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Year 9 Learning Journey 2014. What is a Learning Journey?  The Learning Journey is a compulsory task that all Year 9 students do as part of stage 5.

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1 Year 9 Learning Journey 2014

2 What is a Learning Journey?  The Learning Journey is a compulsory task that all Year 9 students do as part of stage 5.  There are five stages of the Journey are as follows; 1. Goal Setting for the year 2. Subject assignment tasks 3. Assignment reflection sheets 4. Assembling of the learning Portfolio 5. Oral Presentation

3 Step 1: Goal Setting  Each student must set 3 goals that they want to achieve by the end of term 4.  You will set goals in three main areas; academic, personal behaviour and interpersonal behaviour.  A sheet is located in the white booklet to assist with this goal setting. WHEN : TERM 1 ASAP….

4 Step 2: Subject Assignment  Each course has set assignments for this year.  You will choose 3 assignments that you have completed or that will be completed, marked and returned by week 8 term 4.  Two of these assignments will be ones you were happy with and one will be one that you wish had been better. WHEN : Through out the year, all collected by end of Term 3…

5 Step 3: Assignment Reflection  Once you have selected your three assignments you will then reflect on each.  To do this you will complete a reflection on each. These sheet are located in your white booklet and look like this; WHEN : Mid Term 4

6 Step 4: Learning Portfolio  The learning journey portfolio brings all the work you have don together. It includes;  Cover Page  Portfolio reflection sheet  Copy of a letter to the panel (step 5)  Goal setting sheets (step 1)  Thinking about my learning sheet (white booklet)  Personal evaluation chart (white booklet)  Three assignment reflections sheets (step 3)  Two assignment that you thought were good (step 2)  One assignment you wish had gone better (step2) WHEN : Mid Term 4

7 Step 5: Oral Presentation  At the end of term 4 all students will present their Learning portfolio to a panel (explained next page).  You will have to demonstrate WHAT you have learnt and HOW you have learnt it (the process).  The oral presentation is 20 minutes. 10 minutes presenting what you have done and 10 minutes of interview about your presentation. WHEN : End of Term 4 (Early December)

8 The Panel  Interview panels will have three members:  A teacher  A year 8 student  A community member  Date of Interview Early December  Requirement sheet to Ms Suttle by 22 nd November

9 Grading  Each student will be awarded one of the following grades;  High distinction  Distinction  Credit  Pass  Non-serious attempt  Certificates will be presented in term 4 and the grades will be included on the yearly reports.

10 Testimonials  I enjoyed learning journeys because I felt like the panel listened and were interested in all my achievements. They made me feel good about myself. I received a HD! (N. Lottefier Year 10).  When I put the portfolio together it made me realise how much I achieved in the year. And when the panel asked questions it seemed like they were actually interested and they cared. I actually really liked talking about myself! I received a credit (B. Brain Year 10).  Its better than doing an actual assignment. It wasn’t bad. (K. Schaefer Year 10).

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