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MoSRT Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists.

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Presentation on theme: "MoSRT Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists."— Presentation transcript:

1 MoSRT Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists

2 Board Members

3 MoSRT Benefits for YOU! Continuing Education Credits ▫24 every 2 years Internship Opportunity to serve on the MoSRT Board Scholarships ▫Technologists ▫Students

4 Student Internship Duties Serve as an ambassador for the MoSRT and ASRT Attend the 2016 MoSRT Annual Meeting in Columbia MO to accept your award Attend the ASRT Symposium and House of Delegates Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada as part of the Student Leadership and Development Program Travel to schools around MO to educate fellow students about MoSRT Help support the CARE Bill Attend quarterly MoSRT meetings Attend the 2017 MoSRT Annual Meeting in Columbia MO to award the next student intern with his/her award

5 Student Internship Opportunities ▫Networking, Networking, Networking! ▫New Friendships ▫Travel  ASRT Educational Symposium- Las Vegas, Nevada  Student Leadership Development Program  MoSRT Annual Meeting- Columbia MO  Quarterly Board Meetings

6 Student Internship Requirements Be a student member of the MoSRT. Be in good standing with a training program accredited by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Be recommended/sponsored by a current MoSRT Board member. Be able to attend all regular meetings of the MoSRT Board of Directors. The recipient will be encouraged to act as an ambassador for the MoSRT to the radiography programs throughout Missouri, as their schedule allows. Application due NOVEMBER 9 th

7 How To Apply Apply Online Program Director E-mail Be a member of MoSRT Essay ▫Details on Obtain 2 References ▫Registered Only ▫At least one be a MoSRT member

8 ASRT Student Leadership Development Program June 23rd-26th in Las Vegas, Nevada Opportunities- ▫Observe the ASRT Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting ▫Network!

9 Questions??? Casey Scott- Student Internship Chair ▫ Rebecca Gasper- Secretary ▫

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