HIV and AIDS Lifeskills grant (R629 000, R695 000 and R1.4 million)  National School Nutrition Programme grant (R21.6 million, R20.1 million and R37.2 million)  Education Infrastructure grant (R180.2 million, R168 million and R309.3 million) 48

49 2012 ENE ALLOCATIONS FROM TREASURY 2012/132013/142014/15 R'000 2011 MTEF Allocations16 557 93620 409 62421 634 201 Plus:149 565322 090257 492 Additional funds allocated to baseline: 7 24911 78612 895 Improvement in conditions of service: Department Umalusi: Compensation of employees8591 4451 597 Annual National Assessments (ANA) – strengthen existing and expected assessments to include grade 9 -75 000160 000 Umalusi transfer – expanded mandate22 00075 00083 000 Additional funds allocated to conditional grants: Education Infrastructure Grant – disaster relief119 457158 859- Less:(363 923)(358 206)(524 861) Adjustments to baseline: (156 770)(162 219)(167 479) Savings on the Workbooks project Efficiency savings on goods and services(1 900)(2 350)(2 800) Additional savings - Kha Ri Gude incentive grant (1 502)(3 549)(4 318) Additional savings – Umalusi (326)(350)(442) Adjustments to conditional grants: Dinaledi Schools Grant (300)(332)(648) Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Grant (631)(698)(1 361) HIV and AIDS (Life Skills Education) Grant (629)(695)(1 356) National School Nutrition Programme Grant (21 626)(20 054)(37 168) Education Infrastructure Grant (180 239)(167 959)(309 289) 2012 ENE ALLOCATIONS16 343 57820 373 50821 366 832 49 2012 MTEF Allocations

50 Allocation per Programme for 2012/13 compared to 2011/12 PROGRAMMES 2011/122012/13Percentage R’000 increase/ decrease Administration291 525309 6486.2% Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring (1) 1 558 0521 428 317 (8.3%) Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development (2) 524 858760 159 44.8% Planning, Information and Assessment (3) 6 400 4428 370 170 30.8% Educational Enrichment Services (4) 5 093 2575 475 284 7.5% Total13 868 13416 343 578 (1)The reduction is as a result of the R156.8 million cut from the Workbooks project due to the Cabinet approved baseline cuts. (2)The main increase is due to the additional allocation towards the NSFAS bursary scheme transfer (R449.4 million awarded in total in 2011/12 versus R671.9 million awarded in 2012/13). (3)Increased allocation towards the School Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant as well as the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant totaling R1.9 billion. (4)The increase is mainly due to a higher allocation for the National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant of R327.7 million. 50

51 Programme 2012/13 R’000 2013/14 R’000 2014/15 R’000 Administration309 648328 485348 328 Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring1 428 3171 515 9211 610 877 Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development 760 159988 5481 047 892 Planning, Information and Assessment8 370 17011 760 92612 250 836 Educational Enrichment Services5 475 2845 779 6286 108 899 TOTAL16 343 57820 373 50821 366 832 51 Allocation per Programme over the 2012 MTEF

52 (1)Increase to enable the Department to attaining full functionality of the newly established Department. (2)Decrease due to efficiency savings over the MTEF as well as reclassification of items regarding the PPP Office Accommodation project. (3)Reclassification of items regarding the PPP Office Accommodation project. (4)Increases in the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant as well as the National Schools Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant. (5)Increase in the allocation for the School Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant. ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2011/122012/13Percentage R’000 increase/ decrease Compensation of employees (1) 325 554349 6147.4% Goods and Services (2) 1 811 3241 641 562(9.4%) Computer Services52 81152 778(0.1%) Agency and support/outsourced Services57 51155 621(3.3%) Inventory Stationery and printing110 08856 948(48.3%) Property payments131 00577 244(41.0%) Operating expenditure1 355 5011 277 638(5.7%) Travel and subsistence56 43965 51116.1% Other47 96955 82216.4% Interest and rent on land (3) -50 112100% Transfers and Subsidies (4) 11 025 27711 971 9578.6% Payments for Capital Assets (5) 705 9792 330 333230.1% Total13 868 13416 343 578 52 Allocation per Economic Classification for 2012/13 compared to 2011/12

