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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE400 PROJECT Personal Area Networks Instructed by Dr.AlGhadbanPresenters.

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Presentation on theme: "King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE400 PROJECT Personal Area Networks Instructed by Dr.AlGhadbanPresenters."— Presentation transcript:

1 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE400 PROJECT Personal Area Networks Instructed by Dr.AlGhadbanPresenters Abdallah Al-Ouhali AbdulAziz Asiri Abdallah Al-Ouhali AbdulAziz Asiri 226234 224968 226234 224968References 1) 2) Palo wireless Bluetooth Resource Center, 3) 4) sDefinition/0,,sid40_gci546288,00.html 5) 6)

2 Outline  Introduction.  PAN’s Physical Layer.  Bluetooth. Bluetooth’s Physical Layer.Bluetooth’s Physical Layer. Data Link Layer.Data Link Layer. Transport Layer.Transport Layer.  Other Applications: Zigbee. Zigbee’s Layers.Zigbee’s Layers.  Conclusion.

3 Introduction  Definition:  Definition: Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer devices close to one person.  Main Function:  Main Function: e.g. interconnecting a laptop and a printer without plugging any wires between them.  PAN’s Applications:  PAN’s Applications: e.g. Bluetooth & ZigBee.

4 PAN’s Physical Layer   The general specifications for PAN:- [1] Data RateCoverageNo. of devicesThe standards 500 Mbit/sec 10 -100m At most 255 devices IEEE 802.15.3 250 Mbit/sec 10 -100m At most 255 devices IEEE 802.15.4

5 Bluetooth  Definition: Bluetooth is a wireless protocol for transmitting and exchanging data between devices over short distances creating Personal Area Network. [2]

6 Bluetooth’s Physical Layer  Baseband Protocol:  Baseband Protocol: Provides a secure 2.4GHz short range frequency bandwidth  available in USA and Europe at 83.5 MHz and 69 RF.   The Baseband protocol provides Gaussian frequency-shift keying (GFSK) modulation and physical specifications for Bluetooth as shown. [1] Data RateRangeMaximum Power Class 53 - 480Mbit/sec 100 meters 10mW(20dBm) Class1 (Versions 2.1 and newer) 3 Mbit/sec 10 meters 2.5mW (4dBm)Class2 (Version 2.0) 1 Mbit/sec 1 meter 1mW(0dBm)Class3 (Versions 1.0 and 1.2)

7 Bluetooth’s Physical Layer  Baseband provides master and slave [2] technique for Bluetooth. [2] [2]

8 Bluetooth’s Physical Layer  Packets’ Format:- Access CodeAccess Code  used for timing synchronization, offset compensation, paging and inquiry  72 bits length. HeaderHeader  contains information for packet acknowledgement, packets' numbers to be in order, flow control, slave address and error check for header  54 bits length. PayloadPayload  contains voice and data fields  0 – 2745 bits.[2]

9 Data Link Layer   L2CAP:- to multiplex several connections between two devices and to provide segmentation and reassembly of the packets.   Link Manager (LM):- To control the radio link between two devices.

10 Transport Layer   Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP):- To transport packets over a point-to-point link.   BNEP (Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol):- Its main purpose is to transfer IP packets and protocol stack's over an L2CAP channel.   RFCOMM (Cable Replacement Protocol):- To create virtual series and a simple reliable data stream to the user.   HCI (Host Controller Interface):- To provide a communication between a host stack such as a mobile phone and a controller

11 Other Applications   Zigbee:- ZigBee is the name of a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using low-power consumption and low data rate.   Applications:-   Sensors   Control devices

12 Zigbee [5]

13 Zigbee’s Layer  Physical Layer:- [5]  Data Link Layer (MAC Layer):-  MAC packet is 127 bytes, including a 16-bit CRC value.  Network Layer:-  Routing using AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector)  To provide a suitable interface for the application layer.

14 Conclusion  We had learned about Personal Area Network and some of its applications such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.  Difficulties:  Different architectures from one application to another since they have different specifications and protocols.  Determining the Bluetooth's standard layers according to OSI layers.  Determining the locations of these protocols and which layer does each protocol belong to.

15 Thank you

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