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Exclusive Facilities for Trucks in Florida: An Investigation of the Potential for Reserved Truck Lanes and Truckways on the State Highway System International.

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Presentation on theme: "Exclusive Facilities for Trucks in Florida: An Investigation of the Potential for Reserved Truck Lanes and Truckways on the State Highway System International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exclusive Facilities for Trucks in Florida: An Investigation of the Potential for Reserved Truck Lanes and Truckways on the State Highway System International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Information Systems Janet L. Davis July 16, 2003

2 Background Research sponsored by the FDOT Systems Planning Office Work began in September 2000 Final Report published in June 2002

3 Study Purpose Evaluate the potential for reserved truck lanes and truckways Determine how commercial vehicles have been managed in other states Examine the current and future potential for reserved truck lanes and truckways on the State Highway System (SHS) Recommend a methodology to assist FDOT, MPOs and local governments to evaluate this potential solution

4 Study Design Research previous studies and applications Conduct site visits, gather data on decision drivers Develop criteria for Florida – test on SHS Examine operational considerations Recommend methodology

5 Some Quick Statistics 30% of the value and 56% of tonnage is shipped within 50 miles (FHWA) 72% of the value shipped within US is by truck (TRIP) Trucking expected to grow by 89% in southern states by 2020 (TRIP) From 1990 to 1999 urban truck traffic increased by 48.7% - increase in other traffic was 26.9% Rail freight is projected to lose market share to truck – a 15% decline is projected over the next 20 years (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

6 The concept of separate lanes for trucks is not new. The Oakland Bay Bridge originally opened in this configuration in the 1930’s

7 National Case Studies Completed site visits to: –New Orleans, Louisiana –Laredo, Texas –Newark, New Jersey –Boston, Massachusetts No truly exclusive, long-range facilities for trucks currently exist – all sites are short-range, special use facilities

8 Purpose is to remove trucks from neighborhoods, rebuild city streets Coincided with port improvements 3 years in service Construction cost more than $70 million Located at the Port of New Orleans Access limited to approved port traffic Tchoupitoulas Roadway (Clarence Henry Truckway)

9 Tchoupitoulas Roadway

10 World Trade Bridge Built to provide safety and congestion relief- Laredo Cost: $100 million Commercial use only (20k/day max) Includes truck-specific toll booths Operates 8am - midnight Direct connection to I-35 under construction

11 World Trade Bridge

12 NJ Portway Project Incorporates a systems approach – a series of interconnected but stand-alone projects Purpose is to provide congestion relief, safety, operations Some segments are truck-only Doremus Ave. – 1 st phase Includes widening, bridge replacement, improvements to drainage

13 NJ Portway Project

14 New Jersey Turnpike Only “dual-dual” roadway in US 33-mile barrier-separated segment Trucks restricted from inside lanes, no restrictions on cars Trucks may use inner lanes in emergency situations


16 Boston Haul Road Central artery / tunnel project 1.5 miles Converted railroad ROW: 4 tracks = 1 track, 2 lanes Less than AASHTO standards Some discussion to convert to mixed use traffic

17 Boston Haul Road

18 Methodology for Florida Site Selection Based on need to screen SHS GIS approach taken Data on variables obtained ESRI Spatial Analyst 2 employed Suitability model developed Correlation of variables to truckways not possible (none exist) - based on research-selected variables

19 Methodology for Florida Site Selection Over 20 scenarios run Three different models emerged Criteria used included: Truck volume Truck crashes (number) Percent truck traffic Proximity to trailer-on-flat-car, seaport, airport and truck terminal Level of Service

20 Truck Volume Suitability PercentileScore 999 958 905 753 <501

21 Percent of Trucks Suitability PercentileScore 999 958 907 755 <501

22 Truck Crash Suitability 1998 and 1999 totals PercentileScore 909 757 502 <501

23 TOFC Suitability Trailer on flat car facilities From BTS/CUTR previous studies Proximity in Miles Score 39 57 75

24 Level of Service Suitability Based on review of Highway Capacity Manual and discussions with FDOT LOSScore F9 E5 D3 C2 A &B1

25 Truck Terminal Suitability Truck terminals from BTS/CUTR previous work on freight network Proximity in Miles Score 19 37 55

26 Airport Suitability Florida’s major airports based on enplaned tons of freight (2000) Cluster analysis to establish relativity Score established

