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Florian Gaba FIAR 2012. Agenda Situatia actuala din piata Eficientizarea procesului de invatare Perspective de dezvoltare.

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Presentation on theme: "Florian Gaba FIAR 2012. Agenda Situatia actuala din piata Eficientizarea procesului de invatare Perspective de dezvoltare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florian Gaba FIAR 2012

2 Agenda Situatia actuala din piata Eficientizarea procesului de invatare Perspective de dezvoltare

3 Situatia actuala din piata Pregatire profesionala conform normelor CSA Grafic cursanti/cursuri absolvite Grafic cursanti trimisi de brokeri/ cursanti trimisi de asiguratori Grafic piata furnizori.

4 Situatia actuala din piata Alte cursuri de pregatire profesionala cerute de brokerii de asigurare din piata Produse de asigurare (CMR, Bunuri, Riscuri financiare) Managementul riscului Constatarea daunelor auto Tehnici de interactiune cu clientii in brokerajul de asigurari Cursuri de vanzari Cursuri de formatori

5 1. Continut (Cum arata un curs pentru intermediari in Marea Britanie) 2. Prezentarea continutului - la sala - E-learning (peste 90 % din cei care au luat examenul de autorizare IMA/CSA) Eficientizarea procesului de invatare

6 6 Module 1 Personal Lines General Insurance Training Course

7 7 The Principle of Insurance The accumulation of a fund, made up of premiums paid by the many, from which the unfortunate few, who suffer losses, are paid.

8 8 The principle of Insurance depends on the fact that … Not all members of the fund will have claims Those that do will not have total losses

9 9 The Concept of Risk All human activity is a venture in uncertainty

10 10 Risk is ….. the possibility of an unfortunate occurrence unpredictable uncertain as to the extent of loss the possibility of loss The possible happening of a fortuitous event which may produce a loss

11 11 Reinsurance The insurer insures part of the risk with a reinsurance company The insurer’s insurable interest is the financial loss they will suffer in the event of a claim by the insured Reinsurance enables the insurer to accept a larger amount of a risk than would otherwise be prudent The insured is usually unaware of the existence of reinsurance

12 12 Insurable Interest subject matter of the insurance The legal right to insure arising out of a financial relationship recognised in law, between the insured and the subject matter of the insurance

13 13 The promise to place the insured in the same financial position after the loss as he/she enjoyed immediately before its occurrence No better - No worse Indemnity

14 14 The Insurance Market The Intermediary Lloyds Brokers Tied Agents Agents Insurance Broker The Insurance Intermediary

15 15 Multi Agency Intermediary The Broker Authorised Adviser Tied Agent Agent Insurance Broker Cash Handler Multi Agency Intermediary Must have more than 5 agencies Must have no more than 4 agencies Represents one insurer only Self-employed Employed by insurer May be either or May be either Restricted Activity Investment Product Intermediary Insurance Intermediaries or

16 16 The Role of the Broker Agent of the Insured Giving advice Arranging insurances Claims assistance An independent professional adviser operating legally as an agent Agent of the Insurer  Handling proposals  Confirming cover  Survey & Risk Management  Collection of premiums Duties of an Agent  Obedience  Personal Performance  Due Care & Skill  Good Faith  Accountability Duties of a Principal  Remuneration  Indemnity

17 17 The Motor Car Proposal 1 Registration number Make, model, type Engine size Year of manufacture Value Address where vehicle is kept Is proposer owner? Has vehicle been altered Details of trailers Hire purchase Details of the Vehicle

18 18 The Motor Car Proposal 2 Full names of drivers Dates of birth Occupations Full or provisional licence? Any disease or physical infirmity Actual or pending convictions Details of accidents Details of the Drivers

19 19 Driving Other Cars Extension Allows driving by the insured of a vehicle owned by another person BUT the cover is Third Party Only Irrespective of the cover provided by the policy N.B.N.B.

20 20 Lesson 1 – Introduction Accident Benefits Property cover Pecuniary cover Liability cover Cancellation Curtailment Delay Hijack Abandonment Missed Departure Catastrophe Medical Expenses Repatriation costs Hospitalisation Personal Accident Additional Expenses Dental costs Homecare Baggage Money Personal Effects Personal Liability Legal Expenses Travel Insurance

21 21 Insurance is about paying claims Best tell the broker Without claims the insurer wouldn’t be in business

22 E-learning in domeniul asigurarilor Costuri de accesare mici(pentru un numar mare de cursanti) Flexibilitate (oricand/oriunde) Abilitati de utilizare a computerului Relativa "dezumanizare" a cursurilor. (Lipsa interactiunii cursant/lector) Solutie “Blended learning”

23 Model E-learning Film de 3 minute (inserat direct in prezentare). Colegii mei lucreaza la el. Ideea e sa aratam cum se foloseste e- learning-ul pas cu pas. Nu vom da nume de produse, de companii etc. Se va baza exclusiv pe ideea de model, asa cum apare la nivel international. Acest filmulet va avea si sonor. In acest context credeti ca este viabil sa-l punem?

24 Perspective de dezvoltare Care este trendul european cu privire la pregatirea brokerilor de asigurare? Care vor fi temele abordate in perioada de dupa “primul val” de pregatire? Care sunt programele de pregatire profesionala de interes pentru brokerii de asigurare?

25 Multumesc!

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