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OPTIONS 2015-17 YEAR 10 GCSE COURSES. How to choose l Do a subject which you enjoy l Do a subject in which you can achieve l Do a subject which best uses.

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Presentation on theme: "OPTIONS 2015-17 YEAR 10 GCSE COURSES. How to choose l Do a subject which you enjoy l Do a subject in which you can achieve l Do a subject which best uses."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to choose l Do a subject which you enjoy l Do a subject in which you can achieve l Do a subject which best uses your skills and aptitudes l Do what you need to help towards your future career; do not close doors! l KEEP ASKING!

3 COMPULSORY GCSEs with no element of choice l ENGLISHGCSE English Language GCSE English Literature l MATHEMATICSGCSE Mathematics GCSE Statistics (top set) l SCIENCEGCSE Science – Yr10 GCSE Science (Additional) -Yr11 l RS Full CourseFull GCSE(Most pupils)


5 HUMANITIES and COMPUTING l Geography l History l Computing l Pathway Z ?Youth Awards ?Double ICT

6 MIXED BLOCK l Food Technology/Catering l Resistant Materials l Textiles Technology l Drama l History l Dance l French l Graphic Products l Electronic products l Art and Design l Geography l Business Studies l Music l Physical Education/Sport l Computing/ICT

7 Extra Curricular GCSE l Dance l Digital Photography

8 Sarah (Pathway X)11 GCSEs l ENGLISH LANGUAGE and ENGLISH LITERATURE l MATHEMATICS (and STATISTICS) l SCIENCE and ADDITIONAL SCIENCE l RS FULL COURSE Compulsory Non GCSEs l PE l PSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options l FRENCH l HISTORY l GEOGRAPHY l PHYSICAL EDUCATION (GCSE)

9 Nick (Pathway X) 11 GCSEs l ENGLISH LANGUAGE and ENGLISH LITERATURE l MATHEMATICS l SCIENCE and ADDITIONAL SCIENCE l RS FULL COURSE Compulsory non GCSEs l PE l PSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options l FRENCH l GEOGRAPHY l GRAPHIC PRODUCTS l BUSINESS STUDIES l Extra Curricular: GCSE DANCE

10 Ed (Pathway Y)10 GCSEs l ENGLISH LANGUAGE and ENGLISH LITERATURE l MATHEMATICS l SCIENCE and ADDITIONAL SCIENCE l RS FULL COURSE Compulsory Non GCSEs l PE l PSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options l COMPUTING l GEOGRAPHY l MUSIC l FRENCH

11 David (Pathway Z) 8 GCSEs l ENGLISH LANGUAGE and ENGLISH LITERATURE l MATHEMATICS l SCIENCE and ADDITIONAL SCIENCE l RS CERTIFICATE Compulsory Non GCSEs l PE l PSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options l SPANISH l YOUTH AWARDS l DRAMA l CATERING

12 Choices to be made by February 10 th l KEEP ASKING! l Do a subject which you enjoy l Do a subject in which you can achieve l Do a subject which best uses your skills and aptitudes l Do what you need to help towards your future aspirations; do not close doors!

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