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Improving Performance Outcomes in an Age of Accountability Oregon Conference 2008 Dr. Krista D. Parent South Lane School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Performance Outcomes in an Age of Accountability Oregon Conference 2008 Dr. Krista D. Parent South Lane School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Performance Outcomes in an Age of Accountability Oregon Conference 2008 Dr. Krista D. Parent South Lane School District

2 Accountability An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. A policy of holding schools and teachers accountable for students’ academic progress by linking such progress with funding for salaries, maintenance, etc.

3 Accountable to Whom?

4 Embedded Movie

5 “Accountability has as many interpretations as beauty: It is usually in the eye of the beholder.” “The underlying philosophy of the accountability movement is that you can bludgeon people to greatness.”

6 Internal v. External Accountability Internal Accountability The daily shared relationships and experiences that exist between staff and parents that make the school work well for students. External Accountability The school’s obligation to keep its commitments to taxpayers at large.

7 The Path to Accountability Regulations and Mandates Versus Trust and Transparency

8 How are schools/districts accountable for student performance? In what ways do they document student performance both internally and externally?

9 School Accountability Measures Financial Audit Federal Funds Audits Transportation Audits Food Service Audits State Reports (more than 70) Federal Reports English Language Learner Audit Special Education Audit Adequate Yearly Progress Reports State Report Cards Mandated District Improvement Plans

10 Improving Student Performance Clear vision of what you are trying to achieve. Outcomes that are meaningful and important to future success. Curriculum that is engaging and aligned to provide the skills and knowledge at key benchmarks. Quality instruction, with appropriate resources evident in all classes. Assessment tools that are easy to administer and give good information about individual student progress. A system of interventions to support students when they aren’t getting it.

11 Krista’s Accountability Concerns Accountability and student achievement are used synonymously. We measure too many things including some that aren’t good indicators of school, district or student success. The education profession hasn’t stepped up and stated what measures clearly indicate achievement. The things that really tell whether a school/district is performing well are sometimes hard to quantify.

12 How are we approaching the accountability and student performance issue in SLSD?

13 Shared Beliefs and Vision What We Are About in South Lane School District Children Come First Decision Making Is Student Centered Children Learn Best When They Want to Be at School

14 Academic Excellence There is urgency about the push for academic excellence and there is value added for each year of instruction. Students are encouraged to dream and excel and are held responsible for doing their best. All students learn to read fluently and become mathematically literate. Reading and mathematical competence open doors to productive futures. Students are exposed to a broad and varied curriculum in addition to instruction in core content areas. Learning Environment Schools and classrooms provide caring and respectful learning environments An emphasis is placed on connectedness; students need relationships with trusted adults. School is enjoyable. Students have their basic needs met and feel safe and secure in order to learn best. Students are provided with the necessary resources to be successful learners. Quality Instruction Outstanding and well-trained teachers are at the core of providing quality instruction. All staff are a positive influence for students. Quality teachers are dedicated, motivated, creative, knowledgeable, flexible and empathetic. Formative and summative assessments are used to monitor and adjust curriculum for each student. Citizenship Imbedded in instruction is a focus on developing the character of each student. Learning activities provide opportunities for students to build positive citizenship traits including, but not limited to:  Personal responsibility  Building self-esteem  Instilling integrity  Interacting cooperatively  Learning how to get along

15 Improving Student Performance in SLSD Aligning precious time to be spent on the right things  Administrative Council structure  District Welcome Back activities Spending resources on the things that matter most Delivering quality professional development that is job embedded  Classroom Walk Through Tool & Process  Studio Classrooms  New Teacher Symposium Emphasizing literacy throughout the system  Employing literacy coaches and reading specialists  Book Clubs – all district, voluntary and leadership team Keeping up with technology as an instructional tool Learning about the future and questioning current practices in relationship to that information



18 What We’ve Been Up To This Year

19 OSA 11-Year History for Reading

20 OSA 11-Year History for Math

21 “Counting is only part of the accountability game. Quality will only come when we find ways to value and celebrate the diverse abilities our students bring to the table.”

22 “When increased emphasis is placed on a narrow range of knowledge and skills, you artificially narrow the scope of education. If we only value what can be measured and only measure a portion of what makes up education, we diminish the scope and the value of what it means to be educated.”

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