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Slavery What is slavery? A slave is: forced to work owned or controlled by an ‘employer’ dehumanised, bought and sold physically constrained.

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2 Slavery

3 What is slavery? A slave is: forced to work owned or controlled by an ‘employer’ dehumanised, bought and sold physically constrained

4 Slavery then and now 1807:Slave trade abolition bill passed in the British Parliament 1833:Slavery abolished in the British Empire 1838: Apprenticeship system abolished

5 Slavery then and now Slavery still exists today: 12.3 million people in forced labour 126 million children caught in illegal labour

6 Child labour Child labour exists worldwide: 1 in 7 children are involved in illegal work 50 million children are engaged in economic activity in Sub-Saharan Africa alone

7 Child labour The International Labour Organisation aims to eliminate child labour in mining. An estimated one million children work in small-scale mining and quarrying worldwide.

8 Human trafficking 600,000 – 800,000 people are estimated to be trafficked across international borders each year 80 per cent are women and girls 50 per cent are children

9 Human trafficking “For one girl to be trafficked about 13 different people will be involved – it’s very big business… Many are trafficked by someone they know.” (Hannah Wilson, former BMS mission worker in Albania)

10 Human trafficking Why are people trafficked? poor family relationships violence in the home lack of economic opportunity poverty

11 Virtual slavery Factory work in Bangladesh: Workers often have long hours and low wages. To earn 2,200 taka (£17) a month a textile worker might work 60-90 hours per week.

12 Virtual slavery In 2006 workers in Bangladesh protested against their working conditions. They were supported by Labour Behind the Label and negotiated an increase in the national minimum wage.

13 Bible reflection God rescues and redeems from slavery: “I am the LORD… I will free you from being slaves… and I will redeem you.” (Exod 6: 6) Jesus brings good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners and release for the oppressed. (Luke 4: 14-30)

14 Pray for… Children forced to work in harsh conditions Victims of human trafficking Factory workers in virtual slavery Those working to free the enslaved


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