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You Are Not Alone: Why Every WL Classroom needs an EduCorps Intern. Presenters: Monica Abuliak & Beth Matcham-Shepherd.

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Presentation on theme: "You Are Not Alone: Why Every WL Classroom needs an EduCorps Intern. Presenters: Monica Abuliak & Beth Matcham-Shepherd."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Are Not Alone: Why Every WL Classroom needs an EduCorps Intern. Presenters: Monica Abuliak & Beth Matcham-Shepherd

2 Session Outcomes Discuss the increased need of peer tutors and mentors in academic classes Share information about the EduCorps Intern program and how it impacts student learning Present student testimonials that support the benefits of the program for teachers and students Discuss how the program provides opportunities for student leadership and builds resumes for college Examine models of implementation that maximize student participation

3 Are you alone? You know you are alone in the WL classroom when… -You have 30 or more students in each of your beginning level world languages classes and are responsible for their learning of a standardized curriculum with a corresponding final exam. -You have 4 or more students in these classes with accommodations, many of whom need human readers, copies of notes, and repetition of directions.

4 Are you alone? You know you are alone in the WL classroom when… -You have ever envied your colleagues in math, science, English, and social studies for having a co- teacher and/or a para-educator assigned to their on-level classes. -You have students who need extra time to learn concepts and would benefit from one-on-one or small group instruction. -You are expected to take attendance, have students in their seats and working on their warm- up, and check their homework for completion, all within the first 5 minutes of class.

5 Justification of Need Why does my school need an EduCorps Program? -School Progress Index (formerly AYP)and Annual Measurable Objectives -District targets for attendance, academic eligibility, reading, math, and college readiness -Accountability for teachers through SLOs (student learning outcomes) -Closing the Achievement Gap

6 Justification of Need (con’t) Why does my school need an EduCorps Program? -Increased number of students who have accommodations in World Languages classes -Larger class sizes (33) with one general educator -Increased need of embedded structures for peer mentoring and tutoring -Increased number of seniors seeking capstone and leadership opportunities for graduation -State requirements for student service learning hours

7 What is the EduCorps Program? A school-based internship program for 11 th and 12 th grade students who have successfully achieved the goals and objectives of entry-level English, math, science, world languages, and social studies courses. Students submit an application and recommendation. Students must have demonstrated academic strengths.

8 What does an EduCorps intern do? Tutors, teaches, and mentors Is an active role model in the classroom Reinforces course objectives Works with students one-on-one or in small groups Assists with note-taking and re-teaching Reviews homework for learning Helps keep students on task Assists when a substitute teacher is present

9 How is an intern evaluated? Logs Self Reflection Quarterly Summary Self Evaluation Teacher Evaluation

10 Intern Benefits 1 Student Leadership Credit 30 SSL hours/semester Capstone opportunity for graduation Resume builder for college and careers

11 Recruitment & Support January/February/March -Visit WL advanced level classes and share information about the EduCorps Internship Program -Identify students who are leaders in the school and invite them to an EduCorps interest meeting (invite former interns to present at the meeting) -Provide students with applications and follow up with them one week after the meeting -Communicate with counselors about prospects and review enrollment in March -Tally numbers and personally recruit students to fill needs in remaining classes

12 Recruitment & Support June/July/August -Review applications and match interns to available classes -Follow up with WL interns who may need a schedule change in order to be placed in a novice WL class -Contact the MCPS Task Force for Mentoring and set up a time during the first week of school to train interns -Present the EduCorps orientation, by period, on the first day of classes to review roles and class expectations -Provide mentor training the first week of school -Match student and teachers schedules

13 The EduCorps Poem Line 1: Your first name Line 2: 4 traits that describe you as an Educorps student. Line 3: Educorps student in ________________________ (your Educorps subject) Line 4: Lover of….. (three things or ideas that are important about your subject matter) Line 5: Who likes to… (two things that you did that were positive in your class) Line 6: Who (earned or learned)… (two examples of what you got out of this class ) Line 7: Who (gives or contributed) …(What did you give or contribute to the class? ) Line 8: Who is concerned about…. (one or two concerns you have about Education, teaching or students ) Line 9: Who would like to be a ( a prediction of the future) Line 10: Thoughts about pd. ____ Line 11: your last name, nickname or a one or two word descriptor.

14 Where Do I Start? Models for Program Implementation Counselor Coordinator Stipend coordinator Single period Internships Creative use of Alternative Ed. Or Special education resources.

15 Discussion Questions Where is there a need in your school or learning environment to develop an EduCorps program? What resources does your school have to develop an EduCorps program in a creative way? What challenges do you foresee in implementing such a program? Do you see ways to improve the current model and/or enhance learning opportunities for EduCorps interns?

16 Presenter Information Monica Abuliak Beth Matcham-Shepherd

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