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Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt 1 A concept for the MVD-DAQ C.Schrader, S. Amar-Youcef, N. Bialas, M. Deveaux, I.Fröhlich, J. Michel,

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt 1 A concept for the MVD-DAQ C.Schrader, S. Amar-Youcef, N. Bialas, M. Deveaux, I.Fröhlich, J. Michel,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt 1 A concept for the MVD-DAQ C.Schrader, S. Amar-Youcef, N. Bialas, M. Deveaux, I.Fröhlich, J. Michel, B. Milanovic, C. Müntz, S. Seddiki, J. Stroth, T. Tischler, B. Wiedemann C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting

2 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt 2 C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Outline: 1.Requirements on the prototype 2.The prototype sensor (Mimosa26) 3.The prototype readout concept based on existing hardware 4.Network concept 5.Status and conclusion

3 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting The Demonstrator analogue output sync. signals demo-AUX MAPS add-on board Trb2 (TRBnet) file server monitoring data transfer: I/O-card data transfer: OP-link or Beam test @ Cern-SPS Nov 2009 Demonstrator project accomplished See talk of Samir 3

4 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting The project aims at improve: low material budget mechanical integration cooling fast sensor readout scalable DAQ-system for the full MVD (e.g. 20 sensors first station) a whole network structure from the front-end to the PC Why a prototype? s A prototype to meets the requirements for the CBM MVD 4

5 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting M. Deveaux, ULISI kick-off meeting, GSI, Feb. 17-18, 2010 CBM wish list MAPS* (2003) MAPS* (2009) Mimosa26 Binary, 0 Single point res. ~ 5 µm1.5 µm1 µm4 µm Material budget < 0.3% X 0 ~ 0.1% X 0 ~ 0.05% X 0 Rad. hard. non-io. >10 13 n eq 10 12 n eq /cm²>3x10 13 n eq few 10 12 n eq Rad. hard. io > 3 Mrad200 krad> 1 Mrad> 300 krad Time resolution < 30 µs~ 1 ms~ 25 µs110 µs Best values reached Current compromise Sensors of the prototype Mimosa26 offers: logic for data reduction huge pixel array (form factor for the final MVD) multiplexer for faster readout inspiration for the final MVD sensor (MimoSIS-1) 5 * best of

6 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Mimosa26 analogue Outputs pixel array: 1152 columns x 576 rows (18,4 µm pitch and 115,2 µs readout time) pixel array: 1152 columns x 576 rows (18,4 µm pitch and 115,2 µs readout time) JTAG Digital input Digital input Digital output PLL Temp probe Temp probe Discri test Discri test Power Signal discrimination zero suppression logic correlated double sampling 2 channels80 MHz 160 Mbit/s  ~ 80 Mbit/s (570 words of 16 bit  ~ 9120 bit/frame) 9 hits/ row Mi26 protocol allows: ∑ 570 hits multiplexing Demonstrator: Mimosa20 with analogue readout 2.4Gbit/s uncompressed chip slow control 6

7 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting readout board for 3x Mimosa 26 platform to study online data specification for data reduction compatibility with HADES DAQ (Trb2) for testing purposes developed by IKF electronic workshop The add-on board with a FPGA Is mounted on the TRBv2 back side The Trbv2 (HADES) provides a flexible add-on board concept high data-rate digital interface connector (15 Gbit/s) FPGA configuration high data transfer with optical link (2 Gbit/s) application process interface (API)‏ power supply +5V,10A clock distribution The readout boards 7

8 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting The prototype readout A telescope to study: Protocol – scalable (unique ID for 512 sensors) – time/trigger stamps (for assynchronous readout of the sensors) – safety aspects (check- sum and data length) – data reduction (160 Mbit/s down to 80 Mbit/s) – buffered readout JTAG chain Online monitoring Beam tests Offline analysis/tracking (CBM-root) A telescope to study: Protocol – scalable (unique ID for 512 sensors) – time/trigger stamps (for assynchronous readout of the sensors) – safety aspects (check- sum and data length) – data reduction (160 Mbit/s down to 80 Mbit/s) – buffered readout JTAG chain Online monitoring Beam tests Offline analysis/tracking (CBM-root) 2m 1x Start,clk,Rst (LVDS) 1x Start,clk,Rst (LVDS) 15 cm 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) 2m 3 stations „telescope“ vacuum 133 Mbyte/s ~ 13 sensors JTAG chain control chain data output Mimosa26 Digi Aux JTAG board MAPS add-on 8

9 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Scalable DAQ-system To study: Scalable system (unique ID for boards) Board synchronisation Repeater for signal conditioning To study: Scalable system (unique ID for boards) Board synchronisation Repeater for signal conditioning 1x RJ45 1x Start,clk,Rst (LVDS) 1x Start,clk,Rst (LVDS) 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) 3x D0,D1,CLK (LVDS) MAPS add-on I/O limitation for only 3 sensors Mimosa26 Digi Aux JTAG board MAPS add-on 9

10 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Data rate of the sensors was simulated accounting for: pile-up, delta electrons, clustering, fake hits rates with the data protocols of Mimosa26 Conclusions: Total data rate of the MVD 10 GBytes/s First MVD station located at 5 cm See talk of S.Seddiki Data rate for the MVD Data rate of individual sensor < 2.4 Gbit/s Data reduction on FPGA boards 10

11 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting 4x LVDS JTAG 3x LVDS clk/start/rst 3x LVDS D0,D1,clk 2x optical link (each 2 Gbit/s) > 30 Mimosa26/board 2x optical link (each 2 Gbit/s) > 30 Mimosa26/board...... New add-on board: - chip controlling - chip mointoring - protocol for front-ends - network protocol (TrbNet) - … (telescope studies) Trbv2: - JTAG - power supply - monitoring digital chip data via optical link (2 Gbit/s) 2m New readout board The readout board can be used as computing node Fake hit suppression  cluster building Hit finding … The readout board can be used as computing node Fake hit suppression  cluster building Hit finding … NS NNS √ - NNS MIMOSA26 readout: Seed pixel and the successive two Neighbor pixels N  Algorithms have to be studied 11

12 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Hub-AddOn (HADES) 20x up to 3.125 Gbit/s (~1.2 Gbit/s raw data) Capable of Gigabit-Ethernet to send data to standard PCs (TCP) Implements basic data processing features Buffered readout 12 Successful tested

13 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting PC-Interface: PEXOR 3 PCI-Express card (x4) Fast Lattice SCM40 FPGA 4 optical links up to 3.8 Gbit/s each PCI-Express bus up to 4 Gbit/s 13 Hardware available jet

14 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting.................. PC optical link- PCI- express- card PC optical link- PCI- express- card TrbNet protocolFPGA boards PCI Express card 4x 3.8 Gbit/s PCI express bus: 4 Gbit/s ~ 50 x Mimosa26 unbuffered PCI Express card 4x 3.8 Gbit/s PCI express bus: 4 Gbit/s ~ 50 x Mimosa26 unbuffered up to 2 Gbit/s MVD readout setup Hub Input: 16 x optical links (8x 30 Mimosa26) Output: 4x optical links ~ 240 sensors buffered Hub Input: 16 x optical links (8x 30 Mimosa26) Output: 4x optical links ~ 240 sensors buffered up to 3.8 Gbit/s 14 See talk of B. Milanovic

15 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting 15 The new front-end Digi AuxMIMOSA-26 JTAG board All in one Highly integrated Vacuum compatible Suffix to cooling concept Radiation tolerant Bus concept Advanced flex print cable (e.g. IMEC : sensors in ultra thin polyamide film) … All in one Highly integrated Vacuum compatible Suffix to cooling concept Radiation tolerant Bus concept Advanced flex print cable (e.g. IMEC : sensors in ultra thin polyamide film) … 

16 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Summary and conclusion prototype Experience with the Demonstrator Front-end FPGA based processing Network Digital sensor (MIMOSA26) Scalable readout concept Bus concept Monitoring and Offline analyses 16

17 Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt C.Schrader; April 2010, CBM Collaboration Meeting Thank you 17

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