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By: Catalina, Charlotte, Elena and Bosco. INDEX Forces Acceleration Pictures Gravity Newton Galileo End.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Catalina, Charlotte, Elena and Bosco. INDEX Forces Acceleration Pictures Gravity Newton Galileo End."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Catalina, Charlotte, Elena and Bosco.

3 INDEX Forces Acceleration Pictures Gravity Newton Galileo End

4 FORCES A Force is a push or a pull. In your everyday life, you experience a variety of forces. You apply a force to a ball when you throw it up in the air. As the ball rises, the force of gravity slows it down. As the ball descends, gravity makes it fall more rapidly. When you catch the ball, it applies a downward force to your hands. But your hands apply an upward force to the ball to stop it.

5 ACCELERATION Physicists refer to any change in motion—whether the change involves speed, direction, or both—as an acceleration. The force necessary to accelerate an object by a given amount depends on the object's mass. The greater the mass, the greater the force must be. A car must have a lot of force



8 GRAVITY  The moon is smaller than the earth. Its force of gravity is only one-sixth as strong. So an astronaut weights only one-sixth of what he or she weights on earth. Weight is measured in newton's(type to measure weight in space). A newton has the weight of a large apple.

9 ISAAC NEWTON Newton discovered the law of gravity, when reading a book an apple hit him on his head and he thought why did that apple go down and not up. That’s when he started to think.

10 This is how the apple fell on him

11 Galileo was a intelligent astronomer that discovered that the sun was in the middle but they didn’t believe him. Then they imprisoned him in his home. He discovered with his own telescope that Jupiter had 4 moons. Then when he died, they noticed he was right, so many people were jealous.


13  What did people feel when Galileo died?  How did Newton discover the law of gravity?  What is a force?  What is necessary to accelerate objects?

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