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Published byMillicent Perry Modified over 9 years ago
10/19/2015COSC-4301-01, Lecture 171 Real-Time Systems, COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 Stefan Andrei
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 2 Reminder of the last lecture Modechart – Chapter 6, section 6.8 of [Cheng; 2002]
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 3 Overview of This Lecture Model checking of finite-state systems Chapter 4 of [Cheng; 2002]
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 4 Motivation One way to show that a program or system meets the designer’s specification is to manually construct a proof using axioms and inference rules in a deductive system such as temporal logic, a first-order logic capable of expressing relative ordering of events. This traditional (and manual approach) to concurrent program verification is tedious and error-prone even for small programs. For finite-state (concurrent) systems, we can use model checking instead of proof construction to check their correctness relative to their specification.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 5 Model checking approach Represents the (concurrent) system as a finite-state graph, which can be viewed as a finite Kripke structure. The specification and/or safety assertion is/are expressed in propositional temporal logic formulas. We can then check whether the system meets its specification using an algorithm called a model checker. So, the model checker determines whether the Kripke structure is a model of the formula(s). Example of model checkers: [Clarke, Emerson, Sistla; 1986] [Burch, et al; 1990]
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 6 [Clarke, Emerson, Sistla; 1986]’s approach The system to be checked is represented by a labeled finite-state graph and the specification is written in a propositional, branching-time temporal logic called computation tree logic (CTL). The use of linear-time temporal logic (LTL), which can express fairness properties, is ruled out since a model checker such as a logic has high complexity. Instead, fairness requirements are moved into the semantics of CTL. We use the terms program and system interchangeably.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 7 System specification To construct the finite-state graph corresponding to a given concurrent program, we can begin with the initial state labeled with the initial values of all program variables or attributes (called labels here). For each possible statement, we execute the statement and examine any change to one or more program variables. We construct a new state if it is different from any existing state, together with an edge between these states. We repeat this state and edge construction steps until there are no states to consider.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 8 Finite-state graph. Railroad crossing CTL structure for the railroad crossing system: Figure 4.1 of [Cheng; 2005], page 88
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 9 The CTL structure The CTL structure (state graph) is a triple, M=(S, R, P), where: S is a finite set of states, R is a binary relation on S which gives the possible transitions between states, P assigns to each state the set of atomic propositions true in that state. Example: The previous figure shows each state with two variables (gate-position, train-position). The initial state is S 0.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 10 The correctness of hardware and software systems Four principal techniques for ensuring the correctness of hardware and software systems: Simulation Testing Deductive Verification Model Checking
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 11 System Verification System Verification via Model Checking What is Model Checking? Comparison with other techniques
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 12 The Process of Model Checking Three Steps of the Model Checking modeling specification verification.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 13 Step 1 --- Modeling Modeling is the conversion of the system into a formalism. For modeling of systems we use finite automata. Owing to limitations on time and memory, the modeling of a design may require the use of abstraction. We use a type of state transition graph called a Kripke structure to model a system.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 14 The Kripke structure A Kripke structure over a set of atomic propositions AP is a four-tuple, M = (S, S 0, R, L), where S is a finite set of states. S 0 S is the set of initial states. R S × S is a transition relation. L: S 2 AP is a function that labels each state with the set of atomic propositions true in this state.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 15 Kripke-Structure. Micro-oven cooking Example
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 16 Kripke-Structure. Micro-oven cooking Example M = (S, S1, R, L) S = {S1, S2, S3, S4} S1 is the initial state. R = {(S1, S2), (S2, S1), (S1, S4), (S4, S2), (S2, S3), (S3, S2), (S3, S3)} L (S1) = {¬close, ¬start, ¬cooking} L (S2) = {close, ¬start, ¬cooking} L (S3) = {close, start, cooking} L (S4) = {¬close, start, ¬cooking}
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 17 Step 2 --- Specification What is Specification? Classical Logic Temporal Logic
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 18 Operators for the Temporal Logic Four basic temporal operators: 1. X (‘‘next time’’) 2. F (‘‘in the future’’) 3. G (‘‘globally’’) 4. U (‘‘until’’) Two quantifiers for the Temporal Logic: 1. A (‘‘always’’) 2. E (‘‘exists’’)
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 19 Three main ways to represent Temporal Logic: CTL* (Computation Tree Logic*). CTL (Computation Tree Logic) with 8 basis operators: AX and EX; AF and EF; AG and EG; AU and EU. LTL (Linear Temporal Logic).
