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Beyond the Car Wash Presented by Linda Bailey, Executive Director of Development Janet Schmidt, Whitman County Extension Director Washington State 4-H.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond the Car Wash Presented by Linda Bailey, Executive Director of Development Janet Schmidt, Whitman County Extension Director Washington State 4-H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the Car Wash Presented by Linda Bailey, Executive Director of Development Janet Schmidt, Whitman County Extension Director Washington State 4-H Foundation

2 Giving USA 2012 (the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AARFC) Kim Klein, Fundraising for Social Change The Indiana University Center for Philanthropy Harvard Business Review - Center for Nonprofit Studies Gael Treesiwin, WSU Grant and Fund Development Coach Sources for Fundrai$ing Quiz

3 1.Teams work to come to consensus on answers to questions. 2.All answers must be written and held up by the group leader when time is called (A 5 second warning will be given). 3.Scorekeepers will give one point for each correct answer or the "closest" to the correct answer, among teams. 4.There is no penalty for guessing so take a S.W.A.G. 5.Disputes about answers are resolved by the facilitator 6.It is acceptable for your team to lobby for bonus points. Quiz Rules

4 What is the purpose of fund development? ANSWER: To raise donors Question 1

5 You relate to donors as human beings – not as ATM machines that you only go to when you need money Fundrai$ing is about building relationships You may undertake a fundraising strategy that does not initially raise money You plan for the long-term and yes the short-term (the next few months & the next 5 years) Raising donors – this means;

6 Approximately how many adults out of 10 adults in the USA regularly give to nonprofit organizations? ANSWER: 7 out of 10 Question 2

7 Question #1: These 7 adults give to how many nonprofit organizations? Question #2: These 7 adults typically give away what percent of their income? ANSWER: 5 organizations and 2% of their income BONUS QUESTIONS!!!!!!

8 In 2009 non-profits received about $304 billion dollars in contributions. For a possible 4 points, what percent came from the following sources: Corporations: Foundations: Bequests: Individuals: Question 3

9 $304 Billion in Gifts ANSWER: In 2011 nationwide donations came from the following sources: Corporations: 4% Foundations:13% Bequests:8% Individuals:75%

10 2011 Contributions: $303.75 billion – Source Giving USA tm Source: Giving USA Foundation/Giving USA™ 2012 Giving Pie: 2011 Sources

11 Question 4 What is the #1 reason corporations or businesses give to a nonprofit and/or sponsor an event? ANSWER: They have an employee who works for the organization and is a Board member or is related to a Board member.

12 Improve the community they live in Give to an organization who helps their employees be healthy (e.g. alcohol rehabilitation, domestic violence) Research for products that benefit them Education for the young to ensure there will be an adequate, skilled workforce of the future Other reasons corporations/businesses give:

13 Source: Giving USA Foundation/Giving USA™ Giving Pie: 2011 type of recipients

14 True or false? Board members, employees and volunteers of nonprofit organizations would rather ask strangers for money than to ask their friends. ANSWER: TRUE! Question 5

15 Fundraising studies suggest that no more than what percentage of your organization’s funding should come from only one source? ANSWER: 1/3 Question 6

16 What are the three most stable and sustainable sources of revenue for a nonprofit? (for 3 possible points) ANSWERS: 1.Donor development system leading to planned giving and eventually an endowment 2.Sell something 3.Social enterprise Question 7

17 What is the least stable source of revenue? ANSWER: Grants Question 8

18 In the last 25 years nonprofit organizations are: ___ decreasing ___ increasing ___ about the same ANSWER: increasing by about 25% Question 9

19 If nonprofits were a single industry, they would rank as nation’s largest industry Their employees account for 10% of the workforce 5% of gross national product They own 2% - 3% of all assets in the USA Nonprofit organizations

20 For 1 point each, name as many reasons as you can think of for why people give to nonprofit organizations? Question 10

21 1.They know someone in the organization. 2.Their social circle gives to the organization. 3.They care about the issue for some usually very personal reason. 4.To present an image of a caring person – “I am helping others” 5.Give in memory of a friend or someone they admire 6.Consumerism: they want the tote bag …. Kim Klein, founder of, says: “most often people give because they are asked!” Top 6 reasons why people give

22 For two points: What are two NOT very effective reasons that motivate people to give? ANSWERS: 1.“We need money” 2.“Your gift is tax-deductible” Question 11

23 Name three primary results of fund-raising events (3 possible points) ANSWERS: 1. To gather your community 2. Raise the visibility of the organization 3. Bring in NEW donors (money) Question 12

24 What is the difference between an output and an outcome? (2 points) ANSWERS: Output: quantifiable and tangible– usually a number (a community center, # of classes delivered, # of brochures or newspapers produced) Outcome: the change we seek to bring about. An outcome answers the question what difference did the money make? (Often stated as a % or increase or decrease in.) Question 13

25 The bulk of money given away to nonprofits comes from individuals. The majority of the people who give are not wealthy. Successful fundraising is about relationship building. Fundraising starts with who you know. You already know all the people you need to know to begin your fundraising efforts Think and communicate outcomes – the change you seek to bring about Lessons of Quiz – A Summary

26 Best wishes! And may you never have to host another car wash or bake sale. Linda Bailey Janet Schmidt Thank you!

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