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June 15 th 2014.  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually.

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Presentation on theme: "June 15 th 2014.  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 15 th 2014

2  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually by repentance and confession.  3- You have no enmity or conflict with others.


4 Monday : 9 -11a.m (Feast of St.Philopateer) Tuesday : 5 – 7 a.m Friday : 11 – 1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الإثنين : 9 -11 ص. ( عيد الشهيد أبي سيفين ) الثلاثاء : 5 – 7 صباحا الجمعة : 11:00 – 1:00 السبت : لا يوجد قداس الأحد : 8:00 - 11:30 القداسات

5 English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adult Bible study. (Epistle to Philippians) Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:30 مساء إجتماع درس الكتاب العربي. « سفر أرميا »

6  Special meeting with the servants of the Pre k & KG classes and their coordinators. From 1:15p.m

7  We want to thank Mary Guirguis, Kyrollos and Christine Nasr for their service. They are moving back home.

8  June women’s meeting will be this coming Saturday (June 21 st ) at the church 11:30a.m  Speaker : Tasoni Verena.  Topic : “Love one another”

9  Sunday July 6 th, we will have a play and choir presentation by the youth group starting 7p.m at The Courtyard Theater 1509 H Avenue, Plano, TX 75074  Tickets are available with Ehab Eskander.  The theatre capacity is limited to 300 people.  This activity is done by the youth to support our future Gym building…suggested donation to cover most of the expenses is $7/ticket.  For the parents having kids under 5 years, special seating area will be available.

10  ARM convention for "ANGELS" with special needs. The convention will be from Wednesday, July 23th – Sunday, July 27th at the St. Stephen retreat center. God willing, we will be blessed by the presence of HG Bishop Youssef.  More information for volunteering or donation, please contact: Abouna Joachim Boutros St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Fort Myers FL 239-273 5029

11  We will start having information desk after Sunday Liturgy to help the new comers to our church regarding some important issues for their settlement…such as: applying for jobs, school and college application, knowing about bank accounts, taxes, filling immigration forms…etc.  Kerrellos Hanna will be available outside for those who are willing to help with this service.

12 1 - مهارات التواصل : - الحوار و الإصغاء - التفاوض - التعبير عن المشاعر 2 - مهارات العمل الجماعي : - تقييم الآخرين - احترام الاختلاف - تحديد الهدف و تقييم العمل 3 - مهارات التعامل مع الضغوط : - امتصاص الغضب - التعامل مع الصدمات و الأحزان - التفكير الإيجابي و اتخاذ القرار.

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