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1.Immigrant processing island in San Francisco Bay. 2.Law aimed at discriminating against west coast immigrants. 3.Type of immigrants that the Germans.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Immigrant processing island in San Francisco Bay. 2.Law aimed at discriminating against west coast immigrants. 3.Type of immigrants that the Germans."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Immigrant processing island in San Francisco Bay. 2.Law aimed at discriminating against west coast immigrants. 3.Type of immigrants that the Germans are classified as. 4.Organizations that helped individual ethnic groups adjust to American society. 5.Type of immigrants that came from eastern Europe. 6.General anti-immigrant attitude. 7.Immigrant processing island in New York Harbor. NewOld Benevolent SocietiesEllis Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act Angel

2 The Transformation of American Society “New” Immigrants arrived from Eastern Europe from 1880-1924 Most traveled to the US in the bottom decks of ships (“steerage”) Ethnic neighborhoods grew as more immigrants arrived Benevolent societies helped people find jobs and bury their dead in America

3 San Francisco New York

4 Angel Island

5 Nativism Many Protestant-white Americans feared that foreigners would take over the US

6 Chinese Exclusion Act A Nativist reaction which severely limited the numbers of Chinese immigrants allowed into the US

7 Cities Go Vertical American technology created the skyscraper American technology created the skyscraper Elisha Otis created the elevator Elisha Otis created the elevator Skyscrapers have a steel skeleton which supports the building Skyscrapers have a steel skeleton which supports the building

8 Urban Problems ► Jacob Riis photographed the problems of people living in large cities ► Poverty, crime, over-crowding were common


10 City Life  Horse drawn buses and steam locomotive commuter trains allowed suburbs to grow

11 Nouveau Riche  People who had money competed with each other to show off how much stuff they could own: clothes, carriages, jewelry, etc.  This is know as CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION


13 The Urban Middle Class Business managers, secretaries, store owners, high school educated and beyond Business managers, secretaries, store owners, high school educated and beyond

14 Leisure and Sports The Middle Class had time and money to take a break from their jobs. Leisure activities included bicycling, playing ball, horse racing, visiting museums and attending concerts.

15 Leisure and Sports Professional Baseball, first organized in 1876, became popular as more people had more free time. As working hours decreased toward an 8 hour day, people looked for entertainment.

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