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PerfSONAR Information Discovery February 11 th 2010, APAN 29 – perfSONAR Workshop Jeff Boote, Assistant Director R&D.

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Presentation on theme: "PerfSONAR Information Discovery February 11 th 2010, APAN 29 – perfSONAR Workshop Jeff Boote, Assistant Director R&D."— Presentation transcript:

1 perfSONAR Information Discovery February 11 th 2010, APAN 29 – perfSONAR Workshop Jeff Boote, Assistant Director R&D

2 Motivation Information Services Architecture – Global Lookup Service – Home Lookup Service – Topology LS Operations – Registration – Discovery – Synchronization Protocol 2 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Outline

3 Network measurements are useful for a local domain, but are also pivotal in solving end to end problems. – Many network problems are found to be at the demarcation of a network – Most forms of communication must cross outside of the home domain Each domain should strive to make historical data available – À la carte operation frees network staff from special requests – Data availability will drive the production of automatic tools Finding specific information can be challenging – Finding a specific type of measurement – Finding data for a given domain or IP subnet – Finding data classified by a VO or community 3 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Motivation

4 The perfSONAR information services were designed to record the location of data categorized on the following criteria: – Data Type, e.g. by classification such as latency or bandwidth. Or by tool such as ping or iperf – Domain name – Topology reference (For L3: IP Address (v4 or v6)) – Keyword, e.g. “tagging”. Users may assign arbitrary metadata to measurement data to signify membership in a VO (USATLAS, eVLBI) or other forms of association (Internet2, DOE). Services are autonomous – they know to register to some (any close) information service. Information services are autonomous as well – they are self organizing to distribute information. 4 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Motivation

5 The architecture of the perfSONAR Information Services consists of the following components: – Global Lookup Service – Home Lookup Service – Topology – Clients and Services Each component is designed in the SOA fashion to do one specific job. All components speak the same XML protocols for interoperability 5 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Information Services Architecture

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7 7 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Information Services Architecture

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11 11 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Information Services Architecture

12 12 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Information Services Architecture

13 The Global Lookup Service is a federation of individual instances – Recommended that the total number be kept small and geographically placed – Form an ‘information cloud’ – Each will synchronize with others to exchange information – Each server is a peer, and within a set amount of time knows what other servers know To “bootstrap” where to find the gLS services, a ‘hints’ file is used – Similar to DNS – Current location: – Each hints file = a new cloud, can be many at any given time 13 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Global Lookup Service

14 The gLS performs periodic operations: – Synchronizing with others – Summarizing internal data – Cleaning the databases of expired data Data has a TTL – it is automatically cleaned if not renewed The gLS maintains 2 databases: – ‘Registered’ information – this comes from hLSs – ‘Summarized’ information – this is a combination of everything registered Query Types are structured, or ad-hoc – XQuery interface to arbitrarily query the databases – Well formed query description for ‘discovery’ need Domains IP Addresses Data Type Keywords 14 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Global Lookup Service

15 gLS servers only accept registrations from hLS servers – MA/MP etc. services do not register to the gLS gLS servers respond to the following messages: – LSRegistrationRequest Register data from an hLS – LSDeRegistrationRequest Deregister data for an hLS – LSKeyRequest Retrieve the registration key for an hLS – LSKeepaliveRequest Renew a registration for an hLS – LSQueryRequest Query the database of the gLS 15 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Global Lookup Service

16 The Home Lookup Service manages the registration information of the services – Services register their name/address – Services register all of the measurement data they maintain Each domain should deploy an hLS – Use multiple hLSs if many services are required (e.g. load on hLS will dictate splitting – recommended < 10 services per hLS) hLSs will contact a ‘close’ gLS by using the hints file hLSs may contact multiple gLSs if desired (gLS synchronization does not make this a requirement) 16 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Home Lookup Service

17 The hLS performs periodic operations: – Synchronizing with others – Summarizing internal data – Cleaning the databases of expired data Data has a TTL – it is automatically cleaned if not renewed The hLS maintains 2 databases: – ‘Registered’ information – this comes from services – ‘Summarized’ information – this is a combination of everything registered Query Types are structured, or ad-hoc – XQuery interface to arbitrarily query the databases – Well formed query description for ‘discovery’ need Domains IP Addresses Data Type Keywords 17 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Home Lookup Service

18 hLS servers only accept registrations from services hLS servers respond to the following messages: – LSRegistrationRequest Register data from a service – LSDeRegistrationRequest Deregister data for a service – LSKeyRequest Retrieve the registration key for a service – LSKeepaliveRequest Renew a registration for a service – LSQueryRequest Query the database of the hLS 18 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Home Lookup Service

19 perfSONAR Information Discovery February 11 th 2010, APAN 29 – perfSONAR Workshop Jeff Boote, Assistant Director R&D For more information, visit 19 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2

20 The topology service stores and normalizes network topology – XML format – similar to measurements – Each topology element features IDs and IDrefs to link state – Supported elements: domain network node port link path service 20 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Topology Service

21 Topology descriptions can be entered in two ways: – By hand via configuration files – Individual elements registered by services Queries are supported: – XQuery interface to answer arbitrary topology questions The TS registers the domains it has control over to the LS infrastructure. 21 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Topology Service

