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English 58 – recruit Temps 128 – have Part time staff 21 – take on Seasonal staff 29 – take on Graduates 30 – take Intern 90 – recruit Apprentices 82 –

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Presentation on theme: "English 58 – recruit Temps 128 – have Part time staff 21 – take on Seasonal staff 29 – take on Graduates 30 – take Intern 90 – recruit Apprentices 82 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 English 58 – recruit Temps 128 – have Part time staff 21 – take on Seasonal staff 29 – take on Graduates 30 – take Intern 90 – recruit Apprentices 82 – Train staff using External consultants 190 – Train staff In-House 94 – Offer Staff Support that have disabilities and difficulties 136– Offer Staff Flexible working 78 Managers 34 Owners 37 Directors 91 Have a Human Resources department 64 Are you currently looking to recruit more staff 56 Looking to recruit because they want to expand the business 135 Have a process for new starting employees 129 Have appraisals 147 Give staff opportunities for career advancement French 71 – recruit Temps 35 – have Part time staff 17 – take on Seasonal staff 5 – take on Graduates 75 – take Intern 98 – recruit Apprentices 10 – Train staff using External consultants 125 – Train staff In-House 55 – Offer Staff Support that have disabilities and difficulties 62 – Offer Staff Flexible working 85 Managers 2 Owners 16 Directors 65 Have a Human Resources department 73 Are you currently looking to recruit more staff 47 Looking to recruit because they want to expand the business 55 Have a process for new starting employees 34 Have appraisals 47 Give staff opportunities for career advancement Survey Monkey: Answer taken from 405 Participates Out of the total 405: (219 English) (186 French)

2 English 58 – recruit Temps 128 – have Part time staff 21 – take on Seasonal staff French 71 – recruit Temps 35 – have Part time staff 17 – take on Seasonal staff

3 English 29 – take on Graduates 30 – take Intern 90 – recruit Apprentices French 5 – take on Graduates 75 – take Intern 98 – recruit Apprentices

4 English 82 – Train staff using External consultants 190 – Train staff In-House French 10 – Train staff using External consultants 125 – Train staff In-House

5 English 94 – Offer Staff Support that have disabilities and difficulties 136– Offer Staff Flexible working French 55 – Offer Staff Support that have disabilities and difficulties 62 – Offer Staff Flexible working

6 English 78 Managers 34 Owners 37 Directors French 85 Managers 2 Owners 16 Directors

7 English 91 Have a Human Resources department 64 Are you currently looking to recruit more staff 56 Looking to recruit because they want to expand the business French 65 Have a Human Resources department 73 Are you currently looking to recruit more staff 47 Looking to recruit because they want to expand the business

8 English 135 Have a process for new starting employees 129 Have appraisals 147 Give staff opportunities for career advancement French 55 Have a process for new starting employees 34 Have appraisals 47 Give staff opportunities for career advancement

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