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Oct.-05 REGION I REPORT ICTS 25/10/2005 Las Vegas.

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1 oct.-05 REGION I REPORT ICTS 25/10/2005 Las Vegas

2 oct.-05 Major event : disparition of J.M BERGES Region I coordinator Extract from the Introduction to next month’s REE journal (Revue de l’Electricité et de l’Electronique) With the sense of a duty accomplished…….he left us. The “Feature” in this issue of the REE was piloted by Jean-Marie Bergès and he let his pen run one final time on the pages of the REE, in order to write the Editorial. As was his habit, he worked methodically, quietly, calmly, to provide our readers with a choice of carefully selected articles on subjects he had researched himself. Flight tests, telemetry, EMC, … so many fields which held few secrets for him. But on the same level as his professional knowledge, and without betraying his personal life, I can say that Asian Arts, watercolour painting, and the fables of La Fontaine were also personal joys, as were the friendly coffee breaks which gave me the time to appreciate and share them. Thank you, Jean-Marie, for your generosity. REGION I REPORT

3 oct.-05 Publication of NL #27, debriefing of ETTC 2005 and ICTS european plenary session Publication (on the way) of NL # 28, debriefing of ITU WP8B of september Assistance to the French delegation in WP8B in Geneva Participation to ICTS outreach missions REGION I REPORT

4 oct.-05 Adresses e-mail Newsletters (ex NL 27) A1 = Region I 68% B2 = Region 2 and 38.8% C3 = guests30.4% Actual total approx.150 members REGION I REPORT

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