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Sea World Objective: To COMPARE media texts Starter: Thinking about the previous web site Thinking about the previous web site (Edinburgh Zoo) What could.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea World Objective: To COMPARE media texts Starter: Thinking about the previous web site Thinking about the previous web site (Edinburgh Zoo) What could."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea World Objective: To COMPARE media texts Starter: Thinking about the previous web site Thinking about the previous web site (Edinburgh Zoo) What could you write about the COLOURS used in this web site? (Edinburgh Zoo) What could you write about the COLOURS used in this web site? Where is the POWER OF THREE and what are its CONNOTATIONS? Where is the POWER OF THREE and what are its CONNOTATIONS?

2 Image (10) Write a paragraph about the image What is it meant to make you feel? Is it similar OR different to E- Zoo? Key words: mother and child, maternal, caring Closeness, security, safety.

3 Layout and Accessibility There is a lot more writing on this site (compared to the E Zoo) how has it been organised to make it more ACCESSIBLE and less THREATENING? There is a lot more writing on this site (compared to the E Zoo) how has it been organised to make it more ACCESSIBLE and less THREATENING?

4 Pairs Activity (5) Read the first section and answer the following: Read the first section and answer the following: What is the audience? How do you know? What is the audience? How do you know? Why does it use brackets i.e.( AZA, AAZPA) (TIP: browse through the other sections) Why does it use brackets i.e.( AZA, AAZPA) (TIP: browse through the other sections) Which words link back to the E Zoo site? Which words link back to the E Zoo site?

5 Pairs: Read the second section (10) Look at the beginnings of each BULLET POINT. They are all VERBS - promote, encourage, help, foster, advance. What do all these have in common? Look at the beginnings of each BULLET POINT. They are all VERBS - promote, encourage, help, foster, advance. What do all these have in common? Summarise each point in simple language i.e. the first simply means….. They care for the environment Summarise each point in simple language i.e. the first simply means….. They care for the environment Check your answers

6 They help conservation organisations to work together to improve their standards. They make sure that animals moved from One zoo to another are treated humanely. They make sure that animals captured in the Wild for the zoos are treated humanely They make sure that the public understand the need for conservation and they protect endangered animals.

7 Web page 2 How is this section of the web site different to the first? ACCESSIBILITY How is this section of the web site different to the first? ACCESSIBILITY Read the first TWO sections. How would you describe the PURPOSE? How do you know? Read the first TWO sections. How would you describe the PURPOSE? How do you know? Complete the ITAPE comparison chart

8 E - Zoo Intro:Techniques:Audience:Purpose:Effect: Sea World Intro:Techniques:Audience:Purpose:Effect:

9 E - Zoo Intro: Main purpose is persuasion Techniques: Accessible, less threatening, appealing image, personal address: nouns, verbs, imperatives, adjectives, pronouns Audience: Parents, businesses, people who care about animals / conservation Purpose: Education, raising awareness, persuasion to visit Effect: E Zoo as dedicated, committed, worthy of support, parents encouraging children to care for the environment Sea World Intro: Main purposes are information / education Techniques: Information, more complex, formal – bullet points, numbers, brackets to make more accessible, image for appeal – mother / child. Has a message to communicate - conservation Audience: More adult ( complex language) people who want to learn about endangered species OR share with children Purpose: Information/ education Effect: Sea world as committed, trustworthy, dedicated to protecting animals and the environment.

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