22 hLS servers respond to the following messages: – TSQueryRequest Query the TS for information – TSAddRequest Add new information to the TS – TSUpdateRequest Update the time to live for existing information in the TS – TSReplaceRequest Replace existing information in the TS 22 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Topology Service

23 The following operations will be described – Registration – Discovery – Syncronization Each operation may involve different actors – hLSs – gLSs – Services – Clients There is a time sensitivity to each operation, and it may be performed periodically. 23 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations

24 There are 2 Types of Registration: – Service to hLS registration – hLS to gLS registration Services will register: – Service name, contact information – All measurement “Metadata”, e.g. the description of each measurement data set. hLSs will register: – Service name, contact information – Summarized data for each registered service (e.g. all “Metadata” for a given service will be summarized into a set format) 24 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations - Registration

25 25 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – Service Registration

26 26 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – Service Registration

27 27 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – hLS Registration

28 28 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – hLS Registration

29 Registration accomplishes 2 goals: – Services identify themselves into the LS infrastructure – Services ‘renew’ the registration, e.g. establish themselves as being active Other messages go hand in hand with registration: – DeRegistration Remove an entire registration Remove data from the registered data set – Keepalive Renew a registration – KeyRequest Request a key for a registered data set 29 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations - Registration

30 Discovery is the process of locating registered information Discovery is normally a two part process: – Find who to ask the question – Ask the question The first layer in the discovery process is the gLS: – gLS maintains a list of all hLSs and their summaries – Can answer which hLS has more information for a given discovery query The second layer is the hLS: – hLS maintains a list of some services and their summaries – Can answer which service has more information for a given discovery query 30 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations - Discovery

31 Typical data request: – “I want SNMP data for the Chicago -> New York link on the Internet2 backbone” Breaking down the components: – SNMP Data – Internet2 Domain – Specific interfaces (OC192 between Chicago and New York) How to ask the question to the hLS/gLS: – Who has SNMP Data for the Internet2 Network? The answer from each will be different: – From gLS: which hLS(s) to ask – From the hLS: which service(s) to ask 31 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations - Discovery

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38 hLSs and gLSs accept the same kinds of query message – XQuery Allows complex use of this language to request almost anything about the data – Discovery Structured to limit the querying to specific elements – Domains – IP Ranges – Data Types – Keywords Full recursion is possible with the query model, but not currently supported. 38 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations - Discovery

39 gLS servers are independent yet federated – Any domain can deploy one – Services may register to any gLS – gLSs exchange data sets with each other, and ‘register’ things they may not know about Synchronization relies on: – Hints file containing which gLSs participate in a “cloud” – gLSs maintaining a database of the services that have registered directly with them (e.g. “authoritative” registration source for a given service) – gLSs running a periodic “broadcast” to all other gLSs containing the hLS instances they are authoritative for. Other gLSs will then choose to either register or ignore this information. 39 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – Synchronization

40 40 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 LS Operations – Synchronization

41 There are 5 Major messages in the gLS/hLS Protocol – LSRegistrationRequest – LSDeregistrationRequest – LSKeepaliveRequest – LSQueyRequest – LSKeyRequest Each is based on the standard perfSONAR message format: – Message container – At least one metadata element – At least one data element, linked to the metadata element 41 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2 Protocol

42 LSRegister(Request/Response) – Register content into the hLS (or gLS) – Metadata(s) = Service Structure – Data(s) = Metadata associated with service – Different operations based on context ‘New’ – If the service is not in the LS, it is added to the LS as a new entity ‘Update’ – Use the ‘key’ to add new items to the LS ‘Clobber’ – Send the key and changes to the service element (N.B. this nukes existing dataset) Protocol - LSRegister




46 LSDeregister(Request/Response) – Remove content from the hLS (or gLS) – Metadata = Key for a service – Data = nothing, or specific service metadata ‘nothing’ case is a data trigger ‘Selective’ case is a pS-PS addition (EU *LS code does not support this) Protocol - LSDeregister



49 LSKeepalive(Request/Response) – Updates the time in the control structure to allow this service to still live in the hLS (or gLS) – Metadata = key – Data = nothing (trigger) Protocol - LSKeepalive


51 LSQuery(Request/Response) has different types (varies by eventType): – XQuery (one for each ‘database’ the LS maintains) very/xquery/2.0 y/xquery/2.0 – Discovery very/summary/2.0 Protocol - LSQuery

52 LSQuery(Request/Response) - XQuery – Query the database in a ‘raw’ format (need to know a little about how the data is structured) – Metadata = XQuery/XPath statement – Data = nothing (trigger) Protocol - LSQuery


54 LSQuery(Request/Response) - Discovery – Similar to query, search discovery set for specific items – Metadata = Discovery Items Domains Keywords Addresses EventTypes – Data = nothing (trigger) – More valuable in gLS case (N.B. discovery on an hLS works only on the hLS dataset) Protocol - LSQuery


56 LSKey(Request/Response) – Request a key (normally given at registration time) for a service – Metadata = Service description – Data = nothing (trigger) – Currently not ‘safe’ due to no AA infrastructure Protocol - LSKey


58 perfSONAR Information Discovery February 11 th 2010, APAN 29 – perfSONAR Workshop Jeff Boote, Assistant Director R&D For more information, visit 58 – 10/19/2015, © 2009 Internet2

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