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Colonization Vocabulary Terms. 4 words Not in Book Famine: scarcity or low supply of food and resources Partition : to divide (a country or territory)

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Presentation on theme: "Colonization Vocabulary Terms. 4 words Not in Book Famine: scarcity or low supply of food and resources Partition : to divide (a country or territory)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonization Vocabulary Terms

2 4 words Not in Book Famine: scarcity or low supply of food and resources Partition : to divide (a country or territory) into separate, racial or political groups Berlin Conference: 1884 Meeting in Berlin between U.s and Europe to discuss the division of African CountRies and resources Colonial Rule : any people or territory separated from their native roots and ruled by another country or power

3 FAMINE scarcity or low supply of food and resources

4 BERLIN CONFERENCE 1884 Meeting in Berlin between U.s and Europe to discuss the division of African Counties and resources EUROPEUNITED STATES

5 PARTITION to divide (a country or territory) into separate, racial or political groups DIVIDE

6 COLONIAL RULE any people or territory separated from their native roots and ruled by another country or power

7 IMPERIALISM practice of one country’s controlling the government and economy of another country or territory

8 MISSIONARY person who goes to another country to do religions and social work

9 COUP D’ ETAT an overthrow of a government by force

10 INDUSTRY an area of economic activity

11 Colonialism system by which a country maintains colonies outside its borders

12 NATIONALISM strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group I U.S.A

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