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Why an Energy Career Academy?. What is a Career Academy? Small, safe, and supportive learning environments that are personalized and inclusive of all.

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Presentation on theme: "Why an Energy Career Academy?. What is a Career Academy? Small, safe, and supportive learning environments that are personalized and inclusive of all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why an Energy Career Academy?

2 What is a Career Academy? Small, safe, and supportive learning environments that are personalized and inclusive of all students. Challenging, rigorous, and relevant curriculum that prepares students for college, careers, and productive citizenship. Collaborative partnerships among educators, parents, businesses, and other community resources that broadens learning opportunities.

3 Career Academy Benefits for Students Higher attendance rates Lower drop-out rates Higher self-esteem and satisfaction with school Lower discipline problems Higher promise for at-risk and disengaged students

4 Career Academy Benefits for Students Lower incidence of school violence Higher academic standards and sense of connection with teachers, other students, and school programs Lower sense of student apathy, isolation, and alienation

5 Why should our company support a Career Academy? Builds interest in the energy industry among students Creates a pool of potential employees Exposes the community to the great work being done at our company Enhances our relationship with local schools Makes a difference in the lives of youth!

6 Direct Benefits to Our Company Supports the concept of “growing our own.” These potential employees: Receive extensive background in energy Take employment tests before they graduate high school Have on the job experience through an internship program Build relationships with company employees

7 How would it be structured? 10 th Grade: take technical courses; take field trips to our company; learn about the company culture 11 th Grade: take additional technical courses; begin mentoring program; we provide guest speakers; start capstone project

8 How would it be structured? 12 Grade: finish technical courses; take pre-employment tests; intern at the company

9 What would our role be? Offer guidance, support, and instructional assistance Provide equipment to school lab Send guest speakers to school Host field trips Participate in mentoring and internship programs

10 Costs Equipment, but can be items that are being rotated out For internships: Personal Protective Equipment for each student, pre- employment testing, drug screening, background checks, respirator fit tests and baseline audio tests Company t-shirts and hats

11 Costs Refreshments and giveaways for any related events sponsored at our company Indirect: Staff time for hosting field trips, providing guest speakers, and offering subject matter expertise

12 Next Steps Meet with district Career & Technical Education contact Select a school that already has a construction or STEM academy in place Help select a lead teacher for the Academy Coordinate details with lead teacher to hook an Energy Academy onto existing academy

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