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Unit 3: AN AGE OF REVOLUTION The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment THE OLD vs. The NEW WAY OF THINKING.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: AN AGE OF REVOLUTION The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment THE OLD vs. The NEW WAY OF THINKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: AN AGE OF REVOLUTION The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment THE OLD vs. The NEW WAY OF THINKING

2 The Medieval View of the Universe Structure of Universe: Geocentric Theory All Knowledge from – Bible – certain ancient thinkers (Aristotle, Ptolemy) – Superstition God-Centered World View: Mans’ destiny is out of his control Geocentric Model

3 A New Scientific Way of Thinking - 1500s The Scientific Revolution = thinking based on observation, questioning, & experimentation Heliocentric Theory (Sun at center of solar system) Knowledge derived from scientific research and logic Man could learn to understand his universe Heliocentric Model

4 Why and How Did This Change Occur? Knowledge from Muslim scholars of Middle East filtering in to Europe Rediscovery of lost Greek & Roman writings as result of Crusades Exploration opened Europeans’ minds to idea that there were new truths to be discovered Advancements in technology required Europeans to know more

5 Newton’s Law of Gravity Turns the World Upside Down Newton discovered the natural law of gravity Develops a concept of universe known as “The Clockwork Universe” – All things on earth and in space are governed by the same forces (or set of natural laws) – Gravity was just one of these laws – In the same way that a clockmaker can repair a clock, because he understands how it works, humans can understand their universe, if they understand the laws that govern it

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