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 YOU are the expert in planning, organizing, and distributing the story about your community and your new adventure with HTC!

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Presentation on theme: " YOU are the expert in planning, organizing, and distributing the story about your community and your new adventure with HTC!"— Presentation transcript:


2  YOU are the expert in planning, organizing, and distributing the story about your community and your new adventure with HTC!

3  Unique qualities of your community  Unique features of the HTC program  How HTC is benefiting your community

4  Determine your purpose.  Determine your roles- who is the fact- finder, who is the editor, who is the facilitator?  Think about your project timeline and how it relates to your communications efforts.

5  What person on your team is responsible for preparing and sending press releases?  Who will take photos to document your events and send them to the press?  Who is your spokesperson?

6 Fire officials grilled over kerosene heaters. Kids make nutritious snacks. Local high school drop-outs cut in half. Red tape holds up new bridges.

7 In case your community needs a Spanish Interpreter, check with OCRA for resources. Remember your audience!

8  Community: Your county’s media list.  Keep a list of the people who you have worked with in the past. Create an e-mail distribution list of your contacts. ASK what people are reading, listening to, and watching.  As an individual county, you will coordinate hometown media activities – and work with your local media independently.

9  State: OCRA will coordinate statewide releases and media inquiries.  We will periodically send out releases about your progress.  If you have questions or ideas for media activities on the state level, here is our contact information:   Ann McConnell (317) 232-8832Annie Bell (317) 232-0162

10  QUOTES:  Find the right person.  Spokesperson for your call-out for survey participation?  Spokesperson for events? For topics like developing local leadership?  Get the “bang for your buck”

11  Work with your team to write a quote for a news release announcing your community’s participation in the HTC program.

12  PHOTOS:  Bring your story to life with photographs.  “Feel good” photos  Local HTC Kick Off Event  Presentation to the community about your HTC plans  The “ask” for their participation  Working with a grad student or intern  Community festivals or celebrations  Your Opportunity Retreat

13  Determine your talking points Identify one key message 5 W’s (who, what, why, where, when)  How will you pitch the story? Does anyone on your team have a working relationship with a local media representative? Find out the name and contact information for specific “beat” reporters

14  Don’t forget about the local chamber of commerce, visitor’s center, or anyone else who may put your information in a newsletter  Remember the “two week, two day” rule  Reminder calls- got lemons- make lemonade!

15  Get questions? Send quick, personal answers!  Remember that the reporter has a story budget and a deadline.  Time is money!

16  Consistency Use similar key words and phrases Keep in contact with your media and communication contacts at regular intervals. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder- reporters will NOT prioritize your stories unless YOU do!

17  Put yourself in their shoes.  For the audience: What do you want the public to know and remember?  For the reporter: Is print, web, or video best for this story? Will your audience see your story in a newsletter, or on a bulletin board?

18  How will your media react?  How might you create a spark of interest?  What exactly will you tell the community?  How can you get coverage?  How are news stories and editorials different?  Is HTC a public service?  Your economic & business climate?

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