27 Airport Suitability

28 Seaport Suitability Florida’s major seaports based on national ranking and value of cargo Cluster analysis to establish relativity Score established

29 Seaport Suitability

30 Suitability Models – Within Cities, Between Cities & Regional Within Cities - short haul Attempts to screen for “truck hotspots” that may be restricting access to freight facilities or impeding traffic flows Between Cities – long haul Screens for highest total demand for truck capacity and highway level of service Regional – medium haul Weighs truck volume, intermodal proximity, level of service and % trucks

31 “Between Cities” Model 5% 15% 5% 75%

32 “Within Cities” Model 10% 30% 9% 8% 9% 5% 20%

33 Regional Model 10% 50% 7% 6% 5% 10%

34 Suitability Model Results Six “Between Cities” highways emerged Three ‘Within Cities” corridors were identified Most of Florida’s Interstates have high scores I 95 I 4 I 75 I 10

35 “Between Cities” Corridors RouteLimits I – 95Miami to Titusville I – 95Daytona to Jacksonville I – 75Naples to Ft. Myers I – 4Tampa to Orlando I – 75Venice to Georgia I – 10Lake City to Jacksonville

36 “Between Cities” Outcomes Factor Miami – Titusville Daytona – Jacksonville Naples – Ft. Myers Tampa – Daytona Venice – Georgia Lake City – Jacksonville Highest Score97-88989 AADT High303,000125,00077,000179,000111,000157,500 AADT Low22,500 27,00026,50025,00017,300 Truck % High21% (5,674) 25% (7-9,000) 19% (5,700) 21% (11,000) 41% (10,500) 40% (10,000) Truck % Low6% (12,650) 4% (4,779) 12% (8,000) 2% (1,600) 10% (7,700) 2% (3,000) Truck Volume High21,65011,0008,80022,00014,70010,800 Truck Volume Low2,1334,2183,6001,7006,2001,400

37 Miami to Titusville Opportunities Joint use of Florida’s Turnpike Off-peak HOV for trucks only Limited median available – some opportunity northern sections of corridor

38 Daytona to Jacksonville Opportunities Only potential is to “take a lane” Opening of east-side bypass may allow consideration of marking existing I-295 lanes as truck-only Median availability in non-urban sections

39 Naples to Ft. Myers Opportunities Currently programmed FDOT widening will lower “suitability score” due to increased level of service Median will be taken by highway widening Limited opportunities found

40 Tampa to Daytona Opportunities Combine exclusive truck use in evaluation of High Occupancy Toll Lanes in Orlando area Consider exclusive port access in I-4/Crosstown Expressway project Examine high speed rail corridor acquisition as a “total transportation corridor”

41 Venice to Florida – Georgia State Line Opportunities High truck percentage and volume seem to warrant exclusivity Available median width for long stretches of I-75 One additional lane in each direction on the northern sections will exhaust ROW

42 Lake City to Jacksonville Opportunities Median width of >60 feet available for entire corridor Few highway overpasses – makes an exclusive median facility possible Rough cost for 60 miles = $549 million Part of national I-10 Freight Initiative

43 “Within Cities” Sites CityLimits MiamiPort to Airport area JacksonvilleI-95 bypass (I-295) TampaPort to I-275 / I-4

44 Miami Opportunities East-west access very constrained No available median apparent Elevated east-west facility along one of the 2 toll facilities could allow exclusive truck lanes on the “lower roadway”

45 Tampa Opportunities No available ROW identified No direct access to Port from interstate sends trucks along several different routes Creating direct and exclusive access to port as part of I-4 / Crosstown Expwy project may help

46 Jacksonville Opportunities Some issues addressed in “Between Cities Model” Need seems to be on local street system – model was run on only SHS Recent upgrading of northern port access appears very effective

47 Conclusions Opportunities exist in Florida for exclusive facilities constructed in existing rights of way Additional data is required to determine their cost effectiveness Adding new “express lanes” for cars-only, freeing up capacity for trucks may be more publicly acceptable An investigation of abandoned rail rights of way did not yield any opportunities to service long-haul truck movement

48 Conclusions Potential for dealing with the increasing demand for truck mobility may be better dealt with on a systems level Forecast data would be more appropriate as input to the GIS screening tool Routine updates of major truck-generating facilities are needed Operational changes should be attempted before capital intensive solutions are implemented

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