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 20 Semantics of CTL operators Literal p holds in state s iff p L(s). Formula ¬ holds in s iff does not hold in s. Formula 1 2 holds in s iff 1 and 2 hold in s. Formula 1 2 holds in s iff 1 or 2 holds in s. Formula 1 2 holds in s iff 1 does not hold in s or 2 hold in s. Formula AX holds in s iff holds for all direct successors of s. Formula EX holds in s iff holds for some direct successors of s.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 21 Semantics of CTL operators Formula AG holds in s iff holds for all paths beginning in s. A path is a set of states that are linked by arcs in the Kripke structure. Formula holds for a path iff it holds for all states of that path. Formula EG holds in s iff holds for a path beginning in s. Formula AF holds in s iff for all paths beginning in s then holds for some successor of s. Formula EF holds in s iff there is a path beginning in s such that holds for some successor of s.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 22 Semantics of CTL operators Formula 1 U 2 holds in s iff there is a path beginning in s (say s=s 1 s 2 …) for which there exists s i such that 2 holds in s i and 1 holds in s 1, …, s i-1. Formula A[ 1 U 2 ] holds in s iff all paths beginning in s satisfy 1 U 2. Formula E[ 1 U 2 ] holds in s iff there is a path beginning in s that satisfies 1 U 2.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 23 Model checking Goal: Determine whether a formula holds in a state. Problem: Formulas refer to infinite paths. Solution: Only interested in checking sub-formulas at states. Collect states where sub-formulas are true. Key observation: The number of states is finite.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 24 Step 3 --- Verification CTL* - Model-Checking CTL - Model-Checking LTL - Model-Checking Human assistance ? + Error trace
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 25 Verification
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 26 Algorithms for Model Checking State space explosion problem Number of states typically grows exponentially in the number of process
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 27 Exponentially growing
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 28 The major techniques for tackling this problem Based on Automata Theory Based on Symbolic Structure Other Methods -- Alternative Methods
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 29 Based on Automata Theory (1) On the Fly Technology Definition Intersection in the “on-the-fly” model checking Advantage of on-the-fly model checking
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 30 Based on Automata Theory (2) Partial-Order Reduction Technologies 1. what is interleaving? 2. what is partial-order representation? 3. three kinds of the partial-order reduction technologies dynamic partial-order reduction technology static partial-order reduction technology purely partial-order reduction technology
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 31 Based on Symbolic Structure Symbolic Structure with a Boolean formula Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) 10 5 states -- 10 20 states -- 10 120 states SMV language and OBDD (Bryant's ordered binary decision diagrams) Successful examples with SMV
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 32 Example When concurrent processes share a resource, it may be necessary to ensure that they do not have access to it at the same time. The solution should satisfy: Safety: the protocol allows only one process to be in its critical section at any time. Liveness: whenever any process wants to enter its critical section, it will eventually be permitted to do so. Non-blocking: a process can always request to enter its critical section. No strict sequencing: processes need to enter their critical section in strict order.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 33 Modeling two processes Each process can be in: Non-critical state (N) Trying to enter in its critical state (T) In its critical state/section (C) Each individual process undergoes transitions in the cycle N T C N …, but the two processes interleave with each other.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 34 First attempt of mutual exclusion N1,N2 T1,N2 C1,T2 N1,T2 C1,N2 T1,T2 N1,C2 T1,C2 s0s0 s1s1 s3s3 s5s5 s2s2 s7s7 s4s4 s6s6
