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Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny Goal 2 Part 3.

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1 Westward Expansion/Manifest Destiny Goal 2 Part 3

2 Here is the process a territory would take to become a state. 1 st : Territory’s population would reach 60,000 2 nd : Petition the government (Union) for admission as a state 3 rd : Draft a state constitution 4 th : Elect representatives 5 th : Congress approved the state to become part of the United States

3 Key Ideas for Manifest Destiny 1.Why did people move and settle out west? 2.Missouri Compromise 3.Indian Removal & Treaties 4.Manifest Destiny 5.Texas Independence 6.War with Mexico 7.California Gold Rush

4 Why did Mormons move west? The Mormons moved west to escape religious persecution

5 Why did Mexico invite U.S. settlers to live there? Mexico needed to improve its economy so it offered land grants to American farmers

6 What led to the tensions in Texas in the 1830s? Cultural differences between the Mexicans and U.S. settlers, especially over the issue of slavery Slavery had been abolished in Mexico is 1824 The Texans refused to become Catholic

7 How did Texas finally receive its independence? Sam Houston led Santa Anna into a trap. Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty recognizing Texan independence The government of Mexico City refused to honor the treaty. For a decade a border war persisted between Texas and Mexico.

8 Why did the annexation of Texas lead to a heated debate? The delay occurred due to the debate over slavery. Texas had slaves. The North feared the balance of power between slave states and free states would be unequal again. There was also a fear that there would be a war with Mexico if Texas was annexed (or added) to the United States.

9 Describe Pres. James K. Polk Polk wanted to bring Texas, New Mexico, and California into the Union. Threatened to fight Britain if it did not concede Oregon Manifest Destiny President

10 What caused the war with Mexico? Congress voted to annex Texas in 1845

11 What were the territorial gains for the U.S. as a result of the War with Mexico? The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the United States paid $15 million for California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, most of Arizona, parts of Colorado and Wyoming. Then $10 million was paid for territory south of the Gila River (Gadsen Purchase).


13 How did the California gold rush bring diversity to the west? Chinese were the largest group to come from overseas. Free blacks came looking for opportunities. Mexicans were the fastest-growing population. Slaves were part of the population until slavery was outlawed in California in 1849.

14 Explain why Missouri’s request for admission to the Union created conflict in 1819. The number of slave states and free states was not equal. Southerners were afraid they would have less power in Congress. Southerners were threatened that Northerners were trying to end slavery. Northerners thought the South was trying to expand slavery into the new territories.

15 Henry Clay (“The Great Compromiser”) came up with the Missouri Compromise. It maintained a balance between the free states and slave states. In addition, a line was created- states admitted South of the line would be slave states and states North of the line would be free states.(36%30`N.Lat.)


17 What did the Supreme Court rule in Worcester v. Georgia? Cherokee land seizure was unconstitutional. Treaty obligations protected the Cherokee.

18 Jackson refused to enforce the Supreme Court’s decision.

19 Trail of Tears It was an 800 mile trip made by steamboat, railroad, and on foot Many people died in the winter. The Cherokee were stripped of their possessions ¼ of the tribe died.

20 Why did people move and settle out west? 1.Escape religious persecution (like the Mormons) 2.Find new markets for commerce 3.Claim land for farming, ranching, and mining 4.Seek new employment opportunities 5.Escape debt and financial problems

21 Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise was a line created dividing the nation - new states admitted South of the line would be slave states; new states North of the line would be free states. It maintained a balance of power in Congress between the free states and slave states.

22 Indian Removal & Treaties Native Americans were removed from the east to Indian Territory with the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The removal of the Cherokee was known as the Trail of Tears. Even though the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokees had the right to stay on their land (Worcester v. Georgia), Andrew Jackson removed them.

23 Manifest Destiny Americans came to believe that it was their destiny, ordained by God, to expand its territory to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexico. This was called “Manifest Destiny.” President James K. Polk wanted to obtain territory in Mexico.

24 Texas Independence Mexico invited American farmers to settle in its northern territory to help its economy. Mexico and American settlers clashed over cultural differences, especially regarding slavery. After fighting between Austin and Houston against Santa Anna (Mexico’s dictator), Texas declared its independence. Texas was eventually annexed to the United States, following conflicts within Congress over its status as a slave state. Texas annexation to the Union led to the War with Mexico.

25 War with Mexico Following the War with Mexico, the United States gained a great deal of territory through the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848.



28 California Gold Rush When gold was discovered in California in 1849, thousands of people moved west. Gold prospectors were known as “forty-niners”. The population exploded and California became culturally diverse.

29 Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine warned all outside powers not to interfere with the affairs in the Western Hemisphere; at the same time, the United States would not involve itself in European affairs.

30 Tariff of 1816-1832 John C. Calhoun (Jackson’s Vice President from South Carolina) called the tariff a “Tariff of Abominations”. According to Calhoun, the tariff forced the South to buy the more expensive Northern manufactured goods. He felt the North was getting rich at the expense of the South. South Carolina tried to nullify the tariff. Henry Clay stepped in a negotiated a compromise, lowering the tariff over a 10 year period. The Tariff of 1833 was the compromise tariff.

31 Sectional Attitudes about War with Mexico South Saw it as an opportunity to extend slavery and increase Southern power in Congress North Opposed the war and saw it as a plot to expand slavery Believed this would create Southern dominance

32 Wilmot Proviso Debate The Proviso would ban slavery in all territories acquired in the War with Mexico. The North supported the proviso because it banned slavery in new territories. The South opposed the proviso. The proviso never passed, but caused more sectional tension between the North and the South.

33 Compromise of 1850 Created by Henry Clay to solve the controversy between free states and slave states The terms of the Compromise of 1850: 1.North got California admitted to the Union as a free state. 2.South got a strict fugitive slave law (North resented this). 3.Popular sovereignty (allowing residents of the new territories to vote for or against slavery) would determine the status of states in the future.



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