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Junior High Information Session with Mr. Wolf, Mrs. Denison, & Mr. Fitzpatrick.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior High Information Session with Mr. Wolf, Mrs. Denison, & Mr. Fitzpatrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior High Information Session with Mr. Wolf, Mrs. Denison, & Mr. Fitzpatrick

2 Mr. Wolf 8 th Grade Homeroom 6 th -8 th Math & Science Math: All grades have a new Consumable Math Series – “Go Math” Science: 6 th – Earth Science 7 th – Life Science 8 th – Physical Science Email:

3 Mrs. Denison 7 th Grade Homeroom 6 th -8 th Religion & Social Studies Religion: 6 th – Old Testament 7 th – New Testament 8 th – Church History All Classes must complete Service Learning Projects each trimester Social Studies: 6 th – Ancient History 7 th – World History 8 th – American History Email:

4 Mr. Fitzpatrick 6 th Grade Homeroom 6 th -8 th English Language Arts & Literature ELA: 6 th -8 th include both Grammar & Writing Literature: New Textbooks – “Collections” 6 th -8 th covers both Fiction & Non-fiction works Vocabulary: Will be combined into both ELA & Literature Email:

5 Laptop Program Students have Gmail accounts through the domain, which we have administrative access to You may request your child’s laptop & email usernames & passwords to monitor their activity Work at school is done through Google Drive, so typed homework is to be done through Google Drive also If unable to print at home, students are given time to print at school If your child forgets his/her laptop at home, he/she will not be able to call to have it brought and will have to work in the subject notebooks

6 Laptop Program Cont. If your child forgets his/her laptop at home, he/she will not be able to call to have it brought and will have to work in the subject notebooks Ms. Paguio & Mrs. G will regularly collect laptops to perform routine maintenance and checks

7 Laptop Integrity Please carefully read the St. Bede Laptop Handbook, which can be found through the “Parents” Page on The Handbook outlines: –how students are expected to use the laptops – their responsibilities when using them –how the school will monitor their use –consequences for noncompliance with the Laptop Policy

8 Homework Policy Late/Missing Work will not be tolerated Late assignments will receive 50% of the assigned valued 3 Missing Assignments results in a Saturday detention (any combination of teachers) Any additional Missing Assignment will result in a Parent-Teacher-Student Conference and loss of certain privileges

9 Homework Calendars Students have synced homework calendars to their iCal, which you should ask to see This is where all nightly homework can be found

10 Example of Homework Calendar on iCal

11 Diocesan Grading Policy The Diocese of Oakland has mandated a new grading policy across all Diocesan Schools Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Projects) will make up 75% of students’ averages General Assignments (Classwork, Homework, etc.) will make up 25% of students’ averages Grades & Honor Roll eligibility will be affected by this Ms. Pierre-Antoine will discuss this at 6:30

12 Demerit Policy Students can receive demerits for certain behaviors that have been outlined for them Part 1: Name on board & 5-minute detention Part 2: Name & Check on board & 15-minute detention 4 Demerits in a class result in lowering of conduct grade Students can delete a demerit for each 2 week period without receiving another

13 Thank you for coming! Please head over to the Big Gym.

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