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 35 Verification of the four properties Safety: 1 = AG ¬(C1 C2). Liveness: 2 = AG (T1 AF C1) and of course one similar for the second process: AG (T2 AF C2). Non-blocking: 3 = AG (N1 EX T1) and of course AG (N2 EX T2). No strict sequencing: 4 = EF (C1 E[C1 U (¬C1 E[¬C2 U C1])]) and of course one similar for the second process: EF (C2 E[C2 U (¬C2 E[¬C1 U C2])])
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 36 Verifying Safety 1 = AG ¬(C1 C2) Clearly, ¬(C1 C2) is satisfied in the initial state. So it is satisfied in every state because no state has both C1 and C2.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 37 Verifying Liveness 2 = AG (T1 AF C1) This is not satisfied by the initial state. We can find a state accessible from the initial state, namely s 1, in which T1 is true, but AF C1 is false, because there is a computation path s 1 s 3 s 7 s 1 … on which C1 is always false! So 2 does not hold.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 38 Verifying Non-blocking 3 = AG (N1 EX T1) Every N1 state (s 0, s 5 and s 6 ) has an immediate T1 successor. So 3 holds.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 39 Verifying No strict sequencing 4 = EF (C1 E[C1 U (¬C1 E[¬C2 U C1])]) This is satisfied by the mirror path to the computation path described for liveness, s 5 s 3 s 4 s 5 … So 4 holds.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 40 The second attempt The reason liveness failed in our first attempt at modeling mutual exclusion is that non- determinism means it might continually favour one process over another. The problem is that s 3 does not distinguish between which of the processes first went to its trying state. To fix this, we split s 3 into two states.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 41 Second attempt of mutual exclusion N1,N2 T1,N2 C1,T2 N1,T2 C1,N2T1,T2 N1,C2 T1,C2 s0s0 s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s5s5 s8s8 s6s6 s7s7
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 42 Exercise Verify the four properties for this new model.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 43 The labeling algorithm Given a model M and a CTL formula , the labeling algorithm outputs the set of states of the model that satisfy . The CTL formula has only the connectives: , , , AF, EU, and EX (the others can be expressed using these connectives). Next, we label the states of M with the sub- formulas of that are satisfied there, starting with the smallest sub-formulas and working towards .
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 44 Steps of the labeling algorithm Suppose is a sub-formula of and states satisfying all the immediate sub-formulas of have already been labeled. If is : then no states are labeled with . p: then label s with p if p L(s). 1 2 : label s with 1 2 if s is already labeled with both 1 and with 2. 1 : label s with 1 if s is not already labeled with 1. EX 1 : label any state with EX 1 if one of its successors is labeled with 1.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 45 Steps of the labeling algorithm (cont) AF 1 : If any state s is labeled with 1, label it with AF 1. Repeat: label any state with AF 1 if all successors states are labeled with AF 1, until there is no change. Figure 3.24 from [Huth and Ryan; 2004], page 223
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 46 Steps of the labeling algorithm (cont) E [ 1 U 2 ] If any state s is labeled with 2, label it with E [ 1 U 2 ]. Repeat: label any state with E [ 1 U 2 ] if it is labeled with 1 and at least one of its successors is labeled with E [ 1 U 2 ], until there is no change. Figure 3.25 from [Huth and Ryan; 2004], page 224
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 47 Example Checking E [ c 2 U c 1 ] for mutual exclusion model. The labeling algorithm labels all states that have c 1 during phase 1 with E [ c 2 U c 1 ]: states s 2 and s 4. During phase 2, it labels all states that does not satisfy c 2 and have a successor state that is already labeled: states s 1 and s 3. During phase 3, we label s 0 because it does not satisfy c 2 and has a successor state (s 1 ) which is already labeled. Thereafter, the algorithm terminates because no additional states get labeled: all unlabelled states either satisfy c 2, or must pass through such a state to reach a labeled state.
