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Brandy Ballard Who Am I?. Brandy Ballard2 Up until 4 th grade I attended a catholic private school in Rockford, Illinois. I hated those uniforms and was.

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Presentation on theme: "Brandy Ballard Who Am I?. Brandy Ballard2 Up until 4 th grade I attended a catholic private school in Rockford, Illinois. I hated those uniforms and was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandy Ballard Who Am I?

2 Brandy Ballard2 Up until 4 th grade I attended a catholic private school in Rockford, Illinois. I hated those uniforms and was the only girl in my entire grade of 34 kids that wore shorts under her jumper, so I could play with the guys at recess. In 2 nd grade we got our first communion; I got to have a party.

3 Brandy Ballard3 Hometown : Byron, Illinois Byron is a small country town of about 3500 people. We moved here when I was in 4 th grade. I would most likely compare Byron to the town from Varsity Blues. Friday Night Football the entire town practically shut down. This is me & one of my best friends at a playoff game our Senior Year. Byron School District

4 Brandy Ballard4 This is what my backyard looks like. I loved growing up away from the city I think there is a greater sense of freedom when you’re out in the country.

5 Brandy Ballard5 One of my favorite hobbies…. My 4X4 Big Bear

6 Brandy Ballard6 Family- Daddy’s Little Girl He’s probably the reason I’m such a country girl. Me and my dad are tremendously close. He’s the one who’s gotten me into all of my hobbies…four wheeling & bow hunting are the top two. Even when I turned 18 my dad and I went and got tattoos together. He’s my role model in life and one of my best friends.

7 Brandy Ballard7 I joined the Delta Zeta Sorority my sophomore year here at Eastern. The house keeps me tremendously busy, but I still love it. This is my pledge class this year during rush.

8 Brandy Ballard8 One of my favorite times with the house was Greek Week 2005. We took 1 st in Airband & Greek Sing. Here we are with the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity who placed along side of us all weekend.

9 Brandy Ballard9 I think most girls fall into the same sports teams as their dad, therefore, I have been a bears fan before I could walk. Football is my favorite professional sport to watch, I absolutely love it! Go Bears!

10 Brandy Ballard10 Baseball is my second favorite professional sport. One day the cubbies will break the curse and go to the World Series. Go Cubs!!!

11 Brandy Ballard11 My girls are always there for me and I don’t know what I’d do without them. Even though they’re city girls to the core, I couldn’t ask for better friends.

12 Brandy Ballard12 This is my little girl Samantha. She’s our bird dog and a fabulous hunter. This is my mom’s baby, Peanut. We’ve had her since I was in 4 th grade.

13 Brandy Ballard13 The Future I’m hoping to go student teach in Australia. I think it would be an amazing experience.

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