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7th Grade Review Chapters 15-18 PeopleTermsWarSlaveryPotluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Review Chapters 15-18 PeopleTermsWarSlaveryPotluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 7th Grade Review Chapters 15-18 PeopleTermsWarSlaveryPotluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from People Civil War nurse, she started the American Red Cross.

4 $100 Answer from People Who is Clara Barton?

5 $200 Question from People President of the Confederacy

6 $200 Answer from People Who is Jefferson Davis?

7 $300 Question from People Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

8 $300 Answer from People Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?

9 $400 Question from People Union General who used total war to bring the Civil War to an end. Lee surrendered to him at Appomattox Courthouse.

10 $400 Answer from People Who is Ulysses S. Grant?

11 $500 Question from People Radical abolitionist who planned the raid on an arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He was captured and sentenced to death.

12 $500 Answer from People Who is John Brown?

13 $100 Question from Terms People in a state would vote to decide whether or not to enter the Union as a slave or free state

14 $100 Answer from Terms What is popular sovereignty?

15 $200 Question from Terms An increase in the money supply cause money to become worth less

16 $200 Answer from Terms What is inflation?

17 $300 Question from Terms This Compromise included California entering as a free state

18 $300 Answer from Terms What is the Compromise of 1850

19 $400 Question from Terms 1850 law that stated escaped slaves had to be return to the South. Citizens could be forced to help capture escaped slaves.

20 $400 Answer from Terms What is the Fugitive Slave Act ?

21 $500 Question from Terms Supreme Court’s decision that said slaves were property and slavery could not be banned in any state by the federal government

22 $500 Answer from Terms What is the Dred Scott Decision?

23 $100 Question from War The first major battle of the Civil War

24 $100 Answer from War What is the Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)?

25 $200 Question from War

26 $200 Answer from War What is the balance of power between the state and the federal government?

27 $300 Question from War Statement made by Lincoln Jan. 1, 1863 stating that slaves in the Confederacy be freed

28 $300 Answer from War What is the Emancipation Proclamation?

29 $400 Question from War Battle that was the turning point of the Civil War

30 $400 Answer from War What is the Battle of Gettysburg?

31 $500 Question from War

32 $500 Answer from War What is more capable military leaders?

33 $100 Question from Slavery

34 $100 Answer from Slavery What is abolish slavery?

35 $200 Question from Slavery

36 $200 Answer from Slavery What is help runaway slaves escape to freedom?

37 $300 Question from Slavery In the 1830s, the North and the South a. were both flooded with newcomers from Europe. b. both built many new factories. c. were dependent on each other's products. d. had similar ways of life.

38 $300 Answer from Slavery What is were dependent on each other's products?

39 $400 Question from Slavery How did the practice of slavery hurt the development of southern industry? a.State laws banned the use of slave labor in factories. b.Slaves were unwilling to operate factory machinery. c.Slaves had no money to buy manufactured goods. d.Planters feared that factory jobs would encourage slave revolts.

40 $400 Answer from Slavery What is Slaves had no money to buy manufactured goods.?

41 $500 Question from Slavery Why did southerners who owned no slaves defend slavery? a. They feared job competition from freed slaves. b. The southern economy had become dependent on cotton plantations. c. They believed that African Americans had better lives than they would if they were free. d. They believed that women also would want more rights if slaves were freed.

42 $500 Answer from Slavery What is the southern economy had become dependent on cotton plantations?

43 $100 Question from Potluck Commander of the Confederate Army

44 $100 Answer from Potluck Who is Robert E. Lee?

45 $200 Question from Potluck

46 $200 Answer from Potluck What is the election of Lincoln as President?

47 $300 Question from Potluck The opening shots of the Civil War

48 $300 Answer from Potluck What is the confederates fired on Fort Sumter?

49 $400 Question from Potluck

50 $400 Answer from Potluck What is publicize the need for women’s rights?

51 $500 Question from Potluck

52 $500 Answer from Potluck What is sectionalism ?

53 Final Jeopardy

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What is filled government jobs with common citizens?

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