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 48 Example (cont) Figure 3.27 from [Huth and Ryan; 2004], page 226
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 49 Algorithm SAT Define, for a fixed model M and given formula , SAT( ) to be the states where holds: SAT( ) = {s | M, s ╞ } Define only for an adequate subset: { , ¬, , AF, EU, EX} Operators from propositional logic: SAT( ) = ; SAT(p) = {s | p L(s)} SAT(¬ ) = S − SAT( ) SAT( 1 2 ) = SAT( 1 ) SAT( 2 )
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 50 Algorithm SAT. Example
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 51 Algorithm SAT (cont) SAT( 1 2 ) = SAT( 1 ) SAT( 2 ) SAT( 1 2 ) = SAT(¬ 1 2 ) SAT(AX ) = SAT(¬EX ¬ ) SAT(EX ) = {s | s’.s s’ s’ SAT( )} More algorithmically: X = SAT( ); Y = {s | s’.s s’ s’ X}; return Y;
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 52 Algorithm SAT (cont) SAT(A[ 1 U 2 ]= SAT(¬E(¬ 2 U (¬ 1 ¬ 2 )] EG ¬ 2 ) SAT(E[ 1 U 2 ]) is given algorithmically by: W := SAT( 1 ); X := ; Y := SAT( 2 ); while (X ≠ Y) { X := Y; Y := Y (W {s | s’.s s’ and s’ Y }); } return Y;
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 53 Algorithm SAT (cont) SAT(EF ) = SAT(E[T U ]) SAT(AG ) = SAT(¬EF ¬ ) SAT(EG ) = SAT(¬AF ¬ ), where SAT(AF ) is given algorithmically by: X := ; Y := SAT( ); while (X ≠ Y) { X := Y; Y := Y {s | s’.s s’ and s’ Y }; } return Y;
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 54 Microwave-oven cooking. Example Specification with CTL-Formal: AG (start AF cooking) AG ((close start) AF cooking)
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 55 Microwave-oven cooking. Example 1 CTL-Formula: AG (start AF cooking) 1. Change formal to ¬EF (start EG ¬cooking)) 2. From simple partial formulas to the more complicated formulas, until all of the formulas are true. S (start) = {S3, S4} S (¬cooking) = {S1, S2, S4} S (EG ¬cooking) = {S1, S2, S4} (all conditions lie on a path) S (start EG ¬cooking) = {S4} S (EF (start EG ¬cooking)) = {S1, S2, S3, S4} (can be followed with S4) S (¬(EF (start EG ¬cooking))) = { } 3. Result analyze: the initial formula is not a theorem (it does not hold in any of the states of Kripke structure)
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 56 Microwave-oven cooking. Example 2 CTL-Formula: AG ((close start) AF cooking) 1. Change formal to ¬EF(close start EG ¬cooking) 2. Now the algorithm can be applied to the formula S (close)= {S2, S3} S (start)= {S3, S4} S (¬cooking) = {S1, S2, S4} S (EG ¬cooking) = {S1, S2, S4} S (close start EG ¬cooking) = { } S (EF (close start EG ¬cooking) = { } S (¬(EF (close start EG ¬cooking)) = {S1, S2, S3, S4} 3. Result analyze: the initial formula is a theorem (it holds in all the states of Kripke structure)
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 57 Real-Time CTL Existentially Bounded Until operator: E[f 1 U[x,y] f 2 ] at state s 0 means there exists a path beginning at s 0 and some i such that x <= i <= y and f 2 holds at state s i and for all j < i, f 1 holds at state s j Min/max delays Min/max number of condition occurrences
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 58 Summary Model checking of finite-state systems
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 59 Reading suggestions Chapter 4 of [Cheng; 2005] Chapter 4 of [Huth and Ryan; 2004], where this is: M. Huth and M. Ryan: Logic in Computer Science. Modelling and Reasoning about Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN 978- 0521-543101
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 60 Coming up next Symbolic model checking of finite-state systems (Ordered) Binary Decision Diagrams Chapter 4 of [Cheng; 2002]
10/19/2015 COSC-4301-01, Lecture 17 61 Thank you for your attention! Questions?
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