53 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2012/132013/142014/15 R’000 Compensation of employees349 614374 949397 992 Goods and Services1 641 5621 819 0192 015 424 Interest and rent on land50 11249 26948 330 Transfers and Subsidies11 971 95712 925 44113 387 371 Payments for Capital Assets2 330 3335 204 8305 517 715 Total16 343 57820 373 50821 366 832 53 Allocation per Economic Classification over the 2012 MTEF

54 SERVICE 2011/122012/13Percentage R’000 increase/ decrease Compensation of Employees (1) 245 532265 2768.0% Examiners and Moderators16 66017 4905.0% Transfers to Public Entities (2) 467 831713 75652.6% Other Transfers11 06611 6145.0% Conditional Grants (3) 10 546 38011 246 5876.6% Specially and exclusively appropriated (4) 700 0002 315 000230.7% Earmarked Funds (5) 1 601 8281 469 113(8.3%) Departmental Operations213 361234 98210.1% Projects65 47669 7606.5% Total13 868 13416 343 578 Allocation Summary for 2012/13 compared to 2011/12 (1)Excludes compensation of employees payments in respect of earmarked funds as well as examiners and moderators. (2)Increase as a result of the higher allocation for the NSFAS bursary scheme transfer in 2012/13. (3)Increases in the Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant as well as the National Schools Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant. (4)Increase as a result of the increased allocation received in 2012/13 in respect of the Schools Infrastructure Backlog Indirect Grant. (5)The decrease is mainly as a result of the Cabinet approved baseline cuts. 54

55 SERVICE 2012/13 R’000 2013/14 R’000 2014/15 R’000 Compensation of Employees 265 276285 744303 435 Examiners and Moderators 17 49018 44019 546 Transfers to Public Entities 713 756990 3351 053 249 Other Transfers 11 61412 25012 985 Conditional Grants 11 246 58711 922 85612 321 137 Specially and exclusively appropriated 2 315 0005 189 0005 500 340 Earmarked Funds 1 469 1131 557 9741 655 274 Departmental Operations 234 982322 676422 417 Projects 69 76074 23378 449 Total 16 343 57820 373 50821 366 832 55 Allocation Summary over the 2012 MTEF

56 SERVICE 2012/13 R’000 2013/14 R’000 2014/15 R’000 Earmarked Funds Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project520 886549 535582 507 EPWP: Kha Ri Gude51 51159 23862 236 Workbooks810 970858 900914 907 IQMS37 02239 05841 402 Systemic Evaluation21 69022 88324 256 National Education Evaluation and Development Unit12 54413 23414 028 National School Nutrition Programme: National14 49015 12615 938 TOTAL: EARMARKED FUNDS 1 469 1131 557 9741 655 274 Conditional Grants Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant209 369220 852233 482 Dinaledi Schools Conditional Grant99 700105 168111 182 Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant5 822 3896 197 6456 269 861 HIV and Aids Conditional Grant208 665220 110232 697 National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant4 906 4645 179 0815 473 915 TOTAL: CONDITIONAL GRANTS 11 246 58711 922 85612 321 137 Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2012 MTEF 56

57 Other Transfers SETA158167177 Unesco Membership Fees11 27611 89612 610 ADEA293032 Guidance Counselling and Youth Development Centre: Malawi101107113 Childine South Africa50 53 TOTAL: OTHER TRANSFERS 11 61412 25012 985 Transfers to Public Entities NSFAS: Funza Lushaka Bursaries671 912893 867947 499 Umalusi41 84496 468105 750 TOTAL: TRANSFERS TO PUBLIC ENTITIES 713 756990 3351 053 249 57 Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2012 MTEF (cont.)

58 CONCLUSION 2011 has seen the system stabilising and the introduction of key interventions in the sector such as CAPS, Workbooks, ANA and ASIDI. During the coming financial year these interventions will be consolidated to improve learner performance. The positive sentiment in the country must be leveraged to pursue the objectives contained in the Action Plan to 2014. 58


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