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In 1930, Scotch tape was developed by Richard G. Drew at 3M, St. Paul Minn. Originally, 3M only made sandpaper, and during testing Drew observed at a local.

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Presentation on theme: "In 1930, Scotch tape was developed by Richard G. Drew at 3M, St. Paul Minn. Originally, 3M only made sandpaper, and during testing Drew observed at a local."— Presentation transcript:

1 In 1930, Scotch tape was developed by Richard G. Drew at 3M, St. Paul Minn. Originally, 3M only made sandpaper, and during testing Drew observed at a local auto body shop that auto painters had difficulty making clean dividing lines on two-color paint jobs. After two years of effort in the company's labs, he invented masking tape (1925), a tan paper tape with a light, pressure sensitive adhesive backing. Five years later, he invented Scotch Brand Cellulose Tape, the first waterproof, see- through, pressure-sensitive tape. Once marketed, the public found the tape had a wide range popular applications in mending, sealing and joining. These financial successes stimulated the company to increase product research and development. September 8 th, 2015 NOS Quiz

2 Objectives Take Nature of Science Quiz Lab Safety

3 Assessment Expectations! Remain quiet during and after your assessment. Remain seated. Turn your assessment over when finished. I will pick them up at the end of class. Remain busy. Find something else to work on. September 8 th, 2015 Homework Work on Book readings for Friday.

4 What to bring to the lab? Lab handout/work sheet Pencil Calculator or Periodic Table (if needed)

5 What not to bring to the lab… Books Purses Etc.

6 Follow instructions Written Oral Eye contact is requested LISTEN

7 Wear appropriate clothing Jackets and loose garments Open-toed shoes Tie hair back

8 Safety Goggles Wear them when working with chemicals, heat, etc. Wash out eyes for 15-20 minutes

9 The brown tissue is permanent scar tissue from an acid burn.

10 Six weeks after an acid burn.


12 Nine months after injury.

13 Same eye, one year later.


15 “The Dead Fish Eye”


17 Chemicals Waft with your hand Do not breathe fumes directly

18 Handle all chemicals carefully Read directions Read labels Do not mix chemicals unless directed to do so

19 Avoid touching chemicals with your hands Wash your hands right away with soap and water

20 Unwashed hands can transfer chemicals to the neck or face.

21 Emergency Equipment Fire blanket Fire extinguisher Safety shower Eye wash station

22 BROKEN GLASS Move away Tell Mr. Sandquist Let the teacher dispose of broken glass

23 Stitches

24 Clean up Wet and dry Wipe down the tables DO NOT leave a mess. Most chemicals can be washed down the sink or put in the trash.

25 Food/Drinks No food or drink in the lab area, including gum. Never drink out of lab glassware.

26 Rules for handling unused chemicals If the chemicals have only touched the scoop, then you can return the unused portion to the reagent bottle. If the chemicals have touched anything else (weighing dish, lab table, beaker, etc.), then you must dispose of the unused chemicals.

27 Using Heat Be care when using heat! Keep all combustible materials away from open flames. Do not leave an open flame unattended.

28 RESPECT The back room, closets and cabinets are off limits to students (unless given permission by Mr. Sandquist). Do not disturb lab set-ups for other classes.

29 Avoid excited or quick movements Use two hands when transporting materials Report any unsafe conditions Irrational behavior is unacceptable Be cautious Lab safety is serious business

30 Closing Book readings are due Friday. Assignment Complete Lab Safety Worksheet

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