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Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Spieler’s Class 1S.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Spieler’s Class 1S."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Spieler’s Class 1S

3 Behind The Scenes  Graduated from Seton Hall University with a double major in Elementary Education and Communications.  Taught in Paterson, NJ for 3 years  Proud to be in 1 st grade for the past 13 years at John Hydock Elementary School

4 Sign-in Sheet/E-mail  Please sign in next to your child’s name  Only 1 parent needs to sign  Please provide the best email address for me to reach you.

5 Parent/Teacher Conferences  Sign-up sheet is circulating  Be sure to pass it on quickly so everyone in attendance has a chance to sign up.

6 Parent Reader Sign-Up  Frequently Asked Questions:  What do I have to do?  When do I get to come?  Will you remind me when to come?  Does it have to be a surprise?

7 Classroom Management  The Rules  Consequences  Rewards  Individual  Group

8 Important Information about 1S  1S  Folders- Check it every night  Homework Sheet  No homework coupons  Website  Lunch tickets  Birthdays  Allergies  Transportation changes  Extra Work  Weekly Packets  Parent Involvement

9 First Grade Curriculum  Journeys  Write Steps Writing  Close Reading  My Math  STC-Science  Explore Where & Why- Social Studies  Health and Wellness

10 Journeys- Literacy  Whole Group and Small Group Instruction  Spelling – transfer & review words  Phonemic Awareness  Grammar  Comprehension  Think Central  Username: lowercase first & last name (no spaces)  Password: student  See directions

11 Write Steps Writing  Built around Common Core Standards  Writer’s workshop format  Mini-lesson followed by independent practice  Conferencing  Includes modeled writing, shared writing and independent writing  Includes opinion, informative/explanatory and narrative writing with various themes.

12 My Math  Built around the Common Core Standards  Multiple experiences to build conceptual understanding  Modeling, reasoning, problem solving, hands on  Whole group and small group activities  Digital component –   Username: first and last name – all lowercase, no spaces  Password: cougar123  Areas of focus:  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Number and Operations in Base Ten  Geometry  Measurement and Data

13 Science  STC- a comprehensive, research-based K-6 science curriculum  Areas of Study – Weather and Organisms  Concrete experiences  Work independently & in groups

14 Social Studies  Hands-on program  Reinforces reading, writing & oral language development, as well as math skills, such as numbers, counting, graphing and charting  Some themes include:  Rules  Seasons/Holidays  All About Me  Map Skills

15 Health Topics  Nutrition  Fire Safety  Dental Health  Self-Esteem

16 Genesis  On-line Report Cards – December, March, June  On-line Grade Book – Parent Portal

17 Specials  Day 1 – Art  Day 2 – Music  Day 3 – Gym  Day 4 – World Language & Library  Day 5 – Gym  Day 6 – Computers (Enrichment)

18 Scholastic Book Club  Online Ordering  Website:  Class activation code: DXM7G  May still be under Ms. Mattina  Can access other catalogs  In class ordering  Check or money orders made out to Scholastic book clubs (no cash please)  Send in an envelope with your child’s name and “scholastic order” on the front

19 Need to Reach Me?  Email:  Phone: 609-298-0308 x1111  Written note in your child’s folder 

20 Questions?  Don’t forget to sign in with your email address, sign up for conferences and parent reader  Feel free to write a note in your child’s purple journal  I look forward to an exciting year working with you and your child  Demonstration of Think Central and My Math

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