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Building your Professional Network Evi Dube, Lawrence Livermore National Lab Vidya Setlur, Nokia Research Carolyn Strobel, Anita Borg Institute Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "Building your Professional Network Evi Dube, Lawrence Livermore National Lab Vidya Setlur, Nokia Research Carolyn Strobel, Anita Borg Institute Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building your Professional Network Evi Dube, Lawrence Livermore National Lab Vidya Setlur, Nokia Research Carolyn Strobel, Anita Borg Institute Networking Collaboration, ♞♟ Funding, $

2 Another of Aesop’s Fables … “If you do good research, fame, funding, promotions, and graduate students follow”

3 Networking Establishes Your Brand Source for new ideas, collaborations, feedback Invites to talks, Job interviews, Program committees Letters of recommendation Internships, papers accepted

4 Networking is one of your skills Networking Prepare for an event Elevator Speech Offer to Help Talk to those around you Set Goals

5 Practice this new Networking Skill

6 Deliberately Target your Networking Established Researchers Business Leaders Technical Advisors Contemporaries People with Possible Job Opportunities Alumni

7 Networking is a Relationship Write down next Steps Keep in Touch! Exchange giving talks


9 Things I’m glad I did Took risks to go into new areas not typical for computer scientists Delivered in everything asked to do Active in assignments Spent some time in Washington D.C. on assignment” Pursued the Ph.D. and the PMP Evi Dube

10 Things I wish I had done Understood the value of a mentor for myself earlier in my career Learned to listen to others with a more open mind earlier in my career Aggressively avoid meetings Evi Dube

11 Things I’m glad I did Several internships during my Ph.D. stint Pursued a novel research area in computer graphics and HCI Pursued my goals with passion Had a baby in graduate school Vidya Setlur

12 Things I wish I had done Learnt to say no early on Prioritize meetings Keep communication channels open Vidya Setlur

13 Things I’m glad I did Made connections with people in my extended network Attended conferences and events Represented my organization externally Built strong relationships with colleagues Followed through with work and created reliable processes Carolyn Strobel

14 Things I wish I had done Contributed more in meetings Understood the value of my perspective Take more risks Carolyn Strobel

15 Start your Power Networking Today Because your Peers are your Competition and they are out there Networking ……

16 CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshops, Workshop reports and transcripts Networking Like a Pro: Turning Contacts into Connections by Ivan Misner, David Alexander and Brian Hilliard Make Your Contacts Count: Networking Know-how for Business And Career Success by Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon Resources

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