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EMR, Big Bang, and Stars Unit Review. Use the pink NECAP reference sheet to answer following questions: 1.What is the relationship between the frequency.

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Presentation on theme: "EMR, Big Bang, and Stars Unit Review. Use the pink NECAP reference sheet to answer following questions: 1.What is the relationship between the frequency."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMR, Big Bang, and Stars Unit Review

2 Use the pink NECAP reference sheet to answer following questions: 1.What is the relationship between the frequency of a wave, its energy and its wavelength? 2.According to the electromagnetic spectrum, which of the following waves is associated with the least amount of energy? (ultraviolet, microwaves, infrared or visible light)

3 More EMR Questions: 1.Put these types of EMR in order of decreasing frequency: x-rays, radio waves, visible light, gamma rays, infrared 2.If traveling through a vacuum, which property of EMR remains constant?

4 Emission Spectrums: 1.Which part of the atom is responsible for creating an element’s emission spectrum? 2.Name two areas of science emission spectrums are used.

5 Doppler Effect: 1.Describe, in terms of frequency and wavelength, the Doppler effect. 2.Give an example of when you would observe the Doppler in everyday life.

6 Hubble’s Law The above diagram illustrates two emission spectrums for hydrogen released by the same star several years apart. Explain how we know the star is moving away from us?

7 The Big Bang Theory: 1.Approximately how old is our universe? 2.How did the universe start? 3.What element was created first?

8 The Big Bang Theory: 1.Put these events in chronological order starting from the beginning of the universe to present: Our solar system was formed Rapid expansion from a “singularity” occurred Galaxies formed along with stars Atoms of elements of hydrogen or helium formed Fusion of hydrogen occurred

9 Life Cycle of Stars Draw a Venn diagram illustrating how different size stars have life stages that are similar and some that are different.

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