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AMATH 382: Computational Modeling of Cellular Systems Dynamic modelling of biochemical, genetic, and neural networks Introductory Lecture, Jan. 6, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "AMATH 382: Computational Modeling of Cellular Systems Dynamic modelling of biochemical, genetic, and neural networks Introductory Lecture, Jan. 6, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMATH 382: Computational Modeling of Cellular Systems Dynamic modelling of biochemical, genetic, and neural networks Introductory Lecture, Jan. 6, 2014

2 Dynamic biological systems -- multicellular

3 Dynamic biological systems -- cellular Neutrophil chasing a bacterium

4 Dynamic biological systems -- intracellular;3/147/tr5/DC1 Calcium waves in astrocytes in rat cerebral cortex

5 Dynamic biological systems -- molecular

6 Our interest: intracellular dynamics Metabolism: chemical reaction networks, enzyme- catalysed reactions, allosteric regulation Signal Transduction: G protein signalling, MAPK signalling cascade, bacterial chemotaxis, calcium oscillations. Genetic Networks: switches (lac operon, phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch, engineered toggle switch), oscillators (Goodwin oscillator, circadian rhythms, cell cycle, repressilator), computation Electrophysiology: voltage-gated ion channels, Nernst potential, Morris-Lecar model, intercellular communication (gap junctions, synaptic transmission, neuronal circuits)

7 Our tools: dynamic mathematical models Differential Equations: models from kinetic network description, describes dynamic (not usually spatial) phenomena, numerical simulations Sensitivity Analysis: dependence of steady-state behaviour on internal and external conditions Stability Analysis: phase plane analysis, characterizing long-term behaviour (bistability, oscillations) Bifurcation Analysis: dependence of system dynamics on internal and external conditions

8 Metabolism : chemical reaction networks, enzyme- catalysed reactions, allosteric regulation Signal Transduction : G protein signalling, MAPK signalling cascade, bacterial chemotaxis, calcium oscillations. Genetic Networks : switches (lac operon, phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch, engineered toggle switch), oscillators (Goodwin oscillator, circadian rhythms, cell cycle, repressilator), computation Electrophysiology: voltage-gated ion channels, Nernst potential, Morris-Lecar model, intercellular communication (gap junctions, synaptic transmission, neuronal circuits)

9 Metabolic Networks

10 Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions enzyme_substrate.gif

11 Allosteric Regulation

12 cademic/courses/Spring200 2/CH339K/Robertus/overhe ads-3/ch15_reg- glycolysis.jpg

13 E. Coli metabolism KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes ( kegg/kegg.html ) Metabolic Networks

14 Metabolism : chemical reaction networks, enzyme- catalysed reactions, allosteric regulation Signal Transduction : G protein signalling, MAPK signalling cascade, bacterial chemotaxis, calcium oscillations. Genetic Networks : switches (lac operon, phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch, engineered toggle switch), oscillators (Goodwin oscillator, circadian rhythms, cell cycle, repressilator), computation Electrophysiology: voltage-gated ion channels, Nernst potential, Morris-Lecar model, intercellular communication (gap junctions, synaptic transmission, neuronal circuits)

15 Transmembrane receptors

16 Signal Transduction pathway

17 Bacterial Chemotaxis jan00/images/berg4.j pg bioph354/flag_labels.jpg

18 Apoptotic Signalling pathway

19 Metabolism : chemical reaction networks, enzyme- catalysed reactions, allosteric regulation Signal Transduction : G protein signalling, MAPK signalling cascade, bacterial chemotaxis, calcium oscillations. Genetic Networks : switches (lac operon, phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch, engineered toggle switch), oscillators (Goodwin oscillator, circadian rhythms, cell cycle, repressilator), computation Electrophysiology: voltage-gated ion channels, Nernst potential, Morris-Lecar model, intercellular communication (gap junctions, synaptic transmission, neuronal circuits)

20 Simple genetic network: lac operon AB/GG/induction.html

21 Phage Lambda phage.jpg a/phage.jpg

22 Lysis/Lysogeny Switch http://opbs.okst Bioch4113/LAC - OPERON/LAM BDA%20PHAG E.GIF

23 Circadian Rhythm

24 Eric Davidson's Lab at Caltech ( Large Scale Genetic Network

25 Genetic Toggle Switch Gardner, T.S., Cantor, C.R., and Collins, J.J. (2000). Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli. Nature 403, 339–342.


27 Construction of computational elements (logic gates) and cell-cell communication Genetic circuit building blocks for cellular computation, communications, and signal processing, Weiss, Basu, Hooshangi, Kalmbach, Karig, Mehreja, Netravali. Natural Computing. 2003. Vol. 2, 47-84.

28 Metabolism : chemical reaction networks, enzyme- catalysed reactions, allosteric regulation Signal Transduction : G protein signalling, MAPK signalling cascade, bacterial chemotaxis, calcium oscillations. Genetic Networks : switches (lac operon, phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch, engineered toggle switch), oscillators (Goodwin oscillator, circadian rhythms, cell cycle, repressilator), computation Electrophysiology: voltage-gated ion channels, Nernst potential, Morris-Lecar model, intercellular communication (gap junctions, synaptic transmission, neuronal circuits)

29 Excitable Cells et/BiologyPages/E/ExcitableCells.html Resting potential Ion Channel ~light/ion%20channel.jpg

30 Measuring Ion Channel Activity: Patch Clamp

31 Measuring Ion Channel Activity: Voltage Clamp

32 Action Potentials et/BiologyPages/E/ExcitableCells.html /thumb/0/02/300px-Action-potential.png

33 voltage gated ionic channels Prezentare_ adi/3.htm

34 Hodgkin-Huxley Model qian/talks/talk5/

35 Neural Computation

36 Our tools: dynamic mathematical models Differential Equations: models from kinetic network description, models dynamic but not spatial phenomena, numerical simulations Sensitivity Analysis: dependence of steady-state behaviour on internal and external conditions Stability Analysis: phase plane analysis, characterizing long-term behaviour (bistability, oscillations) Bifurcation Analysis: dependence of system dynamics on internal and external conditions

37 Differential Equation Modelling From Chen, Tyson, Novak Mol. Biol Cell 2000. pp. 369-391 rate of change of concentration rate of production rate of degradation

38 Differential Equation Modelling

39 Differential Equation Modelling: Numerical Simulation

40 Our tools: dynamic mathematical models Differential Equations: models from kinetic network description, numerical simulations Sensitivity Analysis: dependence of steady-state behaviour on internal and external conditions Stability Analysis: phase plane analysis, characterizing long-term behaviour (bistability, oscillations) Bifurcation Analysis: dependence of system dynamics on internal and external conditions

41 complete sensitivity analysis:

42 Our tools: dynamic mathematical models Differential Equations: models from kinetic network description, numerical simulations Sensitivity Analysis: dependence of steady-state behaviour on internal and external conditions Stability Analysis: phase plane analysis, characterizing long-term behaviour (bistability, oscillations) Bifurcation Analysis: dependence of system dynamics on internal and external conditions

43 unstable stable

44 Our tools: dynamic mathematical models Differential Equations: models from kinetic network description, numerical simulations Sensitivity Analysis: dependence of steady-state behaviour on internal and external conditions Stability Analysis: phase plane analysis, characterizing long-term behaviour (bistability, oscillations) Bifurcation Analysis: dependence of system dynamics on internal and external conditions


46 allows construction of falsifiable models in silico experiments gain insight into dynamic behaviour of complex networks Why dynamic modelling?

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