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Definition of Ready: An Experience Report from Teams at Cisco XP 2014 學號 :103522093 學生 : 鄭博仁.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition of Ready: An Experience Report from Teams at Cisco XP 2014 學號 :103522093 學生 : 鄭博仁."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition of Ready: An Experience Report from Teams at Cisco XP 2014 學號 :103522093 學生 : 鄭博仁

2 Goals of Definition of Ready

3 What Is Definition of Ready? Definition of Ready is a set of agreements that define what ready means for a backlog item the definition of ready is a checklist of the types of work “ready” does not mean the user story or feature must be 100% defined; it needs to be “ready enough” so that the team is confident they can successfully deliver the user story

4 Teams Using Kanban or Flow- Based Methods

5 The Lifecycle of Backlog Items

6 About Cisco 全球網路設備領導廠商 遍佈全球 67 個國家 已有超過 400 個以上的分支據點 超過 7 萬名員工

7 Definition of Ready in Cisco The baseline Definition of Ready has three main elements 1.Definition of Ready for User Stories or other Work Items 2.Definition of Ready for Sprints, Iterations or Time boxes. 3.Definition of Ready for Releases

8 Definition of Ready for User Stories or other Work Items User Story defined User Story Acceptance Criteria defined User Story dependencies identified User Story sized by Delivery Team User Experience artifacts are Done, and reviewed by the Team Team has reviewed the User Story Team knows what it will mean to demo the User Story

9 Definition of Ready for a Sprint, Iteration or Time box All User Stories meet Definition of Ready The Sprint/Iteration/Time box goals are defined, understood and agreed The Sprint/Iteration/Time box Backlog contains all defects, User Stories and other work that the team is committing to, with no hidden work All team members have noted their capacity for the Iteration Capacity is filled to no more than 70% so there is some room to adapt

10 Definition of Ready for a Release The Release has been categorized as ‘Fixed Scope’ or ‘Fixed Date’ but not both The Release Backlog is prepared Work is sized Work is prioritized Market Value is understood and communicated The Release Themes are identified The MVO (Minimal Viable Offer) is identified The MVO is not the full target release content, i.e., allow scope for negotiation Release Planning has taken place, and the team has been involved Team and Product Owners agree the Release Plan is a realistic forecast Risk analysis is under way Continuous Improvement items Quality targets are defined The team’s capacity is not planned to 100% Capacity is planned for multiple different areas New feature work, fixing defects, reducing Quality Debt, reducing Architecture changes are understood Communication and Coordination model is defined Means of tracking progress is understood Lessons learned from previous Release Retrospective have been incorporated Playtime / Innovation time is included in the Release Plan Celebrations are included in the Release Plan

11 Consequences of Not Being Ready wasted time wasted energy frustration working on the wrong things forced rework

12 Conclusions Neglecting Definition of Ready creates waste and impediments to flow in teams and organizations. The larger the teams and organization, and the larger the products they are creating, the more there is potential for harmful waste. Use Definition of Ready to bring a focus to Backlog Grooming meetings and Look-Ahead planning activities. Product Owners can use it as a guide when preparing user stories for upcoming Sprints. Teams can use it as a checklist to make sure that they have an increased chance of success in delivering the